June 5, 2024

The Proven Path to Success: Inform, Inspire, Transform

The Proven Path to Success: Inform, Inspire, Transform

I am going to take you into a deep dive of my transformative coaching framework for success—Inform, Inspire, and Transform. Listen as I break down each phase, detailing how I equip my clients with essential knowledge, ignite their inner motivation, and guide them through profound personal transformations. But that's not all! Stick around to hear the inspiring story of Sarah, a former corporate professional turned thriving artist, who used this very framework to unlock her fullest potential and live her dream life. Join me as we uncover the secrets to waking up to your wow and turning your dreams into reality.

About Our Host:

Having endured bullying throughout her teenage years and young adulthood, Sheryll is dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Leveraging over 15 years of experience in Corporate America as a Financial Services and Human Resources professional, she helps clients understand how their mindset and emotions affect their relationship with money. As a Speaker, Author, and Coach, she uses a blend of inspiration and practical wisdom to enable clients to achieve their unique wealth and health goals. Sheryll's vision is to foster a supportive community where individuals break free from limiting beliefs, embrace their worthiness, and align their lives with their deepest desires and aspirations.

Fit For Bit Consulting - https://www.fitforbizconsulting.com

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheryll-mizell-a2291b7

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/createyourroaar


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Sheryll Mizell:

Hey there beautiful souls, it's myself, your go to wellness coach dropping in with some inspiration vibes today. Welcome back to WakeUP to Your W.O.W.! Today let's talk about my roadmap to success and how it all came together. As a season wellness coach at the years of guiding folks on their wellness journeys, I realized I needed a bit more structure in my coaching game. That's when it hit me. Ah, cue the light bulb moment, I realized that my coaching process naturally flows in three phases, inform, inspire, and transform. Before we leap into the details, think of this as your exclusive ticket to the inner workings of my journey is a proven path to success that I've witnessed yield remarkable results, time and time again, to get ready, because we're about to unravel the entire process.

Sheryll Mizell:

Let's dive into the informed phase first. This is what I offer my clients with all the juicy knowledge and insights, they need to get a grip on their goals. To kick things off, I dive into understanding where they're at their strengths, their hurdles, and what they're dreaming about. This helps me tailor everything to fit them like a glove. Once I've gathered all the details is time to pinpoint where they could use some extra insight or understanding. Whether it's setting goals, getting savvy with finances, or shifting their mindset, I make sure they're armed with the right info. Then together, we cook up a custom action plan that's all about them, their goals, their values their group. It's all about setting them up to knock it out of the park and feel confident about what's coming next. You see this phase isn't just about throwing information at them. Oh no. It's about lighting a spark of curiosity and understanding. I noticed that when my clients had a solid foundation of knowledge, they were better equipped to make positive changes in their lives. Now, how do I know it'll work for you? Well visualize yourself at the edge of never ending possibilities, uncertain which direction to pursue. By informing you about key concepts and wellness, wealth and worth. Dive into the latest research on health and happiness. share practical tips for managing finances and explore the mindset behind self worth. I'm essentially handing you a compass and a map. With this knowledge, you can navigate through the challenges of uncertainty and plot a path towards a brighter future by offering clear explanations and actionable advice. You're equipped with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and take control of your lives. But here's the thing, while I'm here to guide you, I also want you to be critical of the information you receive. That's where the other guys sometimes miss the mark. They might spoon feed you generic advice about without empowering you to think for yourself. But I believe in giving you the tools to question, explore, and ultimately make decisions that align with your values and goals.

Sheryll Mizell:

Let's jump into the Inspire phase. Here's where I really crank up the motivation dial for my clients. See, I know that just given info isn't enough. We need to light that fire within to make real change happen. How do you ask? Well, I draw from my own experiences and the stories of past clients to show what's possible. First things first, we build a solid connection. I'm all ears, making sure my clients feel seen, heard and supported. Trust me, it's key that they feel safe. Now let me share a little piece of my heart with you. I've walked through my own valleys and climbed my own mountains just like you. Let me tell you those challenges. Oh my gosh. They're the fuel that ignites our inner fire. So then I sprinkle in some real life stories of triumph, including my own and those of clients who dare to dream big and defy the odds. Why? Because when you see what others have conquered the fears and soar to new heights. It sparks something within you. It shows you facing challenges head on can lead to some seriously awesome transformation. It whispers if they can do it. So can I these stories hit home Shawn that greatness is within reach. After that it's time to get visual. We dive deep into some visual visualization exercises. Picture this clients on envisioning their dreams In colorful detail, feeling every emotion, and sensation of success. It's like a mental movie starring them as they lead. By painting a vivid picture of your goals and dreams, we tap into the power of imagination. It's like planting seeds of intention and the fertile soil of your mind. As you immerse yourself in this vision of success, you awaken your inner motivation and passion. You realize that those dreams, they're not just fantasies. They're your destiny waiting to unfold. And this isn't just about dreaming, though. It's about sparking that inner fire to go after those goals with pleasure. So there you have it, a peek into my inspire phase, it's all about writing up those passion flames, and getting ready to rock those goals with delight. You're excited, I know I am.

Sheryll Mizell:

Well finally identified the transform phase as the capstone of my coaching process. Here's where the real magic went down, where clients experienced profound shift in their mindset, behavior and overall wellbeing. I saw firsthand how they emerge from this phase as empowered individuals, fully embracing their worthiness and living lives bursting with purpose, abundance and joy. And this phase, I roll up my sleeves, and I thoroughly explore with my clients to identify and challenge those pesky limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. With targeted exercises, they learn to cultivate a growth mindset and see life through a more positive lens. By reframing their perspectives and embracing fresh ways of thinking. They undergo profound mindset shifts, paving the way for lasting transformation. Now building on those mindset shifts, I helped my clients put rubber to the road, making tangible changes in their behavior and habits. Together, we whip up actionable strategies and personalized action plans to tackle obstacles head on and propel them forward towards the goals. Whether it's getting into healthier routines, mastering time management, or polishing up communication skills, they learn to take consistent and purposeful steps towards creating and crafting the life they crave. And last but not least, we tie it all together by integrating these newfound insights and behaviors into their daily grind. With ongoing support, accountability, and plenty of reflection, clients cement their progress and keep the momentum going strong. With this newfound clarity, I wholeheartedly embrace my framework for success and form, inspire, transform. Now, it's not just a mantra. It's a proven path to unlocking your fullest potential to this framework, I've had the privilege of guiding countless individuals to wake up to their wild and live lives that are nothing short of extraordinary, ready to embark on your own journey of transformation. Well, let's connect and explore how I can help you.

Sheryll Mizell:

But first, let me share a story of one of my clients who successfully transitioned from a job to an art business using my framework for success to inform, inspire and transform. So here's this amazing woman named Sarah. She's been hustling in the corporate world for ages but deep down. She knew she wanted something more, but didn't know what that was. So she reached out to me for some guidance on making the switch to running her own business. She shared that recently she found her gift for painting art. The more she practice, she realized she had a real talent, but wasn't confident enough to jump in 100% as she hadn't gone to school for this. Sam his journey was a classic tale of chasing your dreams with a corporate background. She had the skills but lacked the courage to dive headfirst into her passion for painting. But hey, that's where I came in the trusty guide and her quest for entrepreneurial glory. First up, we tackled her confidence. I mean, this woman was painting masterpieces, not just doodles on a napkin, so I bombard her with compliments by can vary and operate. Slowly but surely, she started seeing her talent through my eyes and that spark of belief grew into a blazing fire. Next up, we had to figure out how to turn her love of painting into a viable business. We brainstormed ideas try plans and did enough research to make a librarian jealous. With each stroke of her brush, Sarah painted her own path to success. Sure, they were hurdles, doubt crept in, and setbacks may how long to throw in a towel with a little pep talk from yours truly, and a healthy dose of determination she pushed through slowly but surely, order started pouring in. People admired her work, share it with their friends, and suddenly Sarah wasn't just a corporate professional anymore. She was a bonafide artists make on waves in the world of Canvas and color. Now she's living the dream, painting away in her own studio, surrounded by the scent of turpentine and the hum of creativity. And it's such a sight to behold. Remember how we crafted that roadmap to success and form, inspire and transform? Well, Sarah didn't just follow it. She practically desta down with a paintbrush in hand. Now she's not just painting, she's creating magic, her studio. Here's the kicker. Sarah isn't just painting for herself anymore. Nope. She's inspiring others to chase their own dreams to see. She started hosting these weekly paint nights where people from all walks of life gather to unleash their inner artists. It's like therapy with way more color, and way less couch time. And let me tell you, Sarah's transformation is nothing short of inspiring. From that hesitant corporate soul to a beacon of creativity and courage. She's like a phoenix rising from the ashes of that. Now, when she talks about her art, her eyes light up, and you can practically feel the passion radiating off of her. But the best part, she's not just living her dream. She's helping others live there as to whether it's through her vibrant paintings hanging on someone's wall, or the spark of creativity she ignites and a fellow dreamer. Sarah's legacy is one of inspiration, transformation, and above all, live in life to the fullest. And me? Well, I'm just happy to have played a part in her journey from hesitant enthusiast to thriving entrepreneur.

Sheryll Mizell:

I hope this story of how information inspiration and transformation led her to success inspires you as well. Until then, keep waking up to your Wow. So my lovelies, armed with knowledge and inspiration is time for action. Remember, the journey to self discovery and empowerment begins with a simple step. So what are you waiting for? Let's embark on this transformative journey together. But remember, you're not alone on this journey. I'm here to support you every step of the way, cheering you on and offering guidance where you need it most. So I encourage you to take that first step today. Believe in yourself. Embrace the possibilities and dare to imagine the incredible future that awaits you. Together, we can transform your dreams into reality. Are you ready to take that leap of faith? Let's embark on this journey together and let's make your wildest dreams come true. Until next time,