Oct. 2, 2024

The Magic Available To Us

The Magic Available To Us

In this episode, DeeAnne explains the magic that is available to us when we believe in it. She shares some of her profound experiences where she leaned into the power in faith – trusting and believing there would be a solution.

Rev. DeeAnne’s offering to our listeners:

●   DeeAnne’s Book on Amazon -The Arc

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About the Host:

Rev. DeeAnne ‘Rose Hope’ Riendeau B.Msc, HADM, PIDP, NLP is a thought leader in spiritual and business development whose mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.

She is known as the modern day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your souls library also known as the Akashic Records. 

She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life. 

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WSC Intro/Outro: This is When Spirit Calls and you on your journey, are in the right place. This show is about magic, miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth, let's get to it. When Spirit Calls is right now.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Hello. Welcome back to another edition of When Spirit Calls. Oh my gosh, soul, it's just me today. You get me today. This episode is about the magic that is available to us if we believe in it. So a big part of my story is my ability to have belief that we have divine protection, divine orchestration, a divine hand in everything that we do. And so I want to speak to that today, because over the weekend, I was visiting with a few of my soul family, some colleagues, some friends. And it was so fascinating to me, because I oftentimes forget that many people have not heard all of my stories, and I have had quite an interesting relationship with death. If you go back to some of the earlier podcasts, I talk about some of my near death experiences, but today I want to shift that into experiences where I know that there was an angel or angels that had a role to play in keeping me alive. So apparently not a lot of people know that I have survived many, many situations, many brushes with death, and so I want to speak to those. In addition to those two near deaths that I've had, my family often jokes that I am like a cat and I'm running out of lives, but I believe that I have an infinite number of lives, and so I am going to share with you some of the magic, some of the miracles that have happened for me in my life.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

So the first one that I want to bring to the surface actually happened quite a number of years ago, probably 2019 I want to say. And I am a bit of an adventure seeker. As many of you know, I was an EMT and firefighter, so a little bit of an adrenaline junkie. But over the years, I've definitely scaled that. Back when I was in my 20s, I jumped off on a in the middle of a canyon, I did a bungee jump. I have been a traveler to many places in the world, and had many wonderful, fabulous experiences that also didn't involve brushes with death. However, I seem to get myself in these predicaments where things could go wrong very, very quickly. And so this is the story that I want to start with. I had a trip to Mexico with my partner, Dan, in 2019 and at one point we used to have a house down there in a little village called lulahe, which is about six hour drive north of Cabo. So it is on the on the peninsula there, but we're in the middle of nowhere. This town is, like, pretty secluded. It's not super touristy, so not a lot of resources. But we had a place there, which was so wonderful, and we were down there, and we heard from a local villager that there was this beautiful beach up the way that was covered in seashells, like all sorts of seashells were found on this beach. So this local made us this little map, and he showed us where the village was and where we had to turn. So we followed this map as best we could, found what we thought was the village, and then we found this, what I would call it's not really a road, but it was like a sand path that we could drive on. And we were in the middle of summertime in Mexico, so it was plus 42 degrees Celsius. So it was really, really hot, especially for us Canadian people, when we walk outside, it would almost be this, like stifling heat that we were not used to. And so needless to say, we decide we're going to venture out. We're going to keep driving along this road, even though we're not sure exactly if we're on the right road where it's taking us. And we drive for about 20 miles or so. And sure enough, we come to the ocean, and this incredible Beach is full of seashells of all shapes and sizes. So we get out of the truck and we go and collect all these shells. We hop in the ocean because it's so hot, and we get back in the truck to leave, and our tires begin to spin. Now, at this point, we're on the same. End, and the more we try to get out, the deeper we seem to be sinking. And so we get out and we do all the things that we know how to do. I mean, we're from Canada. We've been in snowstorms. We can get out of the sand, but the harder we tried, the deeper we sunk. Now there were houses in the distance, but there were no vehicles. It was off season for a lot of the people that would have normally been staying there, there was nobody in sight. And in fact, our whole trip out there, we did not see a single person from the time we left that little village. And so of course, we're starting to panic a little bit. Look for our phones, try cell service. No cell service. So we're now in the middle of nowhere. We have a 20 mile hike through the desert. We have limited water, limited supplies, like we're in flip flops and jean shorts. And so my, of course, immediate reaction is to go into fear. So I go into fear, and I'm like, Oh my gosh. Like, what are we going to do? Like, we're gonna die out here. And of course, I had watched Narcos Mexico the whole flight down to Mexico, which might have not been the best idea, but my head went right to, oh, my god, the cartel's going to find us and we're dead. We're not supposed to be here. So it's funny what fear will do to us that, you know, it really takes away from our ability to think critically and logically in those moments. But that fear kept showing up for me as I'm panicking, packing a bag, thinking we've got a hike to this village. So as I'm starting to panic and I'm putting things together, and my thoughts are just going running amok, I heard a message. Somehow, amongst all the chaos in my mind, I heard a message that said, start walking. So I knew enough that I needed to listen to that message. And so I said to my partner, Dan, I said, Dan, I'm going to start walking now. And he said, Okay, I'm going to try a couple more things to try and get us out of here, but you go ahead. So I started walking, and as I'm walking, I know that the fear is not helping me, so I'm starting to shift that, and I'm starting to pray. And I said, Okay, God, can you please send us an angel, or many angels, to help us get out of this mess? I can't even imagine how I am going to walk this 20 miles. I'm scared. I'm already thirsty, you know, please, please send us some help. And by the time I'm done saying those prayers, Dan's now run up and caught up to me, and we turn a corner, and I couldn't even believe my eyes over the horizon comes a white one ton, dually pickup truck with a winch on the front. Okay, cannot make this stuff up, people, a winch on the front. Just a big enough truck to pull the truck we were in out was seemed so unfathomable, it seemed impossible that there was going to be a solution for us to get out of the mess we were in, and here, right in front of our eyes, was exactly what we needed. I turned to Dan and they said, are you seeing what I'm seeing? Because at this point I'm thinking, I might be losing my mind. And he said, No, I see the truck. I see the truck. And thankfully, the gentleman was kind enough to help us, and he got us pulled out that day. Now that story, to me, is just so profound. It's profound for a lot of reasons. Firstly, because there's nobody out there. In fact, the first thing the guy said to us, he's like, What are you guys doing out here? There's nobody here. Like, he says, the chances of me being on this road at this time, he says, are near impossible. Like, how? Like, he was surprised. And the other fact that it was a white pickup truck, the fact that it had a winch on the front, I mean, there was just too many things. And so I remember saying to Dan, I said, Oh my gosh. Now this is a story. This is incredible. We leaned in to trusting that a solution would come, and me taking the time to just stop and to pray and to listen. Remember back when I was in panic mode and I heard the word start walking. Had I not started walking, folks, we would have completely missed that truck, and the lesson that I learned from that experience was to calm our mind, to be in stillness and be quiet, even when everything seems like it's falling apart around you, to just even take a moment, to take in a breath and listen, because you will be led. Yeah. And then the other thing I learned was the power of faith, the power of believing and trusting that there would be a solution. And I wavered for a while on whether or not we were going to get all of this, because I couldn't think of a possible scenario where we would be free from having to try and make it through the desert in plus 42 for 20 miles walking, and yet this miracle appeared before our eyes. As soon as I lean into we're going to find a way. We're going to find a way. There was the way, and it's a beautiful reminder for us to sometimes we just need to take those first steps, even though we don't know how we're going to get to where we need to go, but to just take those first steps and the way will appear. I think that's roomy, right? Start walking in, the way appears. And so that story still vibrates in such a way for me, I just love to share it, because it remind us of the magic available to us.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I've got another really neat little story, another brush with death, if you will. And this one happened in about 2020 it was actually shortly after that Mexico trip, and I was now flying out of Abbotsford, British Columbia. I was coming home. I'd been there for some work related stuff, and I was on my way home with Dan again. And what's interesting is I had set this manifestation for quite some time. Before that, I wanted to be on international TV. At the time I was, you know, just getting going in my business, and, you know, at least on my spiritual business. I'd been in other businesses before, but, you know, I really wanted to manifest, getting my stories out into the world. And I knew I was working on a book and all of these things. So I'd set this intention on my vision board to be on international TV, that I wanted to inspire the world, and I wanted to share my message of how powerful we all are, and to help people remember who they are. So this was on my vision board. Part of my vision for myself is to be on international TV. So here's how this went down. Okay, not at all what I expected. But we were flying to come home, and as we were ascending, we had what they call an air strike or a bird strike. So we've hit a flock of geese, and now flock of geese got caught up in our right wing engine. And so what happened was a succession of explosions of the right wing engine. So if you can imagine, we are gaining altitude, going up and up and up, and now all of a sudden there's these explosions, and there's now fire coming out of the right wing engine. I happened to be right beside the right wing engine and witnessing all of this as it was happening, and my heart was sinking into my stomach, and I grabbed a hold of Dan's leg, and I looked for my phone, because I was going to text my children to let them know how much I loved them. This experience was actually far more traumatic than the experience in the desert, and part of it was because it was such a feeling of impending doom. I mean, it's the first time I've ever been in a plane that's literally exploding while I'm flying in the air. And so I start to pray again, because in those moments, I know that coming into prayer and coming into stillness has served me well in the past. And so I started to pray because again, my mind is going to the there's no way we're going to survive this. How are they going to land the plane? Even, you know, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad. And of course, by that time, everyone else on the plane is panicking, so you can imagine feeling energy of everybody else as well. And so we're still hovering or suspended in the air, and the plane is on fire. And as I'm praying, I hear the message, all will be well. All will be well. All will be well. Now I don't know exactly what that means, but I better trust it, because God, divine has not let me down yet. And so I sat back, and I took some breaths, and I said, Okay, God, I know your angels are flying the plane. And no sooner did I say that to myself, I heard a female engine come on the the calm, and it was. Is the pilot, and she says, first of all, she says, Yes, we know that the right engine is gone. She said, the good news is we still have another working engine, and the good news is that we shouldn't have any issues turning around and landing, but we most certainly need to turn around and land immediately. And so right away, you could feel a shift in the cabin from all of the all of the people on the plane, some calm kind of came over people. And I immediately felt reassured. I was like, Oh, she's got this. She knows what she's doing her confidence, knew what she was doing, and I felt that. And so plane gets turned around, and we are now descending back to the runway. Now at the same time, we're witnessing the ambulance and the fire truck and all of these emergency vehicles racing onto the tarmac as we're coming in for the landing. So everyone was still a little bit nervous as we landed. But of course, we landed without any issues, so able to land smoothly. Nothing happened, nothing significant. It was a normal, pretty normal landing, aside from the fact that smoke is coming from the right side of the plane. And so we land, and we are able to get off the plane once it's safe, and as we are exiting the airport, because now we've got to book a later flight and get that all sorted.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

And as we're leaving the airport, here's what happens my manifestation from my vision board, I get asked by CBC News if I was on that plane and if I could be interviewed. So I remember laughing even as they asked me and said where they were from. I was like, Oh, this is the manifestation of being on international TV. Here it is coming to fruition. And so I had to have a good chuckle about that. Of course, not the reason why I thought I would be on international TV, but on it nonetheless. And so the lesson that I learned in that experience is to be very specific about your dreams. Be very specific about your vision and what you want to manifest. So now that vision has turned to I want to be on international TV to share my message around spirituality, around creating your heaven, around remembering who you are, and so now I've gotten a bit more specific about my visions and the things I want to manifest in my life.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

So I'm going to share with you one more story, simply because it's tied to one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had in my life. And although they didn't happen exactly at the same time, was about, it was within kind of the same few months of each other. So it's another Mexico story. And so we had a couple of cedos, and so we would go out in the bay of conception. I like to joke that it's the Bay of misconception, but the Bay of conception, and we're out there on these cedos, having a great time. And in the distance, I saw water splashing, and I just felt so pulled to go and see what this water splashing was all about in the distance, and as I get closer, I see hundreds, hundreds of dolphins. It was a super pod of dolphins, everybody. And I've never seen anything like this in my entire life. Never seen any amount of dolphins to that extent ever. So here I am being surrounded by dolphins while I'm on the sea. Doo, I'm literally right beside them. These dolphins played with us for hours, for hours. So we would speed up the sea do and they would race beside us. We would turn the cedos. They would turn to play with us. It was absolutely mesmerizing. And it just so happened that we had just spoken to a woman back on the beach, and she had talked about her dream to just swim with dolphins and be with dolphins like she just loved dolphins. And so I said to Dan, I said, should we go and pick her up and bring her out here? And so we did now we could only take two people, so we took her and another gentleman that she was with her group, and we got them on the C news, and we brought them out to this dolphins. There was so much joy felt from this woman as tears poured down her face, the gift that we were able to give her as much as it was a gift for me too. And I mean, I cried as well with the dolphins, because it was just so remarkable to me, hundreds and hundreds of these dolphins in one place at one time, like it was so mesmerizing. But to witness somebody else experiencing that. Yes, it created even a deeper sense of awe and wonder.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

And that experience, for me, reminded me of the power when we can share our joy and share our experiences with other people. We too can create awe and wonder in them. We too can invoke on wonder in ourselves. You know, it reminds me of my kids, like them, seeing things for the first time, and their eyes so big, and looking at the world with these big eyes. You know that on wonder is so powerful. Now, back to the brush with death part of the story. It wasn't long after that that the cedars started to, you know, have some issues, mechanical issues, if you will. You know, salt water is really hard on their engines and things like that. But we were out Same, same place as we saw the dolphins and like going out and like, oh, once you have an experience like that, you're always now looking for like, Oh, I wonder what we're gonna see today. Most of the time fairly, fairly unremarkable. But nonetheless, we were out on the sea dues, and one of them broke down completely. Thankfully, we were close enough that I was not stranded, and so we kind of rigged up this one seado To tell the other one, well, the one good one, or the one we thought was good, is now sputtering. We don't even know if that seed is going to make it back. So I remember taking video because we also had another person with us, so I had to go on the on the toad, see do and the other two people were on the front sea Dowing me. And I remember taking a little video at the time, because I'm like, hey, just in case we don't make it out of here, you know, you're in the middle of the ocean being towed by a, you know, a sea to that maybe won't make it the whole way. You definitely begin to reflect on your life and that experience, you know, being on the open ocean was a really big fear of mine. You know, if you've ever watched any like Jaws movies or deep water or any of those movies, you know, those will play on those fears of being in the open ocean. And even though we could at least still see land, it's way farther than you think it is away. And so, you know, this was an, again, another one of those situations where it's like, I don't know if we're going to make it back, like, you know, we're going to have to think about flagging somebody down or making some sort of paddle out of whatever materials we have, like, your brain just goes into this survival mode, right? So that experience, you know, I think we it took us what should have only taken us, like five minutes. Took us a good half an hour to get back to land. And it was a difficult half an hour, because, you know, with every second that passed, we wondered, are we going to make it there? And so that experience and recognizing what a gift it was, first of all, to be able to go out onto the water, to have been able to be with the dolphins. I remember appreciating that play with the dolphins so much more, because it wouldn't have taken much for that Sindhu to stop working in the middle of the ocean at any given time.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

And you know, we have this tendency of taking so much for granted, so so much for granted. And so there's opportunity in that to so deeply appreciate when things go well. You know, we're so quick to get angry and frustrated when things aren't going well, and yet, we don't allow ourselves to be in the space of gratitude when things are going well. Of course, I'll admit that when things don't go well, we start to, you know, think about the things when they were going well and wish that we had that, and feel like, Oh, my God, I should have really appreciated that when I have it. And for some reason, it's harder for us to appreciate it until it's taken away. And so how can we come into the space of deeper appreciation, gratitude for whatever it is that is showing up in whatever moment it is that is showing up. Thank goodness my Wi Fi work today. Thank you, Wi Fi. Thank goodness I was able to drive today without any incident. Thank goodness. Thank you. We forget to express thanks to the simple things. And my invitation, my big invitation for you listening today, is not so much that you, you know, beat up on yourself or not. Not being grateful, but for you to be reminded of the magic in appreciation and gratitude when things are working well and when things aren't working well, because even when things aren't going the way that we think they should, allowing ourselves to lean into gratitude around the pain, the discomfort, the fear, whatever it is that is showing up in that moment, still being grateful for that too.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

There is value in all of our experiences. And I can look at that plane experience, and I could say, oh, I'm never getting on the plane again. And it was the worst thing I could and for some people, that might induce some trauma for them. But rather, I looked at it as, what do I get out of this? And this is the invitation for you, is what is in it? For me, in every experience, our job is to leverage and squeeze every experience for all the richness that it is, even if in the moment it feels like a very uncomfortable experience or uncomfortable situation, even if it feels like everything's falling apart, thank goodness it's falling apart. Thank goodness because it's getting rid of all of the stuff that is no longer in alignment for me, thank goodness. It's falling apart. And listen, I know it's easier said than done. I get it. I have been in the depths of despair many times in my life, but it is in those depths of despair where I get so much healing and understanding. There's so much in it for me, and it doesn't make me want to go into the depths of the Spirit, because I know there's something in it for me, but it allows me to accept that when I'm in that space, in that place, and when I feel like things are falling apart, if I can lean into just a little bit of gratitude. There will be some brilliant, aha, epiphany that will come as a result of it.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

As I come into a bit of a close here today, over this last summer, I experienced pneumonia. I had bronchitis turned into some pneumonia, fluids in the lungs, and it got to a point where I actually thought I was dying, and I would have these coughing attacks, and then I wouldn't be able to breathe in. And so it would be like a wheezing like I could not get a breath in, and it was terrifying. It brought back all sorts of trauma from my near death when I was five, because that was from choking. So if you can imagine, every time I went to breathe in and couldn't, I was taken into my five year old body, and that moment where I thought I was going to die, and you might think, oh my gosh, that's so awful, but to be honest, it was such a gift, as uncomfortable as it was, as much fear as as It could possibly come to the surface, I still was able to gain so so much from that experience. I built a relationship with my lungs. I made changes to my breath. I started tuning into my breath. So much more. I started to create more harmony in the food that I was bringing into my body. I forgave my body for not being as strong as I thought it was. I asked my body for forgiveness for all the times that I pushed it harder and harder and harder, I mended such a significant part of my life in leaning into the relationship with my physical being, I was reminded that my body was not a burden To be cared for, but rather a vessel of divinity. And if it's meant to be a vessel of divinity, I better treat it divinely. So again, in every experience, whether we perceive it as good or bad, there is value in it. There is richness in it. And although these all make for wonderful stories, it's not why I have the experiences. I have them so I can leverage them, so I can learn, so I can grow, so I can evolve, and so that I can hopefully share some of the golden nuggets that I've learned along the way. Be with the rest of the world.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

And so I leave you with these stories today to think about areas in your life where you can be a smidge more grateful The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, being grateful for all of it an opportunity for you to create more space, for trust, for stillness, so that you can listen to those messages of divine, an opportunity for you to leverage every experience. If you've been through an experience and you haven't gotten all the gold out of it yet, think about that experience and find the gold. What was in it for you? I bet you you'll find something, and with any luck, it'll be something profound. So there you have it, folks, there's a little bit more about me, and this is so timely because I have just launched my book The arc, coincidentally or not, the arc, although it is based on my true life story, it follows a different character, and I wanted it to not be my story. I wanted this to be the story of the world. And so it follows a character name is Celeste. And Celeste experiences some near death experiences, and in that, she learns a lot about herself, she goes on this incredible journey into the angel realm. She meets with angels. She learns and discovers so much about herself and the wisdom of the world. And it's a beautiful, fantastic fiction story based on my real life, near deaths and experiences.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

So in the show notes, you will see the link for Amazon, if you feel compelled and you want to read this magical tale, it is available for you, and I want to thank you so much for continuing to listen. I love hearing from you. Send in your feedback, if you liked an episode, didn't like an episode, or if you have questions, please do reach out. We love getting your messages. Thank you so much for tuning in to When Spirit Calls, and may you recognize when spirit is calling you.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

WSC Intro/Outro: So happy you could join us today, and we hope that you found comfort and inspiration with wherever you are at right now, if you feel you received a gift in today's message, please pass that gift along to a loved one by sharing this episode with them. To continue this conversation, please join me @rosehope.ca and when you do, be sure to access your free gift by signing up for the when Spirit calls newsletter, I'm looking forward to connecting with you again soon.