I am excited to have my daughter join me for the New Year episode to explore the power of presence, intentionality, and mindset in achieving success. Through the Tune-In Process and the Believe It Board, Rosie shares how small, consistent actions and clarity helped her land her dream job at a top agency. Our conversation delves into the importance of staying present, setting meaningful goals, and using emotional energy to fuel growth. We want to remind you that the key to transformation lies in mindset, gratitude, and believing in your own potential. Start the New Year off with the ReLaunch of your dreams!
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Welcome to the ReLaunch podcast, and wow, these are the moments that you just want to pinch yourself. It's when you have a guest who's come back a second time, and you are sitting next to someone that you literally just adore and love, and who am I talking about? It is my one and only daughter, Rosie, well, not your only. Well, one and only, Rosie, you're my only. Rosie, yes, but you last year came at the end of the year, same time with your sister, Danny. Poor Derek has not made it on a show yet, but we did talk about it, and I thought we're going to do a little twist to it this year. You've always been somebody who has been able to manifest like the masters. I mean, you really have. And I'm kind of patting myself on the back a little, because you have become a huge fan of tune in of the believe it board, which, for those that don't know anything about the believe it board. First it is you take the vision board, throw it out the window. You take the dream board, throw it out and the only way to really have things happen in your life is to add the believe it board into your life. And you've done it. We're going to talk about it today. But Rosie, you have, like, literally perfected the tune in process. And the tune in process, for those that are new to this, is a four step process to elevate your energy, to get from where you are. Every emotion has an energetic level of vibration and up level yourself, so that whatever you are trying to attract, whatever goals, whatever results, whatever you're trying to prioritize, elevates you. And so what would you say if I took you through the tune in process right now so everyone could really get a good grasp on what it will do for you?
Well, first of all, I want to say thank you for having me, and I'm happy to be back in the the magic where dreams come true, but I would just say this this past year has been a roller coaster for me. I graduated college, started a new job at an agency that I'm really stoked about, and went into a little bit talk about that, but I think my biggest thing that I have to remember and that I remind myself about is to really focus on living in the moment and to have clarity about what I'm doing and where I am in life. And it's pretty much just to pinch myself, to remind myself that I'm not just this little human living in the simulation, just going to work every day, doing the same thing again and again, which sometimes it feels like, but that I'm actually making waves and I'm following my dreams, and that I, although some days are harder than others, that I need to reflect and pinch myself and remind myself to stay, just stay aware and stay in the moment and have clarity.
Oh, I think you said earlier on the hike, Mom, I just want to be present. What does present mean to you?
I think present just means to me, not not letting the time and the days just go by, and just not waiting and working for the weekends and living for the weekends, which I think a lot of people do in my situation, where it's in many people's situation, in your early 20s, just kind of entering this new chapter in your life, but actually making each day count, and just not letting life just fly by, but realizing that every day has the potential to be a great day, which you've taught me. You start what I'll give a little background. You start each day, and it's a good day, but it's your decision to make it a great day. And so I think it's just pinching myself, reminding myself that I've worked super hard to be in the position that I am today, and that sometimes days are harder than others. It's a roller coaster in the work field, but to remind myself to stay present and to live in the moment and just to realize that I've worked really hard to get to where I am today, and that I need to just remember every conversation, remember every feeling that I felt when I've gotten a new project. How it feels to get that first thank you and good work, you know, like
so I love that the four step tune in process first one is your biggest challenge. We would say being present, just like really absorb being there in the moment. Step two is when you literally up level your emotion. Because we understand that when you have a goal or when you have a challenge, you need to be up at the level that you're trying to create. And if you're trying to be present, it means that your challenge is you're not so we have to up level you, and the way we do that is with a power song. And what would you say your power song is?
I think I remember you asked me this last year, and I would say that my power song has definitely changed. Just. Because coming from musical background, I I hear new music every day, and I feel new feelings towards these emotions that I feel when I listen to this music. But I think right now, my power song is that's so true by Gracie Abrams,
Oh, I love that song. So good. So what we always do is, in step two, we listen for at least 20 seconds, and it can be in your brain, in your mind or outside. It doesn't matter if you're hearing it or hearing it here in your mind for at least 20 seconds, and that will elevate your state. And so at this point, I want you to just think about the song, and you move your body. Moving your body actually changes the state with the song, and now that song is going to be attached to this challenge for you. Okay, got it. And then step three is when you're on a stage which is perfect for you, and you're the star, you have something that you're wearing that has a color. What would the color be?
I think so as soon as you said that, the first color that kind of popped into my head was, like, a magenta, purple, just, I don't know, I feel like it's just like, I don't know it's then I also, the more I thought about it, I was like, like, I the first, my first thought was purple, magenta. But then I was like, I picture myself in red.
Which one do you want to go for?
Let's go with red.
Okay, Red, so here's what I want you to do, because what you're standing on, the reason you're standing on this stage is because everybody out there is listening to you explain how you overcame the challenge, how you actually became very present in your life, and they're hearing you, and they're like, I want more, Rosie, I want more. And you're in that red and you're 10x ing it, and you're like, seeing yourself, you got your power song. What are you feeling right now?
I think I'm just feeling like that high of just other people screaming my name, you know, like, it gets that, you know, like, I think, who doesn't? I mean, obviously, I'm sure there's a bunch of people that wouldn't want to be on stage, it would probably be their worst nightmare. But like, something about and I think me and you both, I think I get that from you where we just kind of, like, other people's energy is like, like, we just take it, you know, like, it heals us. Yeah, exactly. And it also can be in a bad way, where it's like, if someone has a bad attitude, then I'm going to have a bad attitude, you know, like, we're like,
that's why you can tune in. That's exactly why you can actually block it. But let's keep going with this. Yeah, so, so now what I want you to be thinking of is step three. Is, when you making you're actually creating a movie in your mind. And the movie in your mind is you're in red, you're on stage, you're telling everyone how you figured out how to be present. Now we go into step four, and you hear your song. You're You're elevating yourself. And step four is when you come up with a micro pop, an action that you can take. It's always small, very small, because success like speed, and if it's too big, we get overwhelmed, and we don't do it. So you're in a high level right now. What do you think you could do going forward and doing it today that would allow you to be more present in your existence right now? Like, it doesn't matter that you're not at work right now, but like, what could you do?
I think, I think the biggest thing is just thinking of the word present. Because I feel like, sometimes it's like, it's like, you have to remind yourself, and I feel like, like, just actively being conscious about it. So maybe a little step I could take is just having, like, a screensaver on my cell phone be like, stay present, you know, just like, live in the moment. Because I think that's my biggest thing. Is just not like I forget, like, it's not like I do it consciously. Beautiful thing, you know, I just, I just forget. Yeah, no, we met.
I think that Okay, so now you're going to go do that right after but as we now, that's your tuning in. You can tune in at any time you have always been a fan of the believe it board and the believe it board is very different than a vision board, very different than dream boards, and it infuses kind of the tune in process, the emotion behind it, the activities of what it takes. You don't just think it and it happens. But can you share with us this last year? Because you did the believer born, what? What were you most surprised that happened for you?
That's, that's a hard one. I think, I mean, I think this past year has been, has had its up since had its down, whether it's in the world or whether it's in my own personal life, you know. And I think the biggest thing that I imagined and put into the universe for myself was probably having a job that I'm really proud of out of college that like is that one of the bigger companies, um. Bought me this little USC cheerleader stuffed animal, and she put it on my bed. And I was a senior in high school, I was like, oh, like, I don't, what is this doing here? You know, like, kind of tacky. And my mom was like, just keep it there. Look at it every single night and keep imagining yourself wearing that uniform to a game. You know, just like being in the school spirit, just being at that school and just, and I think it was just, it was, it wasn't just like a cute little thing that was on my bed that my mom got me a memorabilia type thing. It was like, it was a reminder that, like, if I think about something enough, then I really can put it into the universe. And I think it was just a reminder to, like, every day. It reminded me to think about it. Every night, it reminded me to think about it and just imagine it. And it ultimately worked down the end, which is crazy, you know,
you know what they there's so much research around that if you think about something right before you go to bed, it is the best time to help your subconscious program in what you're going for, and then first thing in the morning, because you're in that alpha theta state. And I remember that day also, when we were meeting all those incredible people, and there was a fountain, and I said, Rosie, close your eyes and envision yourself as a student right here, right now, and you ended up incorporating that in with the doll, with all these things, like I'm going to be there. Like I am there I am sitting in patrice's class, which came to life, all these things. And that also happened with getting the job that you're in right now. And can we share what you're doing right now?
Yeah, company, WME. It stands for William Morris Endeavor. It's an agency, and it's international, but I work at the Beverly Hills location. Don't Don't stop me out there. Not that
I love that we're all going to be this, yeah, but you did a very similar thing, where you were, like, this is my number one choice. You went through the process. You constantly tuned in,
yeah, like I said before, I made a list of like, my top 10 companies that were like, almost to the point of like, just didn't feel reachable because of how competitive they are. And I knew that I came from a good school, but, like, so does everyone nowadays, you know, like, especially in the entertainment world, like, it goes way beyond just getting a degree. It's like, what did you do while you were there? And, like, tell me about how you are, you know, like, how would you add to this team? Because it is such a competitive job, especially in LA and so I just, I remember, I like, was going down the list. Wmu was probably like number one for me, just because of how respectable it is, how much like I've heard people it's basically like, the golden ticket in the music industry is what people say. It's just like, like, if you want to become an agent, there's a clear path line where you could become an agent if you want to do something else in the music industry, after you've been there and you, like, realize, you like, realize that maybe you want to go down a different path, like management or touring, you can kind of just like, it's, it's a really good thing on your resume, and just for an experience base, because you meet so many amazing people, and you just, you get such intensive training, as I told You about, I don't want to
quite a training program, no doubt.
Yeah, it's just, it's, it's physically intense. It's emotionally intense. You're working five days a week in person, nine to 8pm you know? And it's just like, it's definitely, and I've talked to a couple agents there already when just kind of, like trying to meet people and stuff. And this one gentleman, who's an agent, said to me, he was like, yeah, like, this job is not for the weak hearted. Like, you're not just this isn't your everyday like, oh, I work remote, you know, like, I roll out of bed every day. Like, this is a job that you not only have to give 100% of your brain, you also have to give 100% of your body. Not, like, right? Yeah? Like, Red Heart heist, yeah? Like half your whole pre present. Like, it's like people are watching you at all times, your peers, your bosses, you know. And it's like, it's one of those things where it's like you're not just sitting at a desk all day, mute, you know. Like, it's very collaborative your people, they want you to meet everyone. So I'm like, you have to shadow people. There's like, it's just, but your fate, your destiny, is in your own hand, type thing. And so it's just, it's been a grind, but I just, I have to keep reminding myself, like, of how grateful I am to be there, and how little Rosie would just be cheering on, cheering me on so hard right now. You know,
I was so impressed today when we went on the hike and you said that, you said, you have to look at things differently because, and that's by being present, right? You could be tuning out the entire time you're at work, just being like, this is, you know, so, right? This is so hard.
And some days, don't get me wrong, like I I sometimes do tune out because whether it's like, I'm having a. Long day, or I'm tired and stuff like, I just kind of like, I'm just kind of trying to make it to 8pm type vibe, you know. But those are the days that I come home exhausted and sad, you know.
But you also said that you have seen yourself shift when you're tuning in and you're saying, I'm grateful you're setting the intention, yeah, of tune in, right?
I just look at myself in the bathroom and I just smile, like my body feels even better, you know, like I feel less like, stiff in my back, you know, like I feel less like, just my eyes feel a little less like, like, just spacey, you know, and stuff. And it like it really does your your mental state does fully affect your physical state. I've realized
so true. Well, I have to say this has been so much fun to have you back. This is literally almost one year from when we recorded last year with Dani, her sister.
I also do want to ask you, though, what your color is and, like, what your song is.
So I actually have about five songs, okay? They're kind of my go to right now.
Let me guess. One of them is I am woman,
yes. And that one is always when I want to add inspiration, because it's I am invincible, right? I am strong, but I have been going to this girl is on fire so much lately, it's just like it picks me up. I can go into it the chorus, and I can immediately up level myself. And I think that I shared this with you today, that we are launching right now a flip your world in 40 days, and we're doing it, it's at the beginning of every single month, so that you can get the inspiration. You can see what goal that you are truly trying to knock out. And it is like we are going all in with accountability. We're going all in with tune in, all in with neuroscience, ancient wisdom, universal truths. And you and I both now. In fact, there's a book sitting on my desk right now. Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. Florence, Scoville Shin we are incorporating all of that into this 40 day. And so I would actually love because you're trying to be present. You're trying to, like, really get to that next level. I want you to do in the next six months, one of the 40 days. Because I think that once you start to go down this path where you're like, I did that much in 40 days, you're going to be like, I want to do it again. I want to do it again. I want to do it again. So for those that are thinking, wow, I need a little jump start. I need to be able to do this head on over to where would I send them right now I would send them to the relaunch.com the relaunch.com and you can hear all about it, but I've got a set so proud of the year you had, and you said highs and lows, highs and lows, highs and lows. There were so many moments this year that we
I want to add, like how appreciative I am of all the guidance and the wisdom that you have shared with me, I think like, the older you get, you realize that your parents are. They're not just these people that have all this wisdom which you are, but they're also just humans too, and they're living their lives for the first time as well. And my mom has shown me so many good tips, like I even told you guys about getting a job, getting into college, you know, like, I don't think I would be where I was without you. And I do want to note because we talked about this earlier, too, and I think it's so important. And I want your viewers to whether it's doing it with their own children or doing it themselves. The whole my mom gave me the best piece of advice my senior year of college, I was deciding what to do for my capstone project, which in many cases, the end of college, your senior year, you kind of have to take on whether it's a senior thesis paper. And for my my major, which is music, we had to do a project that had to do with music, but, like, wasn't just creating an app type thing. Like, had to dig deeper. And my mom told me that a really good idea for me, that would not only benefit me, but also would probably get a good grade, which it did, is to interview. I did like, 15 people that you really respect within the music industry. And so that led me to having, during my time of applying to jobs, I hit up every single person I interviewed and basically said, can I take you to coffee? Like, like, it's been a couple months. Thank you for doing this project. I sent them the their part in my paper and stuff, and it, it just that was, like, really good advice for me.
Well, like, you know what's funny? I think everyone should do that. I took my own advice, and right now, I'm in the process of writing my next book, and I am interviewing, did you know there are only of all the millionaires in the world, only 10% of the millionaires are females. So I am reaching out to one, 10% one, not all of them that would that would be a little bit much, but I am reaching out to 100 100 women. Uh, that have been in the seven figure Millionaire Club, and I am going to interview them and find out their secrets. What did they do differently to allow and we're going to have this group of us that have been in that club, in that giving our own content around, like, this is what I did. So plan on that coming out.
But I can even go further than that. Like, like, interviewing them, but also just, I feel like, getting a group of women like that, that badass together, like it becoming a yearly, annual thing where you guys just, you know, like, I think people, people don't give women enough credit for their efforts and just like, for how badass we are, you know. And so I think, like bringing successful women together, we could really change the world, you know, like you could go even further than that, and have a panel every year, and we'll discuss everything that needs to be fixed.
Okay, I'm loving you right now because you've just given us a ton of new ideas. And, yeah, we have, uh, Relaunch Her coming out in September. We're going to be announcing that where we are going to be bringing these type of women.
I love it, so I'd love to be a fly on the wall,
Well, actually, you were one the last time we did one of these, and you were amazing. So everyone Happy New Year this. I mean, this is going to be if we all sit here and say it is going to be your best year, your best year ever so far, what would it include? And I have to say what I have from all the different interviews I've done so far, clarity. Clarity is probably the one thing that everybody is saying, those that are clear end up prospering more. So get clear. Happy New Year. So excited to have you, yep. Cheers. So excited to have you all a part of the relaunch world and thank you for being here this last year. And thank you, honey. I love you.