Sept. 18, 2024

The Beauty of Imperfection: How to Detox from Perfectionism

The Beauty of Imperfection: How to Detox from Perfectionism

Have you ever felt like you were constantly striving for an unattainable perfection, only to feel drained and frustrated? Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that resonates with many: how to detox from the relentless pursuit of perfection and embrace the beautiful messiness of being human. Tune in as we unpack the heavy toll perfectionism can take on our emotional well-being, relationships, and personal growth, offering practical strategies to help you let go and live more freely. From cultivating self-compassion and celebrating small victories to challenging perfectionist beliefs and embracing your unique journey, this episode is brimming with actionable wisdom. So, buckle up for laughs, insights, and a hefty dose of self-love as we explore how to awaken to your wow by letting go of unrealistic standards.

Key Takeaways:

- Perfectionism often leads to stress, anxiety, and burnout by forcing us to chase an unattainable ideal.

- Embracing mistakes fosters growth and creativity.

- Practice self-compassion to ease the burden of perfectionism.

- Redefine success as progress and learning.

- Surround yourself with supportive people and use humor in self-talk.

About Our Host:

Having endured bullying throughout her teenage years and young adulthood, Sheryll is dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Leveraging over 15 years of experience in Corporate America as a Financial Services and Human Resources professional, she helps clients understand how their mindset and emotions affect their relationship with money. As a Speaker, Author, and Coach, she uses a blend of inspiration and practical wisdom to enable clients to achieve their unique wealth and health goals. Sheryll's vision is to foster a supportive community where individuals break free from limiting beliefs, embrace their worthiness, and align their lives with their deepest desires and aspirations.

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Sheryll Mizell:

Hello everyone, and welcome to another empowering episode of wake up to your Wow, where we dive deep into your wellness, wealth and worth. I'm thrilled to be here as your guide, your host, and let's face it, your personal cheerleader. I'm Maisel, and today we're tackling a topic that hits close to home for many of us, how to detox from the never ending quest for perfection and embrace the glorious messiness of being human, and yes, this journey will involve some laughs and a hefty dose of self compassion. But before we jump into the topic, here's a thought to consider. Have you ever found yourself running on a hamster wheel, striving for perfection, only to find is leaving you feeling drained and, quite frankly, a little bit nuts, if so, you're definitely not alone. Perfectionism isn't just about aiming high. It's that relentless voice in our heads insisting that we need to be flawless and every single aspect of our lives to be considered worthy or successful. Imagine trying to catch a mirage in the desert. No matter how fast you run or how hard you try, it's always just out of reach. So let's take a deep breath laugh at the absurdity of it all and dive into how we can embrace our wonderfully and perfect selves. So what exactly is perfectionism? Well, perfectionism is a concept pushed on us by societal expectations, fear of failure and the ever present belief that our worth is tied to our achievements. It's as if we're all on a treadmill that's set to an impossible speed, and no matter how hard we run, we just end up feeling breathless and exhausted. It's a tough spot to be in, because while we're chasing this elusive ideal, we're missing out on the beauty of the journey itself. So here's a fun twist. What if we stop trying to outrun the treadmill and instead just enjoy the view? Who knew that the journey might actually be more interesting than the destination? Now let's think about why perfectionism is such a sneaky troublemaker. For one, it takes a serious toll on our emotional well being. Imagine running that marathon with a backpack full of bricks. Sounds exhausting, right? That's what it feels like trying to live up to perfectionistic standards. It leads to stress, anxiety and sometimes even burnout. And it's not just how we feel personally. Perfectionism can strain our relationships too. We might start projecting those unrealistic expectations onto others, creating a never ending game of who can make the fewest mistakes. Instead of building meaningful connections, we end up with frustration and disappointment. It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. No matter how hard you push, it's just not going to work. Well, here's the ironic twist, striving for perfection can actually hold us back from growing and evolving. It's like being afraid to dance because you might step on someone's toes. We end up messing our opportunities for growth and creativity because we're so focused on avoiding mistakes. But what if we embraced mistakes as part of our journey? They like the spice of life, adding flavor and giving us room to learn and improve. Picture this every misstep is just another dance move in the grand choreography of life. Wouldn't it be more fun to dance freely, mistakes and all. So how do we detox from perfectionism? It's not about a one time fixed but about making conscious everyday choices. Start by asking yourself, where you're chasing perfection in your life? Is it your career, your appearance, or maybe even your role as a parent? You. Journaling about these areas can help you see patterns and recognize the impact perfectionism has on your well being. It's like taking a step back and realizing that while you've been running in circles, there's a beautiful sunset just waiting for you to appreciate it. And let's face it, who doesn't want a bit of Sunset magic in their life? Next challenge those perfectionist beliefs, success doesn't have to mean achieve a perfection. What if we redefine success as making progress and learning from our experiences? Imagine how much more enjoyable our journey could be if we focused on our efforts rather than an unattainable ideal. And let's be real. Embracing mistakes makes life a lot more interesting. They add character to our experiences and remind us that we are human, not robots. Think of your life like a novel. You wouldn't want to read a story with no plot twists. Right. Cultivating self compassion is another crucial step. Treat yourself with the same kindness you'd offer a friend who's having a tough day. Think of it this way. If you wouldn't berate your best friend for a minor mishap, why would you do it to yourself? Embrace your humanity with all its quirks and imperfections. It's like being a unique snowflake. Each one is beautiful in its own way, even if it's not perfect. Imagine if snowflakes tried to compete for perfection. It would be a very cold and very boring winter when it comes to setting goals. Aim for realism instead of perfection. Break your goals into smaller, more manageable steps and celebrate each little victory along the way. It's like giving yourself a high five every time you achieve a milestone, no matter how small, and focus on the effort you put in rather than the outcome. If you're giving it your best shot, that's already something to be proud of. It's like baking a cake. You don't get frustrated if it's not a masterpiece, you enjoy the process and save the result. Adopting a growth mindset can also be incredibly freeing. View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than tests of your work. Think of setbacks as plot twists in your life story unexpected, but part of what makes your journey unique and compelling and be open to feedback as a tool for improvement, not as a judgment of your value. It's like getting directions on a road trip helpful, not a critique of your driving skills. So let's take the scenic route and enjoy the ride, even if we get a little lost along the way. Creating a supportive environment is key to maintaining this new perspective, surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you. These are the friends who cheer you on, even when you stumble. If perfectionism is seriously affecting your mental health, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Think of it as hiring a personal trainer for your mind, someone to help you navigate the challenges and build resilience, and remember, just like in the gym, it's okay to ask for sponsors when you're lifting heavy emotional weights to support your journey, try incorporating some practical exercises into your routine. Start a gratitude practice by reflecting daily on what you're thankful for. It's like finding little treasures in your everyday life. Engage in mindfulness meditation to stay present and reduce stress. Think of it as a mini vacation for your mind. Use positive affirmations to counter negative self talk and remind yourself that you're doing just fine. And dive into creative activities without worrying about the outcome. Painting, writing or dancing can be a joyful release without the pressure of perfection. Think of these activities as your personal playground where mistakes are just a part of the fun,

Sheryll Mizell:

and as you continue on this path, remember that living a life beyond perfectionism is about embracing who you are with all your quirks and imperfections, love yourself just as. You are flawless in all, pursue what brings you joy and celebrate each step of your journey. Your story is unique and worth celebrating. Imperfection in all. Share your experiences with others, to inspire and support them on their own journeys. After all, who doesn't love a good story with a few plot twists. Now let's consider something else practical. Think about the next time you catch yourself obsessing over a minor detail of stressing about an impending task, ask yourself, Will this really matter a year from now, if not, let it go. It's like realizing that your perfect omelet doesn't need to be Instagram worthy. It just needs to taste good. Focus on what truly matters and let the little things slide. After all, Nobody's life is a highlight reel, and neither should yours be another fun exercise is to deliberately do something imperfect. I challenge you to try this. Next time you're involved in a project or activity, intentionally make a small mistake. Maybe it's a typo in an email or a slightly off center picture frame? Oh, did you feel it too? The anxiety rushed through your body as you wondered, did she say to intentionally make a small mistake? Yes, I did. So take a deep breath. Now take another start to notice how it feels to let go of control and see what happens. You might discover that the world doesn't end and that life is still wonderfully enjoyable, even with a few imperfections. It's like finding out that you can actually dance in the rain without melting. It's also helpful to build a failure resume. This might sound counter intuitive, but stick with me. Create a list of all of the times you've stumbled, fallen or faced setbacks. Now, next to each failure, jot down what you learned or how you grew from the experience. You'll likely find that these failures are actually some of the most valuable parts of your journey. It's like turning your most embarrassing moments into your greatest lessons. Who knew that your greatest hits could come from your greatest flops. Consider this, if you were given advice to a friend who was stressing over being perfect. What would you say? Chances are you'd offer a lot of reassurance and perspective. So why not offer yourself the same kindness? Think of self care as an ongoing conversation with yourself, where you're the wise friend offering support and encouragement. After all, who better to be your cheerleader? Then? Well, you incorporate humor into your self talk. Life is serious enough, so why not make it a bit more fun? If you mess up, laugh it off. Imagine you're in a comedy show where every blunder is a punchline. Imagine embracing humor not only lightens the mood, but also helps you see your imperfections in a more forgiving light. Think of every little mistake as a setup for a great punchline in your personal stand up routine, and remember, everyone makes mistakes. We all have those oops moments, whether it's wearing mismatch socks and shoes or sending a text to the wrong person. Embrace these moments as part of your human experience. They make you relatable and remind you that nobody is perfect no matter how polished their social media profiles look. It's like realizing that even the perfect posts online are just snapshots, not the full, messy reality. And as you journey through this process, continue to remind yourself of your worth. You are more than your achievements or failures. Your value is inherent and unchangeable, regardless of how perfect you are. Embracing this truth can be incredibly freeing and empowering. Empowering. It's like discovering that you're a priceless gym even if you're not polished to perfection. So let's celebrate your inner sparkle and shine brightly no matter how rough around the edges you might feel. Here's something else to ponder. What was the last time you allowed yourself to just be without striving for perfection. Maybe it was when you were a child playing just for the joy of it, tap into that childlike wonder and remind yourself that it's okay to have fun and make mistakes. Think about it. Kids don't fret over the perfect sandcastle they build, they play and they enjoy the process. Why shouldn't we do the same? Embrace your inner child and let them guide you toward a more playful and less perfection driven life? Well, let's also talk about perfectionism in the context of social media. Ever notice how scrolling through Instagram can sometimes make you feel like everyone else's life is picture perfect? Remember, what you see online is often a highlight reel, not the full story. Everyone has their own struggles and imperfections, even if they don't always show them. It's like comparing your behind the scenes with someone else's highlight reel, unfair and unrealistic. So let's appreciate our own unique behind the scenes stories and stop trying to measure up to someone else's edited highlights. And how about this? Imagine you a chef creating a new recipe. If you only made the dish once and expected it to be perfect, you'd never learn or improve. You need to experiment, make mistakes and adjust. Life is similar. Each experience, whether a success or a failure, is a chance to refine and grow. So don't be afraid to tweak your recipe for life and embrace the imperfections along the way. After all, even the best chefs have a few kitchen disasters before they perfect their craft. So as we wrap up today's journey, let's take a moment to celebrate your unique path, embrace your quirks, your ups and your downs, remember your life isn't a quest for perfection, it's a story of growth, resilience and authenticity. Sharing your journey with others is about showing off a flawless facade. It's about offering a real and relatable story that can inspire others to find joy in their own imperfect journeys. So go ahead and write your own epic saga imperfections and all. Now, here's a thought provoking question for you to chew on. What if, instead of striving for a perfect life, you aim for a perfectly imperfect one? Imagine the freedom of letting go of unrealistic standards and embracing your beautifully messy self, picture the joy of celebrating each little victory, no matter how small, and finding humor in the inevitable mishaps along the way. What would that look like for you? It might just turn out to be the most liberating and joyful pursuit you ever embarked upon. Thank you for joining me today. Let's wake up to our Wow, embrace our wonderfully imperfect selves and live a life filled with joy, purpose and a lot of smiles along the way, here's to letting go of perfection and welcoming the beauty of our authentic selves, because let's be honest, if life were perfect, it'd probably be pretty boring. So let's celebrate the mess, the flaws, and the glorious, unpredictable adventure that is our one of a kind journey cheers to living authentically and remember imperfect is the new perfect. May you find inspiration and courage to create a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations and brings you true happiness and fulfillment. Stay tuned for more empowering insights

Sheryll Mizell:

practical wisdom and inspiration on wake up to your Wow as we continue to explore topics that empower you to live your best life, remember it's time to awaken to your wow and shine brightly in every area of your life. Five let's embrace freedom together. Let's make every moment count. If you enjoyed this week's episode, subscribe and please leave a fantastic review and share with your friends who you feel can benefit from letting go of perfection so they too can achieve their wild goals until next time. Keep exploring, keep growing and keep embracing the adventure of discovering the WoW in your life. Keep moving boldly toward the life that's calling you, because there's magic in the unexpected. This is my Zelle, your trusted wellness guide, signing off, wishing you a day filled with love, joy and endless possibilities. Keep listening, keep waking up to your Wow.