Jan. 12, 2019

Episode 35 : Your Destination Is Your Responsibility

Episode 35 : Your Destination Is Your Responsibility

My granddaughter McKenna and I were watching “Alice in Wonderland” over the weekend…. “Excuse me, Sir,” Alice inquires. “Could you tell me which road to take?” Wisely, the caterpillar asks, “Where are you going?” Somewhat dismayed, Alice responds,

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Unstoppable Profit Podcast Hosted by Mike Stromsoe

My granddaughter McKenna and I were watching “Alice in Wonderland” over the weekend….

“Excuse me, Sir,” Alice inquires. “Could you tell me which road to take?”
Wisely, the caterpillar asks, “Where are you going?”
Somewhat dismayed, Alice responds, “Oh, I don’t know where I am going, Sir.”
“Well,” replied the caterpillar, “if you don’t know where you are going, it really doesn’t matter which road you take.”

    ~ (Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carrol)

Mckenna became complexed and asked, “Grandpa what does the caterpillar mean?”  As they say, when the student is ready the teacher will appear!

With a smile on my face, I replied, “Before we go anywhere, a little planning needs to be done. Where do we want to go? Let’s take a trip from California to New York. How are we going to get there? Let’s drive! What supplies are we going to need? Sunglasses, some money, snacks for the trip, CD’s… But, don’t forget the map. The easiest way to plan for a trip is with a road -map.”

When using a road map you are in essence setting goals for the trip, just like if you were setting your goals for life. The road map can:

· locate specifically where it is you’re going (long term goal),
· determine how many planned stops to take along the way (short-term goal),
· tell you how many miles to the next destination (daily goal)
· tell you the alternate routes along the way, and
· help locate tourist stops in route (you should always enjoy the journey ).

Are you working your butt off trying to get to the next level, but find yourself overwhelmed with new ideas, unable to focus on the specific direction to take your business?

If you’re tired of living this way then I have a solution for you.  The fastest and most effective way to improve your productivity and create more simplicity and consistency in your business is to set your goals and be accountable for your actions to reach those goals.

On this podcast we will discuss how you can properly set your goals for the upcoming year and tips on how to stay on track for MASSIVE Success!

“Knowing Your Destination is All You Need to Get There.”



Mike Stromsoe

The Unstoppable Profit Producer

Call 800-770-9984



PS “When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.”
~ Greg Anderson

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