Jan. 3, 2024

Daughters and Dialogues: Manifesting Success with Your Family

Daughters and Dialogues: Manifesting Success with Your Family

Join us for an engaging conversation with Rosie and Dani DeCesare, where we explore the concept of relaunching in various facets of life. Listen in as we discuss their significant relaunch experiences, including Rosie's bold decision to study abroad in Rome and Dani's battle with emergency gallbladder surgery in high school. Together, we navigate through the ups and downs of their journeys, the power of self-worth, coping with sadness, and their love for music.

We also dive into the power of visualization and the magic it holds in achieving your dream job. We discuss how shifting our state and elevating ourselves can help solve challenges and manifest our dreams. You'll learn about the concept of a "power song" and how it can transform your state of mind.

Finally, we'll guide you through a simple yet powerful process to manifest your dreams and desires. Starting with a clear vision, we'll help you tackle any negative beliefs holding you back, and inspire you with the idea of taking small, actionable steps towards your goals. Learn about our "believe it board" – a fresh take on traditional vision boards, and the importance of saying "no" and setting boundaries.

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The ReLaunch Your Magic Retreat is the ultimate event that will guide you in manifesting a heightened level of success even if your entrepreneurial spirit has fizzled out. Register now at: https://www.therelaunchcocourses.com/ReLaunch-Your-Magic

Hilary DeCesare:

You're listening to the ReLaunch podcast and I'm your host, Hilary DeCesare, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method, helping midlife women. Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and secrets that they learned along the way, so that you too, can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.

Hilary DeCesare:

Welcome back, everyone. And today is going to be the day this is the RE launch podcast. And I have two of the most incredible people sitting on my right if you're watching this, and sitting on the left, and let me tell you, we are going to go into what really is important in life. And that is not just your business. You are not just the entrepreneur, but you are literally the entrepreneur of your life. And that includes fam BAM time, and I've got Miss Rosie to Cesar and Miss Danny dis, Cesar, my two girls, and we're going to be getting into all things deceased her and all things about how things actually happened for them and the crazy things that I did with them when they were younger to help with the evolution of the relaunch code. So I'm like shaking in my boots right now. I'm so excited to have these two on welcome.

Rosie DeCesare:

Thank you for having us.

Dani DeCesare:

Thank You

Hilary DeCesare:

Oh my gosh. Okay. So I always like to do what we do on every show, which is, what was your most significant relaunch? And what would you say that is? Why don't we start with Danny, what was your most significant relaunch?

Dani DeCesare:

I think my most significant relaunch was when I was in high school and out of nowhere in sophomore junior year, I got super sick, went to the hospital and needed emergency gallbladder surgery. It was a long healing road where I would get these abdominal migraines that would happen multiple times a day, I missed, like 100 days of school, following the year that I got my gallbladder taken out. So it was a crazy time. It was a longer road to get back to where I am today but

Hilary DeCesare:

learned a lot from it. Okay, so my question is, do you think you needed your gallbladder out? No, I don't. That's really interesting. Okay, why is that? Because

Dani DeCesare:

the same feeling that caused me to go into the hospital that abdominal migraine was why they thought I needed it out but it ended up happening 10 times worse. 10 times a day.

Hilary DeCesare:

You still have surgery and still have them even up till now. Yeah, yeah,

Dani DeCesare:

much more infrequent now, but

Hilary DeCesare:

yes. Doesn't that just like It's craziness? Crazy. Wow. Unless now. And Rosie what would you say? Are you going by Rosie or Devin Devin rose is a real name what what? What are you really

Rosie DeCesare:

gonna go by Rosie right

Hilary DeCesare:

now? We can just stick with Rosie alter egos

Rosie DeCesare:

seven is kind of more my feisty side and Rosie is sweet family side. Roses.

Hilary DeCesare:

Sweet family side. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so what do you think your most significant relaunches?

Rosie DeCesare:

I think? Honestly, I think you've mentioned that you can have multiple relaunches, and I wouldn't say I've had a huge significant one, quite yet, but I think there's two I think my first one was when I decided to study abroad, my first semester of college in Rome, Italy. And that was definitely it just pushed me out of my comfort zone. I was kind of just so comfortable at home. Like I was definitely someone that relied on my family and my parents for everything. And it kind of just forced me to break out of that comfort zone and just kind of be on my own and start my own life. And it created just an independent version of myself. And then I tell you something

Hilary DeCesare:

about that. I thought that if COVID didn't happen and had to you had to be sent back in the second semester. I thought you may never come back. Yeah, yeah. Who loved it so much that I'm like, Oh my gosh, have we lost rose? Yeah,

Rosie DeCesare:

it just it put in perspective to me that the world is so much bigger than this tiny town in California that I grew up and it kind of just it made me realize that there's endless possibilities like I can be whoever I want to be and you know, sometimes when you grow up in a small town like everyone knows Everything about you. And sometimes that can be quite comforting, but at other times it can kind of, you know, like force you not to change and open up your mind a little bit. And going into Rome just kind of showed me like the beautiful endless possibility of I can be whoever I want. And then my second relaunch, I would say, I'm probably going through a relaunch right now in my life, I'm about to graduate school. And I'm kind of just realizing my worth in like, just jobs and school and stuff. And I'm in a really happy relationship. And so I'm just, I'm just really happy overall. And I think I'm just growing up and realizing my worth, again, trying

Hilary DeCesare:

to tell you how many people need to hear that. Because that is one of the top limiting beliefs is not being good enough and not feeling like you have that self worth. It's incredible. So what do you do when you get down when you're when you're blue? To

Rosie DeCesare:

be honest, recently, I have been, when I'm feeling sad, I've just kind of been trying to force myself to do stuff. Whereas before, when I was sad, I would kind of just isolate and be, as you guys know, I'd kind of just close my door and just be alone. And recently, I've just been, you know, forcing myself whether that be hanging out with friends going to get, you know, I live in LA right now. So there's always stuff going on. And sometimes that can be a little scary just because it's like when you're sad and depressed, you just kind of want to go in a little cocoon, but I've just whether it's been taking a walk, going for a drive, having conversation, calling my family, I've been trying to just talk to people more instead of just keeping burdens inside of me, which has been helpful.

Dani DeCesare:

Rosie go first.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, so you know what you didn't mention, which I know is one of your biggest music, music, and I know you're a big music person as well. And so when you think about your power song, a song that just lights you up, what would you say it is? Dani?

Rosie DeCesare:

So I am a true Swifty. I've been a Taylor Swift fanatic just my entire life. And so I would have to say Taylor Swift. She has such a good catalogue, obviously. But I would probably have to say the song that fires me up that I'll crank in the morning going to work or school is bad blood by Taylor Swift with Lamar, such

Hilary DeCesare:

a good song. And what about you?

Dani DeCesare:

Currently mine is Long live Taylor Swift longer.

Hilary DeCesare:

Oh, we've got to there, hang it up. Okay, well, what many people don't know is I've often talked about three HQ, which is you know, the headquarters of yourself. You've got your head, your heart, your highest self. But out of three HQ, which is a pretty big concept. What we came up with was this process called Tune in. But the origin of tune in that's where people don't really know what tune in is and where it came from. And I have to say that it came out of being in a car ride with the kids, specifically, where we actually created the game was a day that the one on my right, Miss Rosie was actually in one of her 13 year old moods should we say. And she got in, I thought, oh my gosh, she was she was sad. She was like, almost crying that things just were not falling in place for her at that moment. And she didn't really want to go to school. And she didn't really want to be with a family. It is

Rosie DeCesare:

a very emotional kid. And so I really did wear my heart on my sleeve, which like, is a good thing now because I'm in touch with my feelings. But also for my family growing up, it must have been kind of difficult just because I wouldn't I wasn't good at hiding my sadness or my anger. And so

Hilary DeCesare:

you don't want what you were able to do. Getting in that car, you created something that now 1000s of people are using every single day. And it's the tune in process. So she would get in the car and this specific day, I was just like, What could I possibly do to change this kid to help to help her get through it, and to help myself get through it because I had to still take her on this, like 20 minute drive. So I said we're playing a game, it's called Change the channel, and I'm gonna push a button, and you're gonna have to whatever I say you're gonna have to sing. And so she would and she would sing like Taylor Swift and she could pick any song and then I would say Grateful Dead and she'd have to sing a Grateful Dead Or I'd say, you know, the, the Rocky theme song and she had to sing that whatever it was. And I would just go click, click, it was changing the stations, but changing the channel and that would elevate her energy. Because by the time we got to where we were going, she was actually really happy. So what I want to do with you girls right now, is I'm going to take you through the process as it is known today and I want you to answer the questions. Okay. So step one is In, in this tune in is, what is a challenge that you're going through right now it can be, it can be in work, it can be personal, something that you want intention out there. What would it be Danny? For me, I think

Dani DeCesare:

it's I'm trying to move to New York in March. I'm super excited for it. But it's so excited. There's a lot of change and challenge that comes with a move across the entire country. Okay, for that it's go to New York.

Hilary DeCesare:

I mean, that's a good one. Okay. And

Rosie DeCesare:

what would you say? I would say, mine is right now. I work in the music industry. And it's such a vast field and industry, there's so many different jobs in it. And so mine would probably be it picking one section in that in the industry. And just like, because I feel like I'm good at multiple things. But right now, I'm done with all my internships. So I'm not doing everything. Now. I have to like, lock in one, one job, you know, and so it probably be figuring out what I want to do. Like, what is that dream? Yeah. Is it ANR? Is it publishing you know,

Hilary DeCesare:

so good. Okay. So that's step one. That's head based, right? Because your challenge you're thinking about it. So when you have a challenge, you're actually operating at a lower vibrational level, everything has a motion, or excuse me, everything has a vibrational level to it. So what we want to do in order to solve your challenge is we need to elevate you highest self elevate you to a higher level. How we do that is our power song. Power song. So yours was bad blood. Yours was Long live. Okay. I want you to hear the song in your brain in your mind. Hear it and take it from your head to your toes. 20 seconds. Okay. Move your body. Move your body because we're changing the state. Are you are you hearing it? Turn it up row? Are you hearing it? Oh, yeah. Okay, turn it up. Turn up the volume, Dani

Dani DeCesare:

goodness, because I thought you were gonna ask us to sing.

Hilary DeCesare:

I draw the line. Actually, can I tell you I should have made Rosie Okay. So here we go. That has to happen for 20 seconds. Neuroscience base, we've got to change the state. So we've got our songs. Are you feeling a little bit better now? Feeling good. So now we go into step three. Step three is the emotion. It's the heart behind it. I want you to be the star of your mini movie. You are creating a movie. That is the opposite of what that challenge was. So you are seeing yourself in the most incredible job you've ever had your dream job. You are seeing yourself in New York. Loving life. No regrets just being in the moment, right? But keep it going. Like now. I want you to visualize that. Get excited about it. But guess what you are wearing? You are on stage right now. You're thinking about this and you were wearing a certain color. What color? Are you picturing yourself right now?

Dani DeCesare:

I'm in red.

Hilary DeCesare:

You're in red.

Dani DeCesare:

I was thinking red.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, Dani, you already red can't have red. Yeah, you gotta have red, you both can have red. And here's what I want you to do. intensify the red. intensify it 10 exit. Make it so vibrant. Tune back into your power song, move your body, close your eyes, move your body and just ailable in to that moment where you're there. All right, feel into it. Oh my god, this is so good. Now what I want you to do, every great movie has a picture attached right that billboard in Times Square. I want you to do this. You're going to open and close your eyes. When I say click and you're taking an internal picture of that image three times. Ready, internal picture. Click, click, click. Do you have one picture that you absolutely what is it one, two or 3221? Number one is your favorite. Okay, that is the image that you're going to keep going back to. Now we go into step four. And step four is where we create once again, we're back in our head, a micro action, micro action that actually gets you one step closer to that visual, that image of you. So Danny, what could you do today? Because again, I always say speed is success. Success loves speed. What could you do today to get one step closer tune back in your song. I can see you like, like kind of hearing it and this is bed. So what do you think you could do?

Dani DeCesare:

First thing I'd like to change my song to a different Taylor Swift song. Welcome to New York. It just goes along perfectly. Isaac Cersei.

Hilary DeCesare:

And now we're going to take you through the whole step again, and do whatever song But this is the play on the same picture. But hey, okay, you're playing the other one. So what would be that first step that you could take small micro action?

Dani DeCesare:

I think one thing that would help with my comfort and get me more excited, would be to go on to street easy. Find some killer apartment and just start scrolling through if you just start to get aware and excited with what's out there. Oh, I'd

Hilary DeCesare:

love that. Okay, and you what could you do one mic tune back into your song, tune back in visualize that picture. And what would be a micro action you could take today, to get you one step closer to that, like, perfect job,

Rosie DeCesare:

I think I could go on YouTube, and will jot down the five positions that I have, I feel like I'm good at and I could go on YouTube and look up day in the lives of like, those people and what they do. You like, that's really good. So I could just see, you know, because I feel like sometimes it's hard because, like, it's hard to know what you want when you can't visualize yourself there. And my biggest problem and like hardship through that has been it's there's not a lot of strong like female mentors in the music industry. Most managers, most head of the labels are men. And I am a very just like girls girl. And so I always like try to bond with people and women specifically. But the women in the industry are a bit more cutthroat because they've had to work really hard to get to where they are. And so it's been, you know, like, it's it would just be nice to try to find on YouTube. Just like a day in the life of someone like me, that's just actually enjoying what they're doing, but also really successful. So do

Hilary DeCesare:

you have anyone out there? That's a female that you think is a really great mentor for you?

Rosie DeCesare:

I mean, You,

Rosie DeCesare:

in the music industry, you're so say, No, I

Rosie DeCesare:

do I do a

Hilary DeCesare:

shout out. Can you do? Person? Yeah. Real.

Rosie DeCesare:

That was someone she's an amazing person. And just someone that I my last internship has just really showed me what it takes to be a good, like worker in the music industry, but also a good person and she loves her life. And she's just has great energy, and also another girl named Lauren, who is the head of sync at crush, shout out crush, and yeah, okay, so Lauren.

Hilary DeCesare:

So what you did, though, you just gave yourself about five micro actions. Okay? Because you could, yeah, you could do five, you said, Hey, you have all these different positions, you could go on YouTube, you know, even the mentors, there could be like, putting a list together of who would you really want? You even threw out a couple of names? What would be the one because I want you to really think micro smallest action you could take because that was a lot. Which one could you do today? Even if it's just like, what, what would that be?

Rosie DeCesare:

Go on YouTube and look up a day in the life of the head of a&r at one of the record labels that I would like or

Hilary DeCesare:

Vega. That's it. So that is the entire tune in process. And you girls just went through it. And my suggestion is anytime that you're starting to worry about it, get anxious, you go right to this place. I have written about you know, coaching a lot of people for a long time. I have people do this 510 times a day. Because imagine the feeling that you had when you're like, Okay, I could do this. Anytime you have that challenge tune in. It's such a cool process you

Rosie DeCesare:

think tuning in is kind of like, like a micro version of manifestation.

Hilary DeCesare:

It's the beginning steps to actually have manifestation. Great

Rosie DeCesare:

question. I've seen you just you are able to manifest pretty much anything in your life like this woman. I used to just think she was super lucky. But now I do think that there is some universe spiritual thing behind it just because you could you could say I want a I want it to celebrate California, and you could visualize it and then it'd be snowing

Dani DeCesare:

and cottage shots that person who if she needs to get a flight home, there's one spot left on

Rosie DeCesare:

Well, here's the balance gets upgraded.

Hilary DeCesare:

So here's the best part of that is that you are my guinea pigs when I first started because you know, I don't believe in vision boards. I don't believe in dream boards. But I do believe in believing. Believe me before. It's the belief of board. Okay. You're most likely to send it What's that? No, it's called the belief. Why am I lying on the pod? That's so good. Well, maybe when I was what I was teaching you guys how to do it. 1015 years ago, I was still calling it a dream board. Or I never called it a vision board. board right dream board, but now it's really a believer board. And I gotta say you have Danielle One of the most incredible believer on board. I mean, it even blew my mind share, share the story. So

Dani DeCesare:

I'm sure you all remember Twilight. I do. It was the first series I actually ever read. And I think I read all the books in like two weeks, I was obsessed with Twilight. In fact, I'd go onto my mom's computer, and use about 200 pages of paper and all of her anchor just to print out pictures of all these characters, and then glue them into a large notebook. I bought I was obsessed with Twilight. Yeah, um, and the movie came out loved it must have washed it. 1015 times that I saw the second one. I was like, gosh, I'm just so obsessed. And I wanted to cast. So I started this dream board when my mom said, you know, a few things that you really want to happen. The first was, you know, I want to meet the cast Twilight.

Hilary DeCesare:

Along with like every other teenage girl in the world a great a

Dani DeCesare:

great second thing. I want to become class president next year when I go to sixth grade. And I want to go to Iceland. Those were the three things and I put them on there.

Hilary DeCesare:

And why did I go to Iceland? Do you remember why? No, I did a rod you were doing. You were doing a report and you're like, I don't know. Where are they do those mushing things. And I'm like, I don't either. You could do a last year. Or Iceland. Yep. And so Okay, so tell what happened.

Dani DeCesare:

And lo and behold, I think I did this in like January, my mom's very big on kind of kick off the new year. By the end of the next year, all three had happened.

Hilary DeCesare:

All three, all three, you realize you put especially the Twilight? That one said that one specific. You said I want to meet the cast. I want to see the premiere. And I want to take pictures. Yeah, with the cast. I'm like, Whoa, okay. So within a week and a half, I am seated at a dinner. And the guy next to me, and I'm going to do a shout out to Tim. And it was it was my house. I was having a dinner party at my house. And Tim looks at me and says, Hey, do you do your? Do your girls like Twilight? I'm like, Are you kidding me? And I'm thinking of course this is just like small banter talk. And he said, Well, I've got one ticket or two tickets, two tickets to the premiere. And I said, You've got to be kidding me. And he said, well, and then you're also going to be able to take pictures with the cast. I'm like, Are you kidding me? And so I said, Oh my gosh, only two tickets. Is there any way we could get a third? And he's like, Well, there was only two we know who would have gotten. Anyway, we ended up going and it was absolute incredible. Now, you also did a believer board, and you have been doing it. But recently, the biggest one came when you were thinking about college. Mm hmm. And

Rosie DeCesare:

yeah, I knew I wanted to go to school for music. And so USC had always been a dream school of mine, my sister went to UCLA. So I was very familiar, which is going to LA and stuff and I just had this this just like such a glamorized vision of myself in LA living there kicking butt working in the music industry. And but obviously school is hard to get into. And I think USC has like a, it has a really small acceptance rate. And I remember I was I was on campus with my mom. And my mom looked over at me and she goes, Do you want to go here, and I was like, more than anything. And she told me to, like mount my stance, and visualize myself there and just visualize myself feeling confident walking to class. And so we took like, five minutes where I just stood there. And I felt kind of silly because I close my eyes. I really visioned myself there.

Hilary DeCesare:

And I had the wonder woman stands in the middle of campus. Yeah.

Rosie DeCesare:

And but hey, it worked. And I am about to graduate from USC now. And yeah,

Hilary DeCesare:

I mean, it was so it was so incredible. And I remember we bought a doll that had a little cheerleading Yeah, fit on it. That's it. Yeah. See, not that you want to be a cheerleader. But the whole that was the only doll they had. And I remember we had it on your bed. And you were visualized you had all the things in front of you aren't you know, pasted on the wall? I mean, it's just when I talk about this stuff, people people don't realize it works. You do the process. You do believe a board. You do rocket goals. Why

Dani DeCesare:

does it work?

Hilary DeCesare:

Danny, so good. You want to know why she's like, you're gonna have to read the relaunch? Yeah, exactly. As a matter of fact, I've got a book called relaunch. That talks all about it. But the main reason it works is that your brain is wired. When you have a thought. When you have an emotion with a thought it is designed there's something in the back of your head called the reticular activation system. And have you ever have you ever had this happen? Don't hit the pole. Don't hit the pole. Don't hit the pole. What happens? You hit a pole Yeah, hit the pole. All. So imagine the reverse. I want to go to, I want to go to that premiere, I want to go to that premiere, I want to go to that premiere, your brain starts to work on actually making that happen for you. This is the thing the universe wants to deliver. And you are a supercomputer that can make anything happen. Anything. Nothing. It's not like the universe says, oh, gosh, that's a big, that's a big goal. Oh, that's a teeny goal. No, it's all one in the same.

Rosie DeCesare:

I have a question for you. Do you think? Like I, I know we speak of like, the universe? And you know, just like spiritual stuff? Like, do you think religion plays any part in that? Like, do you think God for you the stuff that happened? You

Hilary DeCesare:

know why? That is such a great question. Because so many people that work with me, are multi religious, like different language or different religions. Some are not religious at all. Some are spiritual, the universe, they have a connection with the universe or some they're like, I don't even know what the connection is. But I know there's something more than me. For me. I am a Christian. And so I believe in God. So when I'm calling on you know what, what I'm trying to manifest when I'm putting together my believer board, I infuse it with my, you know, my master the one that I believe created me, and I do I infused God into my tune ins I infused God into when I'm putting out my rocket goals. Now, there is something funny skeezy skeezy Okay, girls. skeevy. What does that mean? It's

Dani DeCesare:

a combination, scary and crazy.

Hilary DeCesare:

Dad's part is that you go to was at high school where someone's like, you use the word skeezy. And they're like, what does that mean?

Dani DeCesare:

I hope it was middle school. What happened? I think go skeezy. That's not a word.

Hilary DeCesare:

Would you say?

Dani DeCesare:

It is

Rosie DeCesare:

I know that. That's the funny part about having kids is you can kind of you can kind of teach them whatever you want. You know, like, and obviously I think you and dad raised us incredibly. But like you did teach us like some crazy word.

Hilary DeCesare:

Yeah, no, we won't go.

Hilary DeCesare:

Talking Yeah. Now we all know. And then the girls find out that there's no such word. But you know what, my mom did that too. Okay, so we're wrapping it up. One of the things that I love doing is I love asking people what is their favorite product that they would if you had a gift to give someone right now? What would that product be? Hmm.

Rosie DeCesare:

I so I would have to say the Selena Gomez is rare. Liquid blush. I think it's just incredible. It's such a good consistency because it blends in really well. And it has like 20 different colors. And so there's like a super pinkish one. There's purple like, but it all I don't know for me like that's been because I love rosy cheeks. My name is Rosie. So make

Hilary DeCesare:

sense. And then what about what about you, Danny,

Dani DeCesare:

I would say in the super, super glow screen. It's

Hilary DeCesare:

quite a glow screen glow screen screen, cream glow screen. Okay. So let's write that.

Dani DeCesare:

It's quite helpful. But um, it's amazing. I've used it on vacations. And when you're just kind of out hanging out at the beach all day or whatnot. It's this sunscreen, but it has this like tint and glow to it. It comes in like a bunch of different colors. I usually get one that's like a little bit darker than my like the elephant jobs. Yes, exactly. But I'd say the consistency is a bit different. It's like very dewy and I got so many compliments my word on my last trip. It's just like the perfect like chill by the pool type of face thing. And then I also work every day for work at home when I'm not putting on kind of foundation and all that type of stuff. That's just a great kind of well,

Hilary DeCesare:

we will go ahead and click that in the show notes. And the very last question is, what is your word of the year that you are really going to lean into for this next year? I'll tell you what mine is okay. Mine is simplify and ignite. Actually two words. Find ignite what would yours be Dani?

Dani DeCesare:

Mine would be boundaries. liners when your friends say that when we went around and each said a word for the year at the start of 20 2003. That's right. I heard that I really got sick it's just really resonated with me the whole year just being able to say no sometimes I think kind of coming out of college a few years ago you always say yes, yes, yes, yes to everything and I think you get to an age where you feel like you're being spread so thin and in so many directions. And I think boundaries this year has been great. I've actually felt so much more peacefulness and happiness. So I want you

Hilary DeCesare:

to go and I want you to write that down when we're done, because that is so perfect for you right now. And I loved how you said it, that was really nice. And then row, which

Rosie DeCesare:

I would have to be action, because I think a lot of times I say I want to do something or I like, you know, make plans, and then I build on them. So I want to just like stay true to my word, one when it comes to relationships, but then also, if I talk to you, you know, like saying that I'm going to watch this video today or like, I'm going to reach out to someone that could help with my career to actually do it. So I would, I would say actually so

Hilary DeCesare:

great. Well, I have loved having you both on I would love to have you come back, we did not even touch on the idea around blended families and we have so much that we are going to need apart we need a party. But for right now everyone out there, you know, squeeze those kids call the kids get get connected, because I gotta tell you, these two and of course, Derek and Willie and Henry, they light me up. That's what you know, I sit here and I'm like gratitude. This is my attitude of gratitude right here sitting here bringing this to you today. So again, as you now live now, love now, relaunch. Now you want to sit with me live now. Love now relaunch now, and we will see you again next week. Take care everyone.

Hilary DeCesare:

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