April 14, 2020

040 - The Phoenix Plan - Stabilization

040 - The Phoenix Plan - Stabilization

When it comes to handling crises, how well equipped are you to manage and stabilize your business or practice? Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen unveil a new series centered on The Phoenix Plan, a critical three-phase action plan that you and other CEOs need to be implementing immediately. They analyze the three levels of healthcare, the stages of value and the importance of remaining fully present during these hard times.

00:49 – Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen introduce today’s topic, The Phoenix Plan 

11:27 – Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen take a break to promote The Remarkable Practice Attraction Immersion event this April 2020

13:48 – The three phases of The Phoenix Plan 

26:39 – Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen take a break to promote Chiro Match Makers 

29:00 – The stages of value 

33:56 – The three levels of healthcare 

39:46 – The importance of being fully present right now 


“We are in the trenches in the battle with you. No one is immune to this situation. This is not a you thing. This is not an us thing. This is not a chiropractic thing. This is not just a CEO thing. This is not an American thing, an Australian thing, a Canadian thing – this is a global situation, and everyone is in it. So, we just want you guys to know that we’re in it with you.” (03:06)

“I think about this concept of ‘what grows down must grow up.’ When you think about planting a seed in the ground, the first thing that happens is it grows down before it grows up.” (08:21)

“As the Navy SEALs like to teach, we have contingency plan A, B, C, D, E, F, because we know – we absolutely know – we are going to fail in the process. So, it’s not win or lose; it’s win and learn.” (21:46)

“That first level of healthcare – that treatment of disease – is all about keeping people from dying. Whereas, that second level of healthcare, which is disease prevention, is really about keeping people safe. Wash your hands, clean the surfaces, social distancing, no hugs and high fives, that kinda stuff. And everyone’s having that conversation.” (36:36)

“In Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is made up of two characters. One of the characters is danger. The other character is opportunity.” (41:28) (Dr. Pete)


Dr. Stephen’s LinkedIn

Dr. Pete’s LinkedIn

The Remarkable CEO Website

Dr. Stephen’s Book – The Remarkable Practice: The Definitive Guide to Build a Thriving Chiropractic Business

The Remarkable Practice Immersion Event

Chiro Match Makers Website

Register for Australia VIrtual Immersion