Oct. 5, 2022

E328 - Market Update: The Long Term Viewpoint - Steven Pesavento

E328 - Market Update: The Long Term Viewpoint - Steven Pesavento

What do we do in times of economic uncertainty?  Steven is asked this question many times, especially in today’s economic downturn.  In this episode, Steven takes a look at the current market situation and shares his knowledge and expertise on how you can still make the best of real estate investing. 

Key Takeaways

  1. By holding on and sitting on cash in your bank account, you're losing money every single day.
  2. When it comes to the current market, what is happening is that as interest rates go up, the cost of capital goes up, returns go down, and buyers and sellers continue to see a gap that is widening. 
  3. If we move to a longer investment window, and we have longer term debt, we have the ability to wait out any type of storm that might be happening in the market.
  4. With locked in long term debt, with strong business plans with great operations, we can put ourselves in a position to greatly reduce risk and hedge ourselves against inflation, like no other asset class can do.


Resources Mentioned

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