Jan. 9, 2020

E78: 5 Steps of Planning - Steven Pesavento

E78: 5 Steps of Planning - Steven Pesavento

A goal without a plan and action is just a dream. This is the PERFECT time (it is a new year) to dig into your goals and actually create a plan for achieving them! Join us today for this quick strategy-session all about turning those dreams into real goals with a plan of action!

A goal without a plan and action is just a dream. This is the PERFECT time (it is a new year) to dig into your goals and actually create a plan for achieving them! Join us today for this quick strategy-session all about turning those dreams into real goals with a plan of action!  



  1. Write everything down!
  2. Schedule it or it won’t happen
  3. Take Action!
  4. Celebrate your accomplishments