Nov. 1, 2021

E265 - Sum of Your Community - Steven Pesavento

E265 - Sum of Your Community - Steven Pesavento

You are the sum of your community, personally and professionally. Listen in as Steven discusses one of the most important things that you can do to be able to scale up either actively or passively, and how this can really help you grow.

You are the sum of your community, personally and professionally.  Listen in as Steven discusses one of the most important things that you can do to be able to scale up either actively or passively, and how this can really help you grow.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Surround yourself with somebody who is bringing you upward and moving you in positive momentum in the direction you want to be. 
  2. Don’t allow them to act like anchors actually pulling you back while you're trying to move yourself forward.
  3. Coaching and mentorship are a few of the best ways to surround yourself with people that will help develop and support your investor mindset
  4. Spend time investing in yourself, attend mastermind sessions, listen to podcasts and you will find yourself in like minded communities