EP74: Becoming Comfortable With Change with Theresa Stone

“Wellness needs to be this beautiful pairing and connection between all parts of yourself. “ — Theresa Stone
Theresa Stone, being an angel that she is, vulnerably shares that she experienced anorexia before her pregnancy with her daughter. What pushed her to be better through her journey was the idea of wanting her child to be healthy. Her love for her child was by far overpowering and much more a greater pull to start her wellness journey.
She says that building her business was more about finding a deeper sense of her purpose and wanting to continue to help, support and bring valuable knowledge to people. Thus, today, she has built a business and brand called Effortless Life.
Sharing some situations in her life, Theresa is grateful for everything that has happened — good or bad. It was about finding the gratitude and gift in it. She would love to encourage people who are struggling to tap into their intuition to start to learn to trust themselves. Don't let anybody tell you differently, find your inner voice, and then just watch the magic happen.
Wellness Nuggets:
● A failure is only a failure if you do not learn from it
● Start listening to your inner self
● Create that unity and sense of community with yourself, family and those who are near you
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Theresa manages and runs businesses with integrity, understanding and compassion, along with a divine twist. She uses her 15+ years of collected knowledge to support solopreneurs; helping to create effortless relationships between owner and business. Having experienced the start-up and shutdown of a previous business and aiding many companies in their early stages she knows the struggle many entrepreneurs face. Theresa is passionate about elevating, assisting and levelling up her clients’ knowledge to promote sustainability and longevity. She makes business effortless!
Website: www.effortlesslife.ca
Facebook Personal: https://www.facebook.com/theresa.franson.35
Facebook Professional: https://www.facebook.com/EffortlessLifeOp/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/effortless-life-theresa/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/effortlesslifeop/
Resource link/Giveaway
Complimentary 20 min consultation (Looking for effortless ease within your business? Let’s chat! https://calendly.com/effortlesslifeop/20min )
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, bestselling author podcast host, and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration. Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded, and finding inspiration. Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion. It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness, in business life and living your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Hi, everyone, welcome back to another episode of winning with wellness, we are thrilled and as I always say honored that you're here to join us. Today we're going to talk all things wellness with a very special person who's near and dear to my heart. Theresa stone, Theresa, welcome to the show.
Theresa Stone:Hello. Thank you for having me.
Jenny Ryce:Oh, thrilled to have you here. So for those of you that don't know, Theresa is one of the vital heartbeats behind your holistic Earth and is a huge supporter of all work that I do. So we are really excited to dig in and talk about wellness together. Because we're both really passionate, obviously, we have a community around it. But before we get started, I want to share with you guys a little bit about Theresa because you don't know her like I do. So Theresa manages and runs businesses with integrity, understanding compassion, compassion, along with a divine twist. And that's what I love about Teresa, she brings in all her spiritual gifts into the work that she does. She uses her 15 plus years of collected knowledge to support solopreneurs helping to create effortless relationships between owner and business. Having experienced the startup and shutdown of a previous business, and ating many companies in their early stages, she knows the struggles many entrepreneurs face. Theresa is passionate about elevating, assisting and leveling up her clients knowledge to promote sustainability and longevity, she makes business effortless, and I would 100% Agree. So welcome to the show, Theresa.
Theresa Stone:Thank you.
Jenny Ryce:Many people are probably like, okay, so you know, we we kind of inch, you know, tapped into this whole business piece. And for those of us that aren't listening know that your life is your business. I think there's something that we forget is the tools we learn in business, come into our lives, in our personal lives and our personal life tools come into our business. So I want to dig in today. And just and you can approach it from either a personal side or professional side, I want to dig in and ask you what what wellness like holistic wellness means to you?
Theresa Stone:Well, that's kind of a loaded question. And I really don't know how to answer that. But when it comes right down to it, wholeness really embodies the mind the spirit, you know, the, just the whole body, right, you can't have one without the other. So there needs to be this beautiful pairing and this connection between all parts of yourself. And so really, you know, taking care of yourself with that you know, self care, and you know finding balance within your family life and your you know, career. Just Just the whole package. So really the whole whole wellness right is really establishing all parts so mind, body, spirit, soul, all those parts.
Jenny Ryce:When you think about that holistic piece, when when you think about maybe in your past or something currently now in your life do you find because it's so interesting. When we think of wellness, many people think of the physical body and we forget that, that we have those kind of three pillar components. Do you find that you have an area that you struggle with supporting when it comes to your mind, body and soul?
Theresa Stone:Honestly, my physical self, my physical body has always kind of been a challenge for me. I struggled with anorexia when I was was a child and healing that in my early or late teens early 20s was quite a challenge especially when I got pregnant with my daughter so that was always something that was kind of a big challenge for me. And so trying to find you know, that perfect balance you know, between working out and doing something that you actually love and moving your body is still a child For me this day, I mean, I love eating good nutritional foods. So just, you know, supporting the body in that way. But I have to say the physical body is one of the aspects that is the most challenging for me, you know, the spirit piece has always been with me, it's been integrated right from since I was born, really. And so that part always kind of seems to come natural for me. But, you know, in the mental piece that just kind of gets tied in with the spiritual piece. But when it comes into the physical body and know trying to find that support, and that balance between, you know, how many hours of sleep do you need a day? To, you know, how much time can you you know, a lot to working out and what feels good, like, I mean, you know, I used to enjoy doing aerobics, and then yoga and pilates, and I've kind of went through all of them, and I just kind of got bored with them. So it seems like trying to find something new and exciting to pique my interest is always a challenge for me. So that is kind of where are my struggle lies? Well, and you know, I
Jenny Ryce:appreciate you sharing the truth around that, because we all have a component that is a challenge. And I find for myself, it's very interesting you listen to you say that, for me, I go on a cycle, where I seem to be really good with two of them, and then one is not so great. So when I'm really focused on my physical I chances are it's my spiritual that is, is dropping off, or vice versa, those kinds of things. So and you also shared, which I appreciate I, I can guarantee there are people listening that struggle with the physical or maybe have gone through, you know, what you were expressing in reference to anorexia, that's not an easy, easy thing to move through, nevermind, you know, come out on the other side, if you if you were to share with the listeners, any, any two or three things, obviously, everybody's journey is unique. But two or three things that stood out for you that helped you move through that to where you are now.
Theresa Stone:Okay, that's interesting. Honestly, one of the biggest things for me moving through that was the effect that I was having on my daughter when I was pregnant. So that was the biggest component to that. It was, I mean, I wanted my daughter to be healthy. I didn't know I was having a girl at the time, but I wanted my baby to be healthy. And even though I struggled with the body image, I still tried to, you know, anchor in that, you know, eating regularly taking all my prenatal vitamins, and regular checkups, and still doing walks and, you know, doing the things to still maintain that healthiness. But I struggled the psychological aspect with that when I was pregnant was so difficult. But honestly, the love for my baby, the love for the daughter, for the daughter that I now have, who is now just just turned 20, you know, was by far overpowering, and much more of a greater pull for me, then, you know, that need to starve my body. And so and then I also seen the effects that it was having on the people around me, like my mom especially, and I just come out of a relationship with my first boyfriend, actually. And it was interesting being with him was quite, quite an eye opener for my physical body and just like my, my confidence level, and just the way that I perceived myself and the way that I was actually being perceived by other people. So I thought it was quite interesting. So really kind of shifting the perspective to watching how people were perceiving me, also helped me, you know, work through the body image, because I had clearly this unhealthy image of the way I was perceiving myself in the world. And the way people were actually receiving me, I mean, I at the time, I was only like 100, to maybe 105. So by no means was I overweight at all. But yet, I will look at myself in the mirror and be like, Whoa, I am this large, large woman, large person, but really, it just didn't match. And so it was really when I started seeing the different perspective from other people of how they were perceiving me. So I guess, to kind of answer the question as to you know, it, it helped to, to look at the people around me and actually ask them questions on how they were, you know, perceiving me and just actually observe how they were even interacting with me. And of course, finding something that you really love that really like takes your focus away from that. Personal the way that you see yourself and really, you know, find a greater love, like for me, it was my daughter and that really pushed me pushed me into wanting to eat healthy and then afterwards, I just wanted to be my best self for her. And you know, I wanted to show up and actually I Um, make sure that I was the best, healthiest mom possible. And in order for me to do that I had to be, you know, healthier. And, you know, I wanted to set a good example for her, you know, when, and actually as she was growing up, and she started, you know, not, you know, missing meals and stuff like that, right there was like, Oh, God, don't do that. Like, you don't want to hurt your body in that way. So, so yeah, so I guess, just those two things really were they were the biggest pieces for me. I love
Jenny Ryce:that you focus in on highlight on you know, getting everyone's going to have a deeper rooted why. So your why was your daughter which is so powerful. So getting really into that, like, deep down why, and I love the bird's eye view, I, you know, we work together, you hear me say that all the time, let's pull back and do a bird's eye view. And see, because the one thing on my own journey that I've learned and you shared so beautifully is our our own internal judgment is generally going to be a lot more critical and harsher than the truth than what other people are seeing. And so I appreciate you sharing that because I guarantee there's somebody listening right now, who resonates with what you're sharing. And we invite you to look at yourself in a different way, you might be surprised at what you see, so incredible. And when you think about that journey, obviously becoming a mom and and all of those things and working through you know, your own health. Yeah, you have moved into business with the plan. And I mean, even your brand is effortless life, right? Like that's your that's your thing. Yes, drew you to, you know, what, what drew you to that
Theresa Stone:many things, actually. And honestly, it goes back to my daughter too, because she was growing up. She had this thirst for knowledge, this, you know, passion for, you know, taking all of her toys out of the toy box, and playing and building like an empire really. So she would have her her blog, she would have her use her Legos, she would have her car, she would have everything. And she would just be like, Mom, come see what I built. And I was like, the most amazing thing to watch this creativity expand. And it just really got me to see that the sky was the limit. And I've always had a passion for for business. Early on right out of school, I wanted to start my own fashion business with my sister, she was going to do the fashion and I was going to do the, the, you know, the business business stuff, you know, all the boring stuff that she called the boring stuff. But for me, so I've always had this, this drive to, you know, to be my own, you know, to be a manager to be my own boss, to really kind of give back in that sense, but watching my daughter with this creativity and this passion and we would create these amazing birthday parties and you know, organize and all this kind of stuff. And I would be baking and expressing our love of mine as a passion of is, you know, cooking good nutritional food, and, you know, make everything from scratch and stuff. So we would have these elaborate birthday parties, and I planned my own wedding. And I just had this, you know, without even really knowing it, I had this amazing thirst for, you know, creating things and you know, organizing things and running things and managing things. And I just take such great pleasure in it. Because I see the, you know, the smiles on the kids as face when they're, you know, having those when we had those birthday parties and, and the feedback that I still get after 18 years of being married or 2018 years later, after our marriage, I still get people saying, oh my god, your wedding was amazing. And so it just thinks that they had the greatest time and it wasn't, you know, a stuffy wedding. And so I just, to me, it was just those little things just continue to drive me. And when my daughter got to be about 10 It was kind of like, well, the reality sort of setting in that someday she wouldn't always need me. And even though I loved and enjoyed being a stay at home mom and you know, planning those parties, and always there being there for her and nurturing her. And, you know, my husband, of course was at work. So I mean, he was busy doing all the things, but I got to have a lot of fun real quick. And so even though she was, you know, still needing me and stuff, I just kind of got to a point where I was like, at some point in time, the hard truth is she's not going to need me as much what am I going to do? What am I going to, you know, where's where am I going to go from here? And so I decided to go back to go back to school and take a business management degree. And after that I really am I started focusing on, you know, helping people start their businesses just on the side through friends and family, that kind of thing. Cuz I really let fear kind of step in my way. And I didn't actually, you know, start going out. So I spent about, you know, probably good seven years, eight years after finishing my degree, it just kind of being the closet, you know, whatever, just, you know, people didn't really know what I did. And I started to try to start a business and, and I learned the hard way that you can't have a business successfully anyway, if people don't know what you do. You can't you can't be a closet business. I mean, if people don't know what you do, and you you don't get yours, put yourself out there into those, you know, what people can could consider as awkward situations, or they know that networking, that kind of thing, then people can't find you, we can't find your light, they can't find your greatness. So that was the biggest lesson that I learned to actually from starting a business. And actually not having it succeed was that the second time around, I was like, Okay, well, I'm not going to make that, you know, mistake, even though it was more of an opportunity. And, you know, of going forward, you know, it was really important for me too, to shine, right to step out and show people what I can actually do so, and of course, that's a, that's something I have to do, you know, every day, you don't just, you don't just do it once, then just, you know, wait for everything to come in, you have to be continual continually aware of, you know, putting yourself out there and, and reaching through each, you know, block and stuff that you have. So yeah, so that's kind of how I kind of got to that point. But it was really just about that deeper sense of my purpose of what am I going to do and, and wanting to continue to, you know, help people and bring this, you know, support to them, and bring this knowledge to them,
Jenny Ryce:when they think you share it. So, you know, beautifully in the fact that when we think about life, sometimes especially is when we're at a crossroads, when we're you know, we're up against something is looking at what brings us joy. You never know what could be your next big idea, or next greatest opportunity. Right? Yeah, and I love that you share because there are people right there right now guaranteed, that are struggling either in a relationship, they're struggling and in profession, they're struggling and building business. Failure is only failure if you don't learn from it. That's so true. Yep. It's all about the discovery in the journey. Right. And I think to you know, being blessed to work together, I think you bring that to the table. That's one of the things you know, you've had the experience, you've walked through the ups and downs. So, you know, never look at at those moments that would be traditionally perceived as, as a failure, as such, right? There are all moments and pockets of wisdom, I think, that are gifted to us, you know, we love to say, especially at your holistic Earth, life is happening for us, not to us. Right?
Theresa Stone:And actually, I would take that even one step further, that's actually happening with us, because we're co creators, as we're manifesting and really showing up and being present for ourselves and for you know, the people in our community. So I love that.
Jenny Ryce:Yeah, so let's tap into really quick before we start running out of time, I love that you bring your intuitiveness right, your intuitive gifts to the workplace. It's powerful, it's helpful. I'm all about the spiritual board of directors that come down, right?
Theresa Stone:If you absolutely love them, I think
Jenny Ryce:you know, I get I can't guarantee this was or wasn't always the way right for you the ease of it. When we've got somebody listening right now who's like, I'm not sure how to tap into my business or tap into my intuition when it comes to my personal life or my health or my wellness, too many suggestions for those that are listening
Theresa Stone:for Okay, so biggest thing for myself, you know, I've spent my whole life knowing that I have these gifts, but yet having to you know, dial them down, so I could function and then spent the last 20 years you know, actually trying to work with them. And the hardest thing about intuition and, you know, stepping into it is learning to trust it and having faith in it. Because we are actually receiving these, these insights this information all the time. The universe is sending us messages all the time, all the time. But we're not necessarily aware of it because we don't know what to look for. So we don't know to trust it. You know, so like when you get that that instinct that says, Hey, turn right, when you always turn left, when you start actually trusting, hey, I'm going to turn right and not turn left or whatever that is you actually learning to trust your intuition as learn what you actually embodying that faith piece. So the biggest thing for me was learning to trust learning to trust myself. And the second thing for me, that I I started doing was to actually get silent. Whether that was, you know, going for a walk in nature, whether that was sitting, meditating, you know, or whether that was just writing or dishes, but just getting quiet, and really starting to listen to my inner self. And, and was amazing, when I started doing that, the insights and the awareness piece, and all this information started coming in. I mean, I was hearing messages from the birds and you know, just, I was hearing things I would see, I started seeing things more like I was just, it was amazing how the world really became alive. Like, I felt like I was kind of living in this blurred bubbles, like, not really knowing what was going on around me, I always kind of felt like I was two steps behind what was going on. And now I kind of feel well, now I actually feel like I've got like, you know, at least a good handle of what's going on. Even if I still kind of feel maybe I'm a little bit like, boy, I didn't see that coming. But for the most part, I really feel grounded. I feel really solid in my trust in that, you know, knowing piece because I've always had this knowing but could never explain it could never tell you how I knew something. It just I got to that point where it was just really about trusting. And I had some amazing experiences from the universe to really, like solidify these experiences for me, that reminded me that I'm always in the right place. I had a like, it was a beautiful experience where I was on my way to do a Reiki session for a dear friend of mine, whose father was in the hospital. And I was running late I was 20 minutes behind. I was like, I had to be there at a certain time because the hospital was only allowing people for visitors at this time to this time. And I was like, oh, no, I'm going to be late. But I was running 20 minutes behind I was exactly where I needed to be. There was this car that drove by, just as I was, you know, merging onto the highway, and it had a license plate barn owl.
Theresa Stone:And the barn owl was a message for this person who I was going to do the reading for. And I never would have seen that if I had not have been 20 minutes late, or exactly where I needed to be. So there was just little things like that. And another a neighbor actually left to go with her girls to go shopping. And I wanted to get out of the house early to go get some errands done. So I could get back and have the rest of my afternoon to you know, do business or whatever. And I was just told no, you can't leave the house. And I says, But I have to leave the house. I gotta get stuff done. And there's no nope, nope. And of course, then all sudden, I was like, Okay, now you're ready to go. So I got the green light, I could go and started getting ready. And just as I'm about to walk out the door, I get a text message from my neighbor. And then she was like, Are you still home? And then she called me and she said, can you go next door, the smoke alarms going off. And I was like what? Okay, so of course, I tried to throw the snow, like six feet, oh, well felt like it was six feet high, but it was more like almost knee high. And sure enough, her place she had left a burner like us burner on low. And there was this pan on her stove and it was ready to ignite. And I mean her place she had a dog in there, her place could have started on fire, but I was there thankfully to, you know, put that out and or take it off the burner and, and ensure that you know nothing actually more drastic happened. So you know, it's like was little things like that, that really solidified that I was like doing the things and listening to that guidance piece. And I was just so grateful everything that happened, whether I whether you could demonize bad or good was just finding the gratitude and the gift in it, and just really helped to you know, anchor that in for me. So these are like kind of the things that I would encourage people who are struggling to, you know, tap into their intuition is to really start to learn to trust yourself, you know, and know like, don't let anybody tell you different like if you know, then just trust that and get quiet. get quiet and find you know your inner voice, find that inner voice and then just watch the magic happen. Because it's there. It's there.
Jenny Ryce:So when we think I can't believe how faster time goes, I know. So as we, you know, close out this episode, what is a final thought maybe it's a word, maybe it's a quote that you'd like to leave with those that are listening.
Theresa Stone:Um, well, I'm going to just revisit our word for the year for mine was unity, really creating that unity and that sense of community with, you know, yourself with your family with you know, those near those in your neighborhood, those just around the world, just really bringing in that heart piece, you know, that unity, because we can't move forward one person at a time we need to just move forward Well, one person at a time can do to make can make so much difference. But you know, we have to move to a greater newness together. We can't do it alone.
Jenny Ryce:So Collective is so vital. So powerful.
Theresa Stone:Yep. So, so yeah. So that unity, I love
Jenny Ryce:it. Thank you. Thank you. So for those of you that are curious about what Theresa offers as a professional, you can find her at your holistic URL. She will be in the directory. I am yeah, you will find her there. She's amazing at what she does do not hesitate to connect. And do you have a special a better way for people to reach you tracer or through the directory?
Theresa Stone:I do have a booking link but yeah, through the directories good. You know, text messages good too. For now want just most people it's not hard to find be
Jenny Ryce:keeping keep it super simple. We're going to have Theresa's connections in the shownotes. But of course she is a vital member of the or holistic Earth community. So do not hesitate you guys. Tap in there, you'll find her in the directory. Teresa. Again, thank you for being on the show. Thank you for having me. My pleasure. And for those of you again for tuning in today. Thank you so much for listening. We hope this inspires you to ignite that wellness. We're in you, every single one of us has an opportunity to change our trajectory. Theresa shared beautiful examples of pathways she could or could not have taken. Don't hesitate to take some of that inspiration and maybe get curious how you can implement that into your life. Thank you so much for listening. We are honored and can't wait to have you on the next show. Thank you so much.