On this episode of The Karen Kenney Show, I dive deep into the surprisingly spiritual world of The Care Bears.
And trust me, it's way more profound than you'd expect from cute, colorful teddy bears!
I break down how these adorable characters and their “cousins” actually represent powerful spiritual principles.
Especially when we look at their incredible "Care Bear Stare" – which is a collective beam of positive energy that can literally transform negativity. How fun is that?!
Each Care Bear has a unique "belly badge" representing their special power, which they activate through joining together, blasting positive emotions, and using focused concentration.
Sound familiar? It's basically a metaphor for how we can show up in the world, too.
The real magic happens when these bears (and by extension, us) come together with conviction.
They also teach us that love isn't weak - it's a fierce force that can overcome all kinds of challenges.
And by using our individual gifts and joining forces, we can create massive positive change!
It's about recognizing that we each have a unique superpower, and when we combine those powers, we're basically unstoppable. Heck yeah!
My big takeaway?
We need to be more like Care Bears: recharge through service, stay committed to love, and remember that we can do incredible things - but only if we do them together!
So, a few fun questions for you… 1) What would be your Care Bear color? 2) What's your "belly badge" and 3) How are you going to blast some love into the world today?
It’s time to activate your Care Bear Stare! Who’s with me?!
• The Care Bear Stare
• Love is a fierce power
• Recharge through helping others
• Your Belly Badge / Special Gift
• Teamwork beats individual struggle
• Positive emotions create change
• The Power of concentration + conviction
• The Nest - Group Mentoring Program
Karen Kenney is a certified Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Integrative Change Worker, Coach and Hypnotist. She’s known for her dynamic storytelling, her sense of humor, her Boston accent, and her no-BS, down-to-earth approach to Spirituality and transformational work.
KK is a wicked curious human being, a life-long learner, and has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years! She’s also a yoga teacher of 24+ years, a Certified Gateless Writing Instructor, and an author, speaker, retreat leader, and the host of The Karen Kenney Show podcast.
She coaches both the conscious + unconscious mind using practical Neuroscience, Subconscious Reprogramming, Integrative Hypnosis/Change Work, and Spiritual Mentorship. These tools help clients to regulate their nervous systems, remove blocks, rewrite stories, rewire beliefs, and reimagine what’s possible in their lives and business!
Karen encourages people to deepen their connection to Self, Source and Spirit in down-to-earth and actionable ways and wants them to have their own lived experience with spirituality and to not just “take her word for it”.
She helps people to shift their minds from fear to Love - using compassion, storytelling and humor. Her work is effective, efficient, memorable, and fun!
KK’s been a student of A Course in Miracles for close to 30 years, has been vegan for over 20 years, and believes that a little kindness can make a big difference.
Karen, hey you guys. Welcome to the Karen Kenney show. I'm a little I'm a little giddy with excitement to talk about this episode today, mostly because I just
Karen Kenney:learned a bunch of stuff I didn't know. I mean, like, maybe it was in my subconscious from, like the collective subconscious, from being on the planet at the same time as
Karen Kenney:these little beings. But holy moly, I just learned a bunch of stuff that's just making me laugh. And I just have to say, S, T, o, t, J, spiritual team on the job. And thank
Karen Kenney:you, spiritual team for this podcast idea, which I think I'm just going to call the cab bear stair, the cat Bear Stare, and I'm going to tell you a little bit more about
Karen Kenney:how this happened, and you're basically going to see how my brain works. So here we are. I'm just opening up the lid to my head, Marie, and you're going to see this is how
Karen Kenney:my brain works. Okay? So I have a friend called Karen, and at one point I was working in a place where we had two carers, and so we called one, like Cece, and then we called
Karen Kenney:the I call the other one cab air. And so I was laying on the floor. As you can see behind me, I have this great rug, and in this room, as you guys know I have these
Karen Kenney:skylights. And so one of the things that I do, and I've often said this, like, never underestimate the power of just laying on the floor like spread eagle, staring at the
Karen Kenney:ceiling. Oh my God, Jesus Christ on a crack at anybody else, anybody else kind of feeling it these days. But so a lot of times when I just need a break from working or
Karen Kenney:writing or whatever, I will literally just get out of this chair, lay on the floor, spread eagle stare, stare up through the skylights and look at like the trees in the
Karen Kenney:sky or whatever. Okay, so there's a reason why I'm telling you all that. So I was thinking about my friend Care Bear, and I was sitting here, and I had a thought to
Karen Kenney:myself, and I thought, I just need to, like, recharge. Like, I just need to lay down on the floor, take a breather, take two seconds and recharge. Or I'm like, gonna, like, pull
Karen Kenney:my hair out. So, you know, we are in incredible, incredibly challenging times. I mean, all throughout history. All throughout history, we can look back and see there were
Karen Kenney:periods of time when the world was at either a boiling point or a breaking point, or a point when something new was trying to be birthed. There was going to be big change.
Karen Kenney:And a lot of times before big change, there's a lot of tension, there's a lot of pressure, there's a lot of fighting, there's a lot of breaking down, there's a lot of
Karen Kenney:bullshittery, there's a lot of bullshit happening, right? And so it can feel like, really like, to those of us, especially, I mean, I would say to everybody, I think
Karen Kenney:we're all sensitive in our own ways, but those of us who might identify as highly sensitive people, you know it can feel just a little like murder, like our nervous
Karen Kenney:systems are just like, Oh, I'm I always go like this. I'm melting. I'm melting. If you're not watching this, if you're listening, I kind of have my fingers on my
Karen Kenney:temples and I'm like, just kind of pulling my eyes back, and I'm just like, melting my face. I'm like, that's how I feel sometimes. So when those moments happen, I have a
Karen Kenney:gazillion tools, right? I've been at this stuff for a long time. I have a lot of different tools. I can use a lot of spiritual tools. I have a lot of
Karen Kenney:neuroscience tools. I have like tapping and bilateral stimulation and breath work, right? I'm a I'm a breath coach. I stretch like all these things. I got the tools, but
Karen Kenney:sometimes, again, never underestimate just kind of like, laying on the floor and letting yourself just recharge. And that's how I see it. I'm like, I am just going to,
Karen Kenney:like, unplug from this crazy world. I'm going to unplug from social media. I'm going to unplug from all the shit coming at me from out there, and I'm just gonna go
Karen Kenney:inside, and I think about it this way. And this comes from, like, different traditions, different ways of different ways of looking at this. And so I kind of think of it like
Karen Kenney:this. So where, like, so my meditation teacher is warrant a Swaran. His granny was his great spiritual teacher. And he always says she was uneducated, she was very
Karen Kenney:simple, but she was incredibly deeply wise, and she had such spiritual knowledge to impart on him. And she used to call him the little lamp, the little lamp, l, a, m, p,
Karen Kenney:little lamp. And I think of all of us as being little lamps. We are little lambs, but what lights us up, right? I always say the divine God source Love is the electricity,
Karen Kenney:and the only way that we can shine is we have to plug into that internal divine spark. And when we plug in, right? We. Light up. I'm going to explain what, how this all
Karen Kenney:relates to can best stay with me. So I was laying on the floor the other day, and I'm like, I just need to recharge. I need to plug in. I need to plug into source. I need
Karen Kenney:to go right to the source. That's like me spending a little time with God, with spirit, with Holy Spirit, with my spiritual team. However, some people plug in by going
Karen Kenney:out into their own, quote, unquote, God, they go out into Mother Nature, right? So we all have our different ways of recharging. I have a bunch of different ways, but
Karen Kenney:sometimes it's just laying flat on my back. So as I was laying on my back, I thought, because I thought, I need to recharge, right? I was sitting at my desk, I was like,
Karen Kenney:I'm melting. I need to recharge. I lay on the floor and I think to myself, this, this thought just wanders across my head, I need to recharge like the Care Bears, right? And
Karen Kenney:I was like, other than calling Karen Care Bear, I haven't really thought about Care Bears like forever, right? So I'm like, Wait, do Care Bears like? Recharge. Like, I
Karen Kenney:know they have that beam of light, but like, how did they recharge? And from that curiosity, from that question, here we are. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, I
Karen Kenney:don't give a shit about the Care Bears, but you might if you stay tuned and you continue to listen, because I'm going to break down kind of the spiritual principle of the Care
Karen Kenney:Bears. Now, for those of you who are not familiar with the Care Bears, I'm going to show a little picture. Those of you who are watching I think most of you might remember
Karen Kenney:them, but here's a quick little picture of all the different colored rainbow Care Bears. Okay, these little plushy Care Bears. They're wicked cute. Okay, but here's some
Karen Kenney:things that I learned. Let me just give you a quick kind of back story for those of you who might be too young, or you were too old, or you just forgot, you just remember
Karen Kenney:vaguely what they are. So the cafes are like these multi colored bears, and they started off as drawings, as illustrations for American greeting cards. And the artist, her
Karen Kenney:name was Elena kucharick. This was 1981 so the year, it was actually the year that my mother died. So I was 12 years old when the Care Bears came on the scene as cards, as
Karen Kenney:greeting cards, they were then eventually turned into plush teddy bears, and then they became like a TV show and movies and stuff like that. Okay, so the Cabot they're multi
Karen Kenney:colored bears. Here's the thing, though, each Care Bear is like a different color or a different shade of color, and they each have a unique image on their tummy, on their
Karen Kenney:stomach. Now, sometimes these are called belly badges, which How cute is that I'm like, I want a belly badge. Belly badges, and sometimes they're called tummy symbols,
Karen Kenney:okay? And those symbols, those badges, represent their personality or their specialty, like their special power, okay? There were 10 original cabs, and they were
Karen Kenney:bedtime. Bear, I love these bedtime. Bear, birthday. Bear, cheer. Bear, uh, friend. Bear, fun, fun. Shine. Bear, good luck. Bear, grumpy. Bear, love a lot. Bear, oh,
Karen Kenney:tender heart. Bear, and wish. Bear, those are some pretty cool names and some pretty cool powers, if you kind of think about those in your mind, what they are later on,
Karen Kenney:though, and this is when I got wicked excited, because I didn't know this. I'm learning all of this right now, with maybe some of you later on, additional bears
Karen Kenney:joined the 10 original bears. But you know who else joined? The family, the camp Bear Family, the cousins. Oh, my God. Now the cousins were different animals. There was
Karen Kenney:like a lion, a rabbit, a penguin, a raccoon, I think there was a pig.
Karen Kenney:I think there was a I think that I say lamb, I think there was a lamb as well. There were, like, all these different characters, and they were the cousins, and this just got
Karen Kenney:me thinking about when we were kids, right? You may not have had siblings, but if you had yourself a good cousin, like you were in good hands, right? A lot of times I think of
Karen Kenney:cousins as our kind of additional siblings, and sometimes the cousins are easier to love because you don't like, you know what I mean, like, because you don't live with them
Karen Kenney:all the time. Maybe I should say they're easier to like you kind of choose to hang out with your cousins, your siblings are kind of forced on you, but the cousins are
Karen Kenney:the ones we often choose as the siblings that we love or also wish that we had. So I love this idea of the the cousins. Now, as I said, each Care Bear has their own unique
Karen Kenney:belly badge symbol, and I'm going to explain how all of this relates to where we find ourselves right now and that need to recharge, like what's going on in the world
Karen Kenney:and why the Care Bears right matter. So stay with me. Just. Stay with me. I'm laying down some foundation here so each cabinet has that unique belly badge symbol. It
Karen Kenney:represents their special power. But do you know how the special power is activated? Now this is when it starts to get spiritual and principled, and this is where it's really
Karen Kenney:helpful. They activate their special power through positive emotions and concentration. I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so fantastic. So by paying attention, by
Karen Kenney:focusing their attention, and by doing it through positive emotions. Now I love that this episode is happening right after my last episode that was talking about toxic
Karen Kenney:positivity, because this isn't that. This is about going within ourselves and kind of wrangling up right, stirring up, grabbing that positive force field of what I would
Karen Kenney:call love, right? Doing this through positive emotions like love, joy, celebration, appreciation, gratitude, these powerful emotions that we sometimes look at
Karen Kenney:as being, quote, unquote, weak or too soft or too wussy or too like they're just not fierce enough. And I'm like, Are you kidding me? Because love is an incredibly fierce
Karen Kenney:emotion, and it is incredibly fierce motivator, and it has its own kind of power. It has staying power, and it has sharing power, because when enough people come
Karen Kenney:together from a place of love, miracles happen. Shit gets done, people get saved. The tides turn. Do you know what I'm saying? So I love that they each have their own
Karen Kenney:special power that they activate through these positive motions, aka love, etc, and through their concentration, which means they need to be present, they need to be
Karen Kenney:paying attention, and they need to be focusing on the task at hand. And I will say this, there's a line in A Course in Miracles that says you you basically accomplish so
Karen Kenney:little because you have undisciplined minds. You have minds that are not able to focus, to concentrate, to be where you want it to be, because we get so distracted and talk
Karen Kenney:about social media like I have often thought. Now I want to be very clear here, not a doctor, not talking shit about anybody who has been diagnosed with ADD ADHD, any of
Karen Kenney:those things. I'm just saying. I think a lot of people think that they have ADHD or the inability to focus and concentrate. And again, I'm not saying that it's not true and
Karen Kenney:that you haven't had a proper diagnosis, but I'm, I'm curious about how much of those symptoms are attributed these days from social media, from being distracted. You
Karen Kenney:know, I think about how much, and I talk about this, how much this world dismembers us, it pulls us apart. And so much of the spiritual work that I do. Part of it is the
Karen Kenney:underlying piece of it is the one of one of the hot beats of it is to re remember ourselves, to remember who we truly are, to come back to this dismemberment of being
Karen Kenney:chopped up into little pieces, to being distracted and pulled out of ourselves, to remember is to come back to our wholeness, to our holiness. That's what holiness is.
Karen Kenney:It's our true wholeness, our whole self, right? That capital S self as one of God's kids, as an extension of the Divine, as an extension of love, as part of the universe,
Karen Kenney:right? It's like to come back to that wholeness is such a powerful thing. To concentrate, to be think about what to be concentrated means, right? To not be
Karen Kenney:deluded, to not be watered down, to be at your full effect. And the Care Bears have that. And I was like, oh, we need to be more like the Care Bears. We need to blast our
Karen Kenney:special powers by by by basically activating them through our positive emotions, like love and through our concentration. And then I was like, I want to answer that question
Karen Kenney:that I asked. Like, do the Care Bears recharge? And if they do, how do they do it? Like, how do they get that power? So I learned this in the Care Bear universe. The
Karen Kenney:bears don't explicitly, like, need to, quote, unquote, recharge in, like, a traditional sense, where, like, they go someplace and they plug in, right? They have
Karen Kenney:basically their own internal recharging system. Just like we do. I always say, What do you think prayer is? What do you think meditation is? What do you think
Karen Kenney:concentration is? What do you think moving your body and breathing is like? For some people, it's dance. For some people, it's yoga like, how do you recharge? Be around
Karen Kenney:the people you love. Do what you love, create at you know, there's like 1000 ways. Take a bath, go for a swim, go out, spend time in nature, like, go to the beach, float
Karen Kenney:in the ocean, pet your dog, right? Like, there's 1000 ways that we can recharge. But listen to this. The bears don't recharge in a traditional sense. But what they do, their
Karen Kenney:powers are depicted as stemming from their positive emotions and their caring nature. It's the positive emotions and the caring nature that basically and essentially
Karen Kenney:replenishes them. So when they perform an act of kindness, when they think about other people, when they're loving towards other people, that's how they recharge. They
Karen Kenney:recharge by spreading positivity. They recharge by helping others. They recharge by being of service. They recharge by being their loving selves, their whole holy
Karen Kenney:selves. I was like, Oh, my God, this is such an incredible example for the time that we find ourselves in. This is how we're going to recharge. This is how we're going to
Karen Kenney:survive the next four years, right? This is how is by relying on right. First of all, that, as I was saying, to recharge, to go online, for me, like with the divine right,
Karen Kenney:to tap into those inner resources. As I always say, the assignment is alignment, and when we are in alignment, man, does that channel come right through that antenna is
Karen Kenney:like boop on point we are listening to radio station, k, g, O, D, or whatever you want to call it, K, Mother Nature, right? K, M, N, whatever, right? So we get to recharge
Karen Kenney:though, from helping others, spreading positivity, being of good cheer, you know. And it led me to this, the title of this episode, it led me to the Care Bear Stare.
Karen Kenney:And I was like, oh my god, what is the Care Bear Stare? Now, again, if you're not watching this show, I'm going to hold up the paper. I'll describe it to you. Those of you
Karen Kenney:who are watching, this is the Care Bear Stare. So all the Care Bears line up together, side by side, and they focus, and they concentrate, and they blast their
Karen Kenney:energy. And that's because they're all different colors. This is where the rainbow comes from, alright? So this is their signature move. We need this signature
Karen Kenney:signature move right now the Care Bear staff. So they're all standing, I'm going to describe it. They're all standing in a row. And it's like, purple bear, Aqua bear, Blue
Karen Kenney:Bear, like, coral Bear, Brown Bear, yellow bear, like tan bear, pink bear like that. Like all the Periwinkle bear, like, there's all these orange yellow they're all going
Karen Kenney:down the line, and they have different symbols on their bellies, right? And they're so cute, and they're blasting a rainbow of light in stars, right? So let me explain
Karen Kenney:this to you. This is the signature move when they use their special belly badges to project a positive beam of energy to help someone in need.
Karen Kenney:Think about this. Okay, I'm going to describe it a little bit more then I found this on, I think it was Wikipedia, but it says the glittery, the glittery beam filled
Karen Kenney:with hats and stars. This is what it does. It can blast an enemy to subdue their heartless attempts to hum others. Oh, my God. Listen to this, the glittery beam that
Karen Kenney:is filled with hats and stars. This rainbow beam can blast an enemy to subdue their heartless attempts to harm others. Okay, people, okay, take a look around. What is
Karen Kenney:happening right now. We've got some motherfuckers, some greedy ass people who are trying, trying, with their heartless attempts to harm others. And I was like, Oh,
Karen Kenney:my God, we need a care. Basta. Like, right now we all need to come together and use our belly badges to blast positive intention in love. Now listen to this. The stand doesn't
Karen Kenney:hurt their enemies, right? Meaning, it doesn't like kill them or whatever. It doesn't hurt them. And to the contrary, this. Stare can also be used to heal their
Karen Kenney:friends who have been hurt. Oh my gosh. And the way it generally works against the quote, unquote, enemies is it creates like a disgust in them. The enemy gets disgusted,
Karen Kenney:and as they stare right the recipient, the recipient of the Care Bear Stare, they get disgusted because it uncovers right or purifies their feelings towards another
Karen Kenney:person or a situation. And the cousins also have this ability. And theirs is they get together and they do the care cousin call. And this is basically when they're basically
Karen Kenney:pairing with the cabaret stairs, and instead they invoke their call, so they might make whatever their animal sound is. They make their animal call. And when these guys join
Karen Kenney:forces, they are, like, unstoppable. Think about this, because so often, again, people don't think of love as being part of the solution, just like I often joke, and I'm
Karen Kenney:like, you know, the world, the world is struggling. A lot of people are struggling right now, and unfortunately, right? A lot of people don't think, like, oh yeah, like a
Karen Kenney:spiritual mentor might be part of the solution, right? People often don't think that love is part of the solution, but I'm here to tell you it is. Now listen to this
Karen Kenney:when used the Care Bear Stare can overcome or at least seriously hinder all forces of evil. Oh my God, Jesus Christ, double Amen. Hands people who are listening, please tell
Karen Kenney:me you're picking up what I'm putting down. Please tell me you're hearing what I'm saying. The Care best stare can overcome, or at least seriously hinder all forces of ego.
Karen Kenney:What this is saying is when we all come together and we use our special powers, we use our individual special gifts, the individual curriculum, the divine assignment
Karen Kenney:that you and you alone have, the talents, the skills, whatever it is that you have at this point in time you are on the planet at this point in time because you were meant to
Karen Kenney:be here, because you have something to offer. You have your own skills and gifts. You have your own Care Bear Stare that you can add right so we have to get together and
Karen Kenney:use our forces of goodness to defeat forces of evil. Now, this is interesting, this is important. So listen, listen to this. The Care Bear Stare can be weakened when the
Karen Kenney:Care Bears either lose numbers, meaning people don't show up and do their job. People don't show up for the assignment. People don't show up when there's not enough
Karen Kenney:people working and moving in the direction of love for love, in service to love. When we don't have enough numbers, the care best day i gets weekend. It also gets weakened
Karen Kenney:when they lose morale, when they lose morale, when they go into despair and hopelessness and right, the Lilliputians, right? Oh, my God, we'll never make it.
Karen Kenney:We're doomed when we start to go into that, when we refuse to engage and we try to put our head in the stand when we try to pretend like nothing's happening, or we just feel
Karen Kenney:like I'm just one person. What can I do? This is how the cabasta gets weakened. Okay? So we know that what makes it powerful is that the cabastia is a symbol of teamwork.
Karen Kenney:You know, Marion Williamson was saying before that the time of the soloist is over. This is now the choir. The choir needs to step up and sing together. So this is a
Karen Kenney:symbol of teamwork, and it is entirely powered by the Care Bear Stare is powered by people's conviction. It's It's powered by the convictions of all the bears involved,
Karen Kenney:which means we gotta show up. We have to be like I talk about the five D's of DSP, daily, dedication, determination, discipline and devotion. This is the kind of conviction
Karen Kenney:that we need to have on the daily. We are determined, we are disciplined, we are devoted. You know what I'm saying on the daily, dedicated to the cause of leading
Karen Kenney:with love. Because, listen. This conviction piece is really important, because we are in a time when people who hate, they hate with a level and a depth of conviction that seems
Karen Kenney:tireless and it seems unbeatable. But I'm here to tell you that it is not. It is not. There are people right now who are greedy with conviction. There are people right now
Karen Kenney:who are so convicted that a woman shouldn't have a right to do what she wants with their own body, right there are people that are convicted that, like people who come here
Karen Kenney:from another country, immigrants don't belong here. I mean, like, do I have to list all the things I don't think I do. We're informed citizens, right? If you listen to
Karen Kenney:the show, I'm assuming you're an informed citizen. So here's the thing. Marion Williamson once said, you know, and she said it many times, actually, she's like, you
Karen Kenney:know, terrorists. Terrorists don't just wake up in the morning and think, I don't know. Like, maybe, like, maybe I'll blow something up today. Maybe I'll do something to
Karen Kenney:somebody today. No. Terrorists are deeply convicted people, they're all in on their hate, right? People who hate hate with a level of conviction. And the thing is, we
Karen Kenney:now need to love with the same amount of energy, concentration, conviction and teamwork as those who hate and it's interesting because the Care Bears, when
Karen Kenney:they do the Care Bear Stare or the cousin call, they have a motto, and the motto is, we can do it, but we have to do it together. We can do it, but we have to do it together.
Karen Kenney:So our work right now, you guys, is figuring out, what is my belly badge? What is my belly badge? What is my superpower? What is my strength in my gift, and how can I
Karen Kenney:contribute right to the positive forces of love in the world. Who are my other Care Bears? Who can I stand with? I mean, I can just speak for the people in the nest. We
Karen Kenney:stand together. We are our own little Care Bears, right? We have our own little Care Bear staff
Karen Kenney:that we are actively working towards. And maybe you experience this with your best girlfriends or your best friends, or maybe your family's really tight. Maybe it's the
Karen Kenney:people that you practice yoga with, maybe it's the people you go to church with. I don't know, whatever your little group or community is, right? What is your Care Bear
Karen Kenney:Stare? So what is your color? What is your belly badge, what is it that you are blasting out? Because we need to concentrate that energy and that effort. And the more I
Karen Kenney:think about this, you know, and what I love about the care best staff is you can blast an enemy to try to subdue their heartless attempts to harm others, but you don't
Karen Kenney:actually end up, quote, unquote, like harming them. So it's really a nice spiritual principle. It's like you're just basically blasting them with love. And when
Karen Kenney:people receive love, not everybody people, some people resist receiving love, but when we have a shift in our mind from fear to love, this is what the miracle is. It's a
Karen Kenney:shift in perception, from fear to love. And I think if enough of us come together and we do our own version of the Care Bear Stare, we have a shot. We can turn some things
Karen Kenney:around. We can at least, at the very least, get through the next four years. We can do it, but we have to do it together. So I would love to hear I hope some of you stayed
Karen Kenney:that long enough in this episode to hear this. I hope that you play along with me. I hope you write to me and you tell me, as if you're a Care Bear, what's your belly badge?
Karen Kenney:What's your superpower? And when you're shooting out your hats and your stars and your love, who are you directing it towards? What do you hear like? What matters to you?
Karen Kenney:Who are you getting together with to do these things? I just hope you drop me a little note and a little line, because I have to think about mine too. Because I'm
Karen Kenney:like, Oh, if I'm a can bear what I think I might know what color I am. More to come. I'll maybe do a post about this, but I would love, I would love to know this, and I'm
Karen Kenney:just so grateful, right? I just want to seriously spiritual team on the job, because it led me here. And I just thought like, oh my god, it might seem so ridiculous and so
Karen Kenney:simple and so silly and so childish. But I will say this, there's a difference between being childish and being childlike. It is in that innocence of the child that Jesus often
Karen Kenney:talked about, right, be innocent like a child, meaning when we were little kids. Kids, we just pretty much loved. We loved all the animals, we loved all the people we
Karen Kenney:were taught to hate, other things and other people, and maybe other religions or other races or whatever, right races of people. What does that eat? So I don't even look at
Karen Kenney:when we were kids. We just were love. We were love embodied. And then the world and our parents and society, in the school bully and all the things started to happen. But we
Karen Kenney:can reclaim, you know, there's a part of me that is still very much like a little kid, and I don't I hope I never, ever lose that. I hope I never lose my curiosity and sense
Karen Kenney:of wonder and my innocence, because I'm a realist. I can see the shit that goes on, but I just believe that there is something greater beyond that. Call it above it. Call
Karen Kenney:it past it. I can see through it, right? I can see through it to the other side. And I know what we're capable of as humans. I know the deep potential, that divine spark that
Karen Kenney:lives in all of us. So hopefully you guys, you're taking time each day to do your own DSP, your own daily spiritual practice. You're plugging into the source, whatever
Karen Kenney:you happen to call that you recharge yourself. So we can get up each day and keep doing the work that we are here to do, to keep being instruments of peace, to keep
Karen Kenney:being extensions of love, to keep remembering who we really are, coming back to our wholeness and our holiness. You know that line. And of course, in miracles, you
Karen Kenney:know, Child of God, You were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy. Do not forget this. And when we are in our care, Bear Stare when we are joined together
Karen Kenney:in service to love with people. We love doing the good work, right? The sometimes hard work, but like the good work when we're out there, making good trouble, making good
Karen Kenney:trouble. Thank you. Representative, Al Green, right, that's a care. Best day i happening right there. So you guys, thank you so much for listening. I love you. I
Karen Kenney:appreciate you. If you want to get in on the cam, best day I come join the nest. You can just find out about it. Go to my website, Karen, that's where you can find
Karen Kenney:everything. My yoga classes, the nest, working one together, one to one together in the quest. All those things are there and available, but just thank you for being a
Karen Kenney:listener to the show. I super duper have so much gratitude for you for being here. Okay, wherever you go, may you leave yourself the people, the animals, the place, the
Karen Kenney:environment in the other Care Bears better than how you first found them wherever you go, may your love, your energy, your presence and your Care Bear Stare be a
Karen Kenney:blessing. Bye. Bye.