Dec. 1, 2018

Episode 33 : Staying in Front of Your Marketplace Part 2

Episode 33 : Staying in Front of Your Marketplace Part 2

Retain The Clients You Already Have Please make sure you jot down the Top 10 Reasons to Stay in Touch on your “implement, execute and take action” plan calendar for Monday. I will guarantee your competitors are…..

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Unstoppable Profit Podcast Hosted by Mike Stromsoe

Retain The Clients You Already Have

Please make sure you jot down the Top 10 Reasons to Stay in Touch on your “implement, execute and take action” plan calendar for Monday. I will guarantee your competitors are…..

I just spent almost 3 hours with two of the brighter minds in the insurance industry and I am blown away how far behind some agencies are in today’s marketplace. Don’t risk being one of the casualties.


Here are the Top 10 Reasons to stay in touch:

  1. Most businesses lose 10-17% of their business every year.
  2. 62% of your clients aren’t taking advantage of all of your products or services.
  3. 91% of our customers say they would give us a referral, but 80% haven’t been encouraged to do so!
  4. Simply saying thank you to your customer will increase your business by 17%.
  5. You lose 10% of your influence for every month that you don’t have contact with your client.
  6. A 5% increase in customer loyalty could yield 20-80% to your bottom line.
  7. Studies show that an average prospect won’t do business with you until they’ve seen or heard from you or your message at least 7 times.
  8. 79% of all trade show leads aren’t followed up with. Most business from a trade show comes from the vendor following up with the prospect.
  9. 66% of your business within the next year will come from your sphere of influence.
  10. Only 3% of the mail we receive is personal.

What is working for you? Why or why not? As marketers, we test. Are you testing consistently?  Need help?  Respond today, we will be helping you tomorrow.

Make it a GREAT weekend, NO other options!

To your massive success,


Mike Stromsoe

The Unstoppable Profit Producer

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