Oct. 16, 2024

From Overwhelmed to Empowered: Navigating Burnout with Purpose

From Overwhelmed to Empowered: Navigating Burnout with Purpose

Today, we're exploring a topic that resonates with many of us: burnout. Balancing careers, family, and life's endless demands can leave us feeling overwhelmed. Throughout this episode, you'll learn to identify signs of burnout and discover ways to incorporate joy into your daily routine. Considering the importance of self-care, tuning into your emotions, and building supportive communities to help you thrive amidst the chaos.

So if you've ever felt like a circus performer, juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle, you're in the right place. Join us as we explore practical advice and heartwarming humor to help you reclaim your well-being and walk boldly into your WOW. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognize what brings you joy to navigate daily chaos.
  • Burnout is real; finding joy helps overcome it.
  • Signs of burnout: exhaustion, irritability, lack of motivation, physical symptoms.
  • Surround yourself with positive people; set boundaries with energy-draining ones.
  • Self-care and supportive environments transform burnout into well-being.

About Our Host:

Having endured bullying throughout her teenage years and young adulthood, Sheryll is dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Leveraging over 15 years of experience in Corporate America as a Financial Services and Human Resources professional, she helps clients understand how their mindset and emotions affect their relationship with money. As a Speaker, Author, and Coach, she uses a blend of inspiration and practical wisdom to enable clients to achieve their unique wealth and health goals. Sheryll's vision is to foster a supportive community where individuals break free from limiting beliefs, embrace their worthiness, and align their lives with their deepest desires and aspirations.

Fit For Biz Consulting, Inc. - https://www.fitforbizconsulting.com

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheryll-mizell-a2291b7

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/createyourroaar

Facebook - “WakeUP to Your W.O.W.! https://www.facebook.com/share/r9TfLRhqdTktrLqv/?mibextid=WaXdOe

Email: mizellcan@gmail.com

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Sheryll Mizell:

When was the last time you paused to reflect on what truly brings you joy amidst the whirlwind of daily responsibilities, taking a moment to recognize these sources of happiness can be transformative. If that resonates with you. You're in the right place. Together, we can explore what lights you up and how to incorporate more of it into your life. Hey, beautiful people, thank you for being here today. Welcome to another empowering episode of wake up to your Wow. Here we explore everything you need to create a life of wellness, wealth and worth. I'm your season wellness guide, your host, your girl Mizell. Today we're going to talk about something that affects so many of us, burnout. It's a topic that resonates deeply, especially as we navigate the often chaotic waters of career, kids and business, all of which can contribute to that overwhelming feeling of burnout. As parents, career warriors and ambitious individuals, we often forget to take a step back and reconnect with our own greatness. So how do we navigate burnout with purpose and joy? It starts with acknowledging our feelings and giving ourselves permission to take a breather. From there, we can identify what truly brings us joy and intentionally weave those moments into our daily lives, whether it's savoring a quiet cup of coffee, enjoying spontaneous dance parties, or taking a few minutes for deep breathing, let's Take a deep breath together. Now inhale and exhale. How did that feel? By prioritizing self care and creating supportive environments, we can transform burnout into a journey of new discovery, ensuring that we not only survive, but survive amidst the chaos. But don't worry, I'm not here to add more to your to do list. Instead, I want us to take a collective deep breath and explore how we can walk in our Wow, our wellness, wealth and worth, despite a chaos of light. Now, let's face it, if you've ever felt like a circus performer juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle here in the right place, because honestly, some days it feels like we're just one toddler tantrum away from a full blown circus act. And hey, if you drop a torture too, it's okay. This journey is all about embracing the messiness of life. Have you ever noticed that being a parent is kind of like being a superhero, except you don't get to wear a cape? You're expected to save the day, manage the household, and somehow still have time for social life. Meanwhile, the laundry is silently judging you from the corner of the room. Spoiler alert, it won't fold itself no matter how many motivational podcasts you listen to. And let's talk about that infamous work life balance. Everyone keeps mentioning it sounds great, doesn't it like a harmonious symphony, where everything is perfectly in tune, but in reality, it often feels more like a cat trying to play the piano, a little chaotic, a lot of random notes, and occasionally you just want to close the lid and walk away. So as we dive into this conversation about burnout and rediscovering our Wow, remember, you are not alone. We're in this together, trying to find joy amidst the chaos, and I promise there's plenty of room for laughter along the way. But let's face it, burnout is real, whether it's from managing a demanding job, keeping up with our kids endless activities, or running our own businesses, the stress can pile up like laundry on a Sunday evening. You know that mountain of clothes that somehow doubles overnight, if only it came with the summit that provided a clear view of your sanity. Have you ever looked at your to do list and thought, why did I think I could do all of this? It's like climbing Mount. Everest with flip flops on, and the only thing you forgot to pack was your motivation. And let's not get started on that quick five minute break that turns into an hour of scrolling through cat videos. I mean, who knew cats was such experts in procrastination? Then there's the inevitable moment where you find yourself binge watching a show, not because you're interested, but because it's the only time you can sit down without a child climbing on your head. You've got popcorn, a cozy blanket, and you're ready for some quality me time. But then halfway through the episode, you realize you've been scrolling through your phone instead of watching at this point, you could probably recite the cat video script, word for word, and let's not overlook the fact that parenting often feels like a never ending game of Whack a Mole just when you think you've got one issue under control, another one pops up right like your child is suddenly allergic to broccoli, and now they have decided they only want to wear superhero cape to school. Great all while you're trying to remember when the last time was that you even had a meal that didn't involve a side of guilt. So as we navigate this reality of burnout together, let's keep our sense of humor intent. Laughter can be the best remedy. After all, it's okay to admit that some days feel like a sitcom complete with laugh tracks and the occasional plot twist. We're in this together, and it's perfectly fine to lean into the chaos while finding ways to reclaim our sense of self. So how do we know we're burnt out? Here are some classic signs. Number one, exhaustion. You feel like you've run a marathon, but the only thing you're sprinted towards is the fridge. Seriously, how do we go from being athletic to professional snackers? And let's not even talk about the mysterious energy that seems to vanish the moment you sit down for a quick rate. Have you ever noticed how the couch calls your name in a way that feels almost hypnotic? It's like a siren song luring you into the depths of Netflix and snack wrappers, two irritability, you might find yourself snapping at your kids for doing things that don't usually bother you, like their choice of socks. Seriously, who cares if they're wearing polka dots with stripes? But in that moment of exhaustion, you're convinced this fashion faux pas is a personal affront to your parenting skills. Why can't you just wear matching socks like a normal child? It's funny how the smallest things can set us off. Sometimes we just need to remember that it's okay to laugh about it later, even if we are temporarily lost our minds over sock choices next, lack of motivation, you'd rather scroll through social media than tackle that work project that was due yesterday. Ever found yourself on a rabbit hole of memes and cute animal videos, thinking this would definitely help me become more productive. Pro tip, it won't. But hey, if watching cats play the piano helps you feel slightly better about your to do list, who am I to judge? Sometimes we need to acknowledge that motivation can be as elusive as that last piece of chocolate hidden at the back of the pantry and last physical symptoms, maybe you have headaches or stomach aches. I mean, who knew stress could manifest in ways that feel like a circus act? It's as if your body is putting on its own one person show, complete with juggling pain and acrobatics that would make anyone dizzy. Have you ever had that moment when you realize you've been holding your breath while stressing about the laundry? Yes, folks, it's possible to stress so much that you forget to breathe. Remember to take those deep breath, even if it means reminding yourself that you're not, in fact, a human balloon.

Sheryll Mizell:

If any of this resonates, you're not alone. Recognizing these signs is the first step to reclaiming your well being. It's like finding the secret map that leads back to your joy, complete with a few detours and laughable moments along the way. Now, as we embark on this journey of rediscovery, let's turn our focus to creating a supportive environment. This is especially crucial when juggling the demands of parenting, work and everything in between. Let's not forget the value of community. Surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire you is essential, and today's fast paced world is easy to get caught up in our own hustle and bustle, but having a solid support system can make all the difference. Think of it as your personal cheerleading squad, complete with pom poms and boundless enthusiasm, the right people can help you navigate life's challenges, boost your spirits and remind you that you're never alone on this wild journey of parenting and career building. Consider this, who in my life brings me joy and positivity. Take a moment to reflect in your relationships, who are the people that light up your day. Maybe it's that friend who always knows how to make you laugh, or the neighbor who shows up with cookies just because think about the last time you hung out with them. Did you leave feeling recharged and happy? If the answer is yes, keep them close. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can be like having a battery charger for your soul, especially when your own energy is running low after a long day of parenting. Consider this also, are there relationships that drain my energy now, let's flip the coin. Are there certain people in your life who feel more like energy vampires than supportive allies? You know the type, the ones who seem to bring a cloud of negativity with them, making you feel like you've just run a marathon after a short chat, it's essential to recognize these relationships, what if you took a step back and considered how you feel after spending time with these individuals? If you often leave feeling drained or stressed like you just survived a toddler meltdown, it might be time to set some boundaries, or at least limit your exposure to that expired cartoon of emotional milk. Sometimes it's essential to let go of toxic relationships, much like that expired cartoon of milk in the fridge, time for it to go while distancing yourself might feel uncomfortable, remember you're clearing space for healthier connections. Just like decluttering your emotional space, creating a supportive environment means not only removing negativity, but also actively seeking out positivity. Join a group that aligns with your interest, whether it's a book club, a fitness class or a parenting support group, you might just find a kindred spirit who gets your struggle while balancing snacks and sanity. And don't forget, building this environment starts with you. Be the one who uplifts others. Send an encouraging text, share a compliment, or simply lend a listening ear. Your positive energy can create a ripple effect strengthening your community. Let's aim to cultivate relationships that bring joy and laughter while gently letting go of those that weigh us down together, we can create an incredible circle of positivity that propels us toward our Wow. So as we nurture these uplifting relationships, let's also turn our attention and we're recognizing the vital role our emotions play in our journey. With that in mind, let's shift our focus to something even more important, tuning into our emotions for self love. It's essential to tune into our feelings, especially when life feels like a juggling act. Many of us were raised to think that emotions are a sign of weakness, but guess what? They're not. In fact, embracing our emotions can be a superpower. Think of them as your internal GPS, guiding you through life. Ignoring them is like trying to do. Drive with a broken mat, trust me, you might end up lost in the middle of nowhere with a flat tie and a snack you can't eat. Ask yourself, how do I truly feel right now? This question can be eye opening, especially for parents juggling at the housing responsibilities. Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed, like you've been swept away in a tidal wave of laundry and snack time negotiations, or perhaps you are surprisingly content sipping your coffee while listening to the distant sounds of your kids bickering over who gets the last cookie. Have you taken a moment to check in with yourself amidst all the chaos, naming your feelings can be liberating. Are you feeling anxious, joyful or just plain exhausted? Allow yourself to experience those emotions without pushing them aside like that one suck that keeps hiding in the laundry, ask yourself, am I allowing myself to experience those feelings without judgment? Here's a thought, what if you treated your feelings like a friend who just walked in after a long day? Would you tell them to get over it or ignore them altogether? Probably not. Instead, you'd offer a listening ear and a warm cup of tea or coffee. What have you extended that same kindness to yourself, allow yourself to feel what you feel, no judgment, just acceptance. So the next time you're feeling down because dinner turned into a kitchen disaster. Instead of berating yourself, maybe you could just laugh and say, well, at least the smoke alarm works. Journaling can be a fantastic tool for processing your emotions. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Just a few minutes each day to jot down what you're feeling can work wonders. Think of it as having a therapist who doesn't charge by the hour and won't judge you for crying over spilled milk. You can pour out your thoughts without worrying about the right way to express them, plus putting pen to paper can clear your mind, much like decluttering that messy closet full of clothes you swear your fit into again someday, consider creating a feelings check in ritual, whether it's sipping your coffee in the morning, or winding down at night, a quick five minute session might reveal those tiny frustrations piling up, or on the bright side, highlight those rare moments of joy, like when the kids are finally occupied. The more you tune in, the better equipped you'll be to handle whatever life throws your way. Remember, emotions aren't static. They change as quickly as a toddler's mood when faced with a cookie choice. So if you find yourself feeling one way in the morning and another by lunchtime, that's perfectly normal, so embrace that fluidity, tune in regularly, and remember you're worthy of the same kindness yourself freely give to others. Now, as we embrace this positivity, let's turn our attention to another right to aspect of our journey, finding your balance.

Sheryll Mizell:

For parents, juggling careers kids and everything in between, finding balance can feel like chasing a mirage in the desert. Just when you think you're close, it seems to shift further away. But here's the thing, balance isn't about achieving a perfect equilibrium. It's about being intentional with your time. It's like crafting a beautiful meal. Sometimes you need to toss in a bit more spice or take a step back to let the flavors meld. So let's dive in and explore how we can find that balance in our busy lives. Reflect on this, what activities truly energize me? Finding your balance starts with recognizing what makes you feel truly alive. Is it a quiet cup of coffee you say to each morning while praying the kids don't spill it, or those spontaneous living room dance parties where you can groove like nobody's watching, even if your toddler is side eyeing your moves, maybe even find yourself skipping down the street imagining you're in a music video. Take a moment to list those energizing activities, because figuring out what lifts. Spirits is the first step to bring more joy into your day. And let's be real, some tasks drain you faster than trying to find a lost shoe when you're ready late, while others like messy art sessions with the kids can fill you with bliss. So what if you swap out that mindless scroll through social media, but something that truly energizes you, even tiny changes can lead to big improvements in how you feel. Also consider, how can I incorporate more of them into my life? This question is key, once you identify those energizing activities, think about how you can make time for them. Can you carve out a few minutes each day for a hobby you love, even if it means sneaking away to the bathroom for a moment of peace? Or how about designated one night a week for family fun like board games or movie marathons, just steer clear of anything too competitive, unless you're ready to referee a full on family showdown. Treating these joyful moments like important appointments on your calendar can seriously help you prioritize happiness in your busy life. Get creative with your time. Why not turn your commute into a mini dance party with your favorite tunes, or invite friends over for a painting night while the kids have their own art session nearby. Mixing productivity with pleasure not only amplifies the joy, but also creates those unforgettable memories we all cherish. Lastly, remember that finding balance is an ongoing process, not a one time achievement. Embrace the journey, and soon enough, you'll discover that it's less about the destination and more about savoring each delightful detour. Now let's bring everything together as we explore what it truly means to walk in your Wow. As we wrap up, I want to encourage each of you, especially those juggling careers, kids or businesses, to embrace your Wow. It's about recognizing your worth and taking steps, no matter how small, toward a more fulfilling life and the hustle and bustle of daily routines is easy to lose sight of what makes us truly special, but remember your Wow isn't just a destination, it's a vibrant journey filled with moments of joy, growth and self discovery. So remember, you are enough, you are worthy. You have the power to transform your life. So let's step into our greatness one joyful moment at a time. After all, life is too short to walk around in anything less than our Wow, celebrate the small victories, lean into the laughter, and don't shy away from your unique journey. As we embrace this journey together, it's important to take a moment to reflect on what your Wow truly means to you. So let's take a moment to reflect on how that looks like for you. What does it feel like? What small steps can you take this week to move closer to it? Maybe it's giving yourself permission to have that extra slice of cake after a long day. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection. So let's lace up our shoes, embrace our beautifully chaotic lives and walk boldly into our while cherishing every delightful detour along the way. Thank you for being a part of this conversation about navigating burnout. Here's to your journey ahead. May be filled with joy, purpose, authenticity and all the wild moments life has to offer. Let's celebrate our complexities and richness as individuals, supporting one another in our journeys of self discovery together. Let's go out and own our stories, may you find inspiration and courage to create a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations and brings you true happiness and fulfillment. Stay tuned for more empowering insights, practical wisdom and inspiration, or wake up to your Wow as we continue to explore topics that empower you to live your best life. Remember it's time to awaken to your wow and shine brightly in every area of your life. Let's embrace freedom together and make every moment count. If you enjoyed this week's episode, subscribe and please leave a. Fantastic review. Share it with friends who do think would benefit from exploring how to navigate burnout with purpose and joy, to cultivate a more balanced life by doing so they can illuminate the world and spread their magic, allowing them to wake up and walk in their Wow. Until next time, keep exploring, keep growing and continue embracing the adventure of discovering the WoW in your life. Keep moving boldly toward the life that's calling you this magic in the unexpected. This is my Zelle, your trusted wellness guide, signing off, wishing you a day filled with love, joy and endless possibilities. Keep listening, keep waking up to your Wow.