Oct. 2, 2024

Pimp Your Privilege: Mastering Confidence and Owning Your Unique Voice

Pimp Your Privilege: Mastering Confidence and Owning Your Unique Voice

We’re going to peel back the layers and dive deep into the powerful connection between confidence and privilege—two forces that can shape your life in ways you may not have even imagined. But here’s the twist: privilege isn’t just about wealth or status. It’s about recognizing and owning the unique advantages you already have, whether that’s a supportive community, a sharp mind, or even the ability to communicate with clarity and strength. 

In this episode, we’re going to explore how you can "pimp your privilege"—yes, I said it!—and transform it into a platform for growth, empowerment, and leadership. We’ll tackle the challenges that come with speaking up in a world that sometimes mocks those who stand out, and we’ll flip that script, turning criticism into fuel for your personal and professional brilliance. So grab a notebook, settle in, and get ready to embark on a journey where confidence meets privilege, and you rise to meet your full potential.

Key Takeaways:

- Embrace and recognize your unique voice and privileges to empower yourself and others.

- Use bullying and teasing as fuel to empower your voice.

- Reclaim your narrative and transform pain into power.

- Build confidence through small, consistent actions.

- Inspire change and create opportunities with your voice.

About Our Host:

Having endured bullying throughout her teenage years and young adulthood, Sheryll is dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Leveraging over 15 years of experience in Corporate America as a Financial Services and Human Resources professional, she helps clients understand how their mindset and emotions affect their relationship with money. As a Speaker, Author, and Coach, she uses a blend of inspiration and practical wisdom to enable clients to achieve their unique wealth and health goals. Sheryll's vision is to foster a supportive community where individuals break free from limiting beliefs, embrace their worthiness, and align their lives with their deepest desires and aspirations.

Fit For Biz Consulting, Inc. - https://www.fitforbizconsulting.com

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheryll-mizell-a2291b7

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/createyourroaar

Facebook - “WakeUP to Your W.O.W.! https://www.facebook.com/share/r9TfLRhqdTktrLqv/?mibextid=WaXdOe

Email: mizellcan@gmail.com

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Sheryll Mizell:

Hi, beautiful people. Welcome to another empowering episode of wake up to your Wow, I'm your season. Bonus God, your host, your girl Mizell. And before we dive in to today's topic, I want you to take a moment to think about something. What would your life look like if you fully embraced your unique voice and all the privileges that come with it? Was there a time when you felt truly empowered, maybe when you nailed a presentation at work, stood up for a friend, or finally embraced your unique self. Well, hold on to that feeling, because today we're exploring how to awaken your wow and own the privilege that comes with speaking clearly and confidently. Yes, you get to pimp your privilege. Go from bullying to brilliant and not only own your story, but also unleash the power of your voice.

Sheryll Mizell:

But first, let's kick things off with the term pimp your privilege. Yes, I said pimp your privilege. I know it sounds a bit sassy, but hear me out. Privilege isn't just about wealth or status. It's about the the advantages we have in different aspects of life. Maybe you have supportive friends, a stable job or even a cozy home to come back to. These are all privileges, and recognizing them as the first step toward empowerment. So what privileges Do you have that you might be overlooking? Take a moment to think about it. Now. How can we pet those privileges? It's about amplifying them and using them as a platform to lift ourselves and others. If you have a voice, use it. If you have resources, share them. Let's stop hiding behind the I can't mentality and start embracing the I Can attitude.

Sheryll Mizell:

But first, let's address the elephant in the room. Have you ever been teased or bullied for speaking proper English or for speaking differently? You know what I mean, when you use a big word or articulated your thoughts a little too well, and suddenly everyone acted like you were from another planet. Oh, do you think you are speaking like that? Really is using proper English or crime now? Well, I can relate. I was teased and bullied relentlessly for how I spoke. This can be frustrating, but it's time we flip the script. Instead of letting these moments weigh us down, we can use them as fuel to ignite our voices and celebrate our unique expressions. Bullying comes in many forms, especially when it targets our way of communicating. It can lead to self doubt and insecurity, making us second guess our abilities and aspirations. However, it's important to remember that this is about them, not you. Their discomfort with your communication style often stems from their insecurities. So how do we turn this around? How do we reclaim our narrative and use our voice as a powerful tool to achieve our goals, both personally and professionally? Those experiences shaped me. They fueled my desire to find my voice and rise above negativity, and if I can do it, so can you What experiences have shaped you, and how can you turn them into your superpower? Embracing your voice is the first step toward owning your story. Now we've all faced challenges, and owning your story is crucial for unleashing your Wow, it's about embracing every piece of yourself, The Good, the Bad and the downright ugly. Remember, your story is unique, and no one can take that away from you. So take a moment to jot down three major events that have impacted your life, and beside each event, write one lesson you learned from it. Those lessons are golden nuggets of wisdom that can help others on their journey too.

Sheryll Mizell:

Now that we've pimped out. Privileged and owned our stories. Let's talk about your voice. Your voice is powerful. It can inspire uplift and create change, but sometimes it can feel locked away behind a fortress of self doubt and fear. Have you ever tried to use your voice in a room full of chatter and felt like a tiny mouse trying to roar Squeezy? The key to unleashing your voice is to start small, speak up in a meeting, share your thoughts in a group, or even express yourself in a journal, each little step builds your confidence, and soon enough, you'll be roaring like a lion. When was the last time you felt empowered to speak your truth? What held you back and how can you change that narrative? Speaking clearly and confidently is a privilege. Not everyone has had the same opportunities to develop their communication skills. By recognizing this privilege, we can learn to embrace our voices and use them to uplift others and ourselves. Imagine walking into a room and owning it simply by the way you communicate, you have the power to inspire and lead, and that starts with embracing your voice. So what does your voice represent? Is it a tool for empowerment, a bridge for connection, or perhaps a beacon of inspiration for many of us, our voice is our greatest asset. It allows us to express our thoughts, advocate for ourselves, and share our stories. And here's the kicker, your voice can create change, not just in your life, but in the lives of others, so why not own it?

Sheryll Mizell:

Well, let's take a moment to reflect on those hurtful experiences. Maybe you were called an overachiever, an ego Beaver, or faced ridiculed for articulating your thoughts without slang or cuss words, instead of letting this define you, let's transform that pain into power. Every time someone tries to bring you down, they're actually highlighting your strength. If you're ruffling feathers, you're doing something right. And can we take a moment to laugh about this? When did using effect and effect become a source of mockery? I mean, I get it. There are English majors out there who may cringe at the misuse. But seriously, if we're going to tease someone, let's focus on topics that truly matter, like, why people put pineapple on pizza? Like, for real, for real. And speaking of things that require a bit of finesse, building confidence takes practice, much like perfecting that one dish you can't seem to get right. You know, the one that smells amazing but somehow looks like a science experiment. It's all about trial and error. Start by speaking in front of a mirror. Yes, I mean it. Talk to yourself about your day, your goals, or even recite your favorite poem. It might seem silly at first, but it works. Your reflection will become your biggest cheerleader.

Sheryll Mizell:

Next. Seek support, surround yourself with people who lift you up. Sharing your experiences with those who understand is crucial, as it helps lighten the load and speaking of support, let's talk about growth. It's uncomfortable, right? Like trying to tackle a workout after taking a long break. Suddenly every muscle is reminding you that you haven't been active in a while. Just me, okay, but growth is essential. Embrace the discomfort, because that's where the magic happens. What change do you want to make in your life? What steps can you take today to start that journey and as you build confidence, set small goals, challenge yourself to speak up in a meeting or share your thoughts in a group. Each time you do, you build a little more confidence. Remember every small victory counts.

Sheryll Mizell:

And think about the concept of privilege. Speaking properly isn't just about grammar. Power. It's about access to opportunities. How many times have you felt you had to tone down your language to fit in that society's subtle way of trying to diminish your power? It's like attending a concert and hiding in the back when you know you've got the voice to sing along front and center. It's time to claim your power by recognizing and embracing your privilege as a speaker. You set the stage for transformation. It can open doors in the neighborhood and the boardroom, and don't be afraid to stand out. Your ability to communicate effectively is an asset, not a liability. And if people are uncomfortable with your English, that's a them problem, not a you problem. It's like being mad at someone for bringing a salad to a barbecue. They're just trying to make healthier choices. So let them live. Be the one who brings the flavor, both literally and figuratively, as we explore how to use this privilege to uplift our communities, remember that when we empower ourselves, we can empower others. Imagine creating a ripple effect where your confidence inspires someone else to find their voice. That's how change happens, one empowered person at a time, and that's how you truly pimp your privilege.

Sheryll Mizell:

As you navigate these spaces, authenticity matters. Authenticity is magnetic. When you show up as your true self, people will respond positively. Educate yourself. Knowledge builds confidence, and confidence attracts opportunities. And speaking of opportunities, don't forget the power of networking. Connect with others in your field. Networking is just a fancy word for making friends while pretending to be serious, so put on your best business space, but don't forget to smile as we wrap up today's talk. Remember that your voice is your superpower, whether you're in the neighborhood or the board, will never underestimate the impact of speaking your truth as you harness the power of your voice. Is equally important to nurture a mindset of gratitude. It's easy to focus on what we lack, but let's flip the script. Practice gratitude daily, whether through journaling meditation or simply taking a moment to appreciate the little things. Every night, write down three things you're grateful for, big or small, like a delicious cup of coffee or a warm hug from a friend, some of our fabulous friends, as we conclude today's episode, I want you to remember it's time to pimp your privilege by embracing your greatness, lifting others up and letting your voice shine brightly, you have the ability to create a life filled with purpose, abundance and joy. So what's the first step you'll take today to embrace your Wow, take that step and watch the magic unfold.

Sheryll Mizell:

Thank you for being here today, and let's go out and own our stories. May you find inspiration and courage to create a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations and brings you true happiness and fulfillment. Stay tuned for more empowering insights, practical wisdom and inspiration, or wake up to your Wow. As we continue to explore topics that empower you to live your best life, remember, it's time to awaken to your wow and shine brightly in every area of your life. Let's embrace freedom together. Let's make every moment count. If you enjoyed this week's episode, subscribe and please leave a fantastic review and share with friends who you feel can also illuminate the world and spread their magic so they too can achieve their wild goals and pimp their privilege knowing their voice matters until next time. Keep exploring, keep growing and keep embracing the adventure of discovering the WoW in your life, keep moving boldly toward the life that's calling you, because there's magic in the unexpected. This is Mizell, your trusted guide, signing off wishing you a day filled with love, joy and endless possibilities. Keep listening. To keep waking up to your wow.