EP78: Reconnecting with your body! With Dee Mago

“Accepting where we are at that moment, but not being okay to be in that unhealthy place for the rest of your life.” — Dee Mago
Dee Mago’s expertise is all about transforming people’s life by focusing on mind, body and soul through exercise, nutrition, emotional healing, and so much more. It is one of her greatest advocacies that people need to fall in love with their own bodies being naked. This says a lot about vulnerability and authenticity.
Growing up in a society with stereotypes, it has become difficult for some people to accept their bodies raw. It is always about fitting into a certain standard because it is either we are too fat or too skinny. We need to accept everybody without any discrimination for who they are. Our focus needs to be on health, not appearance.
Digging deeper into the topic, Dee comprehensively explains how we get out of an unhealthy state of our life.
Wellness Nuggets:
● If you find yourself in a place where you’re unhealthy and make some changes
● We're the only ones that are judging ourselves because of that change
● When your emotions are more balanced, that means your hormones are more balanced as well
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Dee was born a rebel, she has been the disruptor of many concepts in business and personal life. Her mission is to be the catalyst in the fitness industry and transform people’s life by focusing on body mind and soul through exercise, nutrition, emotional healing, and other activities to help people to bring more vitality, longevity, increase energy and bring their sexy back. Dee’s passion for physical health started to become stronger in 2012 after a few life-changing events, the only things that kept her sane and going were: mediation, nutrition, physical health, and community
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NakedFit
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denise-dee-mago-0aa6aa45/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deemago_happynaked/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfVhT6DDhovZsZuWQH9DwqQ
Resource link/Giveaway
Offering a 30 minutes complimentary call to tailor a very efficient home workout.
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, bestselling author podcast host, and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration. Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded, and finding inspiration. Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion. It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness, in business life and living. Your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Welcome everyone to another episode of winning with wellness. I am so honored and thrilled that you're here to share this time and space with us. I am really excited about the guests that's here with us tonight. Today. Dew Mago is a really cool, inspirational and loves to work in a topic that might be considered slightly risky or taboo. I cannot wait to dig into this conversation and I'm going to drop little nuggets about what this might be about as we move forward. Dee, thank you for being on the show.
Dee Mago:Oh Thank you. This is awesome.
Jenny Ryce:I cannot wait to dig in. I'm going to share with everyone a little bit about you. And then we're just gonna dive in sound good. It's good. Great. So you guys Dee was born a rebel. She has been the disrupter of many concepts in business and personal life. Her mission is to be the catalyst in the fitness industry and to transform people's life by focusing on body, mind and soul through exercise, nutrition, emotional healing and other activities to help promote people to bring back more vitality, longevity, increased energy and bringing their sexy back. Okay, so there's a little nugget drop about where we might go in this conversation. DS passion for physical health started to become stronger in 2012, after a few life changing events, the only things that kept her seen and going were meditation, nutrition, physical health and community. And this is one of the big reasons why I'm thrilled to have Dee on the show her passion for community and mine are very similar. And we're really excited to get into talking about different topics around health, wellness, and really honestly about being happy naked. Right. I think this is such a great time. We're ready, we're ready. Let's just dive in. So, you know, deep knowing that we're going to talk about some fun and, you know, blushing conversation for some people. What really led you into this movement? What what, what was the catalyst that you decided that people need to fall in love with being naked? What does that mean for you?
Dee Mago:Well, it more than what it means to me is what it means for people. Right? And, and it's it is people are not connected to their body. People do not like to see themselves naked. And and I know I'm sure we all have heard at some point, somebody's saying that they don't want to do to have sex with the lights on. Right? And, and it's because of that shame if you're not happy in your body, right? So that's kind of where things get all twisted, and you know, get affected, you know, our emotions get affected our mental health get affected because ultimately, we're not happy in our body. And why naked it is because naked is not only about with our clothing, it is vulnerability, right? Because when we show we can show naked in front of people, it doesn't mean that we're showing without clothing. It is basically we're showing ourselves raw pure, who we are authentically and all that kind of stuff. And that's also the underlying meaning of being naked or being happy naked. It is about understanding that when we show up authentically, knowing and loving who we are, that is that is the true meaning of being happy naked. And I know people are not in that place. You know, I would guess at least 80% of the population are not there yet men or women. I see it. I see it all the time. How unfortunately, it is a taboo topic. Because the different social medias and even ourselves have say we keep telling ourselves, I'm happy where I am. I'm okay. I'm still taking you know prescription drugs for diabetes, high blood pressure. I may be prone to have cancer all the time. Mr. I'm happy in my body. That is not okay. Nine, because unfortunately, you know, and there's all this different stereotyping of, you know, we cannot say fat anymore because it's insulting. Well, it's not about insulting people, it is about understanding where we are at. If we're if, you know, if someone is fat, it is fat, it's a fat is not an insult, it is something that we need to take care of. Right? Because there is, you know, extra stuff that is not healthy in our body, and how we start on pure, like, you know, unveil all those things. But then we have here No, Victoria's Secret, all girls are too skinny. Now we need to accept everybody on the spectrum, which, you know, it is a whole dilemma. Because yes, we can accept everybody. Right? And no discrimination. You know, everybody is, you know, it's who they are. It's another human being that we're dealing with. But ultimately, it comes to us, do you really know that you are in a healthy place physically, mentally, and spiritually? And if you're not, they all affect each other? Of course, but if you're not speaking on the body right now, so if you're not happy in your body, most likely it's going to affect your mental health, your emotions, your personal growth, your business, your relationships with yourself and others, right. So that's kind of where I am having. I'm having, like a, like a lot of issues with the media right now. Where the fact that oh, we need to accept everybody. Right? And that, yes, we do. But we cannot accept ourselves being unhealthy. Because it's because there's so society, it is accepting us the way we are, you know, I hope it's what I'm trying to get to, right. Yeah, I really
Jenny Ryce:love what you're, you're trying to bring forward here. It's and how I'm perceiving it. And of course, the audience that's listening will perceive it in their own way. Is acceptance is beautiful, but if it creates a lie within ourselves, yeah, it's not healthy. Exactly. Right. So really looking at our own personal truth. Yeah, yeah. Determining if the if the, if what we're being told or being, you know, Fed is actually serving us to our highest
Dee Mago:egg. Exactly. Because this is the other part of it. Right? So a number on the scale doesn't mean much. And at the same time, it means some, right? Because if someone is 300 pounds, yes, that number on the scale means something. Right? Yes. If we are on the does, it depends on the height, and also many things, right? And, but let's say let's, let's say average, we are within, you know, they handed on 30 and 160 pounds, you know, I am? I think it's I don't know in feet, but I think I'm 5456, something like that. So I'm 168 meters. So then it's okay to be within that. If someone like me, and I'm gonna give myself as an example, because if someone like me, it is double the number on the scale. It's not okay. Right? So yes, so the number in the scale means something, but not always does, but we need to be fully aware of that as well. Because the muscular individual, a tall guy, for example, very muscular, it might wait a lot, right. So at that point, while you know what the number on the scale might not mean much because when we do the the BMI, the body, what is it called the body mass index, then, of course, that person that is fully muscular and all that kind of stuff, it might show up that is obese, and it's not it's it's all full of muscles. And but, you know, it's all about putting things in perspective. Because it's not, it's not all okay, is not and we need to start being realistic with that. And that's the issue I have with society right now. That we're like all accepting everything. Oh, we're so accepting. We're not discriminating. It's not about discrimination. And it is, yes, accepting where we are at that moment, but not being okay to be in that unhealthy place for the rest of your life. What do you think?
Jenny Ryce:I think that's a beautiful way to to. It's again, accepting and kindness to others. But true for yourself, if if you find yourself in a place that you're unhealthy, and again, if I was my size and double my weight, again, it would be easiest living my best life. Am I as healthy as I can be? Am I Am I knocking on a disease's door, and I'm just, you know, keep cracking it open those kinds of things. And really stepping into your journey. What led you to this work?
Dee Mago:Um, I think, I think just life, my background is in it. That's what I did. For the longest time in my life when I was in Venezuela, and here in Canada, and little by little, my passion started just racing as a result of just being I want to just to be look good. I'm like, I want to be happy in my body, right? I want to look good. I have three kids, they're teenagers now. And but it gets to a point that I do want to be that mom, that is going to say, and you know what all the moms out there. If you take it personally, you might have to think about why
Jenny Ryce:the truth is hard to hear sometimes. Apologize.
Dee Mago:I'm just gonna say, you look, watch why you're taking it personally. Anyway. So um, so then, you know, 10 years later, your kids are teen years 15. And it's like, I hear women say, Oh, this is all my baby weight after 10 freaking years is not baby weight. Yeah. And that's another aspect of things, just looking at it. And I want it to be the mom. That is like, Well, my mom actually take care of her. They wouldn't know right now, like, my kids are teenagers, they have no clue of that stuff. But eventually, when they got they become older and becomes moms and dads, right, they will be like, Whoa, I understand now why my mom put some effort on feeling good with herself, right. And because it's a reflection, and I didn't want to be the mom, that will tell my kids later on, I stopped my life because of you. And then being resentful. Because I made those choices to stop everything because of my kids. Right. So there are different phases to that, or so that's kind of where one of the things that happened. For in my in my mind, then we look into the aspect of health when I have my kids pretty young compared to North American women. And because my first child, I had it and I was 24. And then by the time I was 29, I already had two kids. So but the thing is, every single pregnancy, I had a very, very good recovery. My pregnancies himself were very, very good. I never gain extra weight. And I'm not saying that was taking extra care or anything. Because it's about lifestyle, which is the next level right? Of what we're talking about here. Lifestyle is not about diet is not about, you know, going becoming fanatic in the gym or anything like that. It is a lifestyle. And I think that's what happens in my case, right? I had a decent life style, because I have improved over the years, right technology and science and studies and research keeps giving us more information and giving us more room to improve. So I cannot tell you that 20 years ago, I knew it all. I knew what I knew, culturally speaking, based on my upbringing. And and that's another key point. So everybody that is listening, it's just the start putting all this together, right? Because it's our upbringing. It's a culture, it is our lifestyle, and all those things affect our choices, and our physical health, right, as an mental and emotional of course. But so that is something that I think definitely had a massive benefit during my pregnancies. Because as I said, I didn't gain a lot of weight. It was decent, you know, and by the time I deliver my babies, everything out in a month, between a month and three months, I was already back in what I was before period, you know, like and that sort of thing, no massive efforts or anything like that. It was just allowing my body to come back to where it's supposed to be. And just going back to my routine, because of course having newborns and then as you have more babies things get more complicated. Did it and however, is still within within my timeframe and frame and the busyness of being a mom of young kids allowed me to still creating the body I wanted to have. And there's another part to that, okay? And which is, I was married at that point, I'm not married anymore with that guy anyway.
Dee Mago:And so, but at that point, it was very, very important that every time I was, let's say, I would go and play beach ball volleyball with my friends, right? And then my ex, and I will take turns, now you go, you play with this week, and I will play this other week. So that's another thing, right? Where it plays an important role. It is that support from the person that you are in if you're in a relationship, right? Because single parents comes with different challenges, which has also been there. And but at that point, it is also how being able to create a community that allows you to create that environment for yourself that you can say, you know, what, can we take turns, so then I babysit your kids, and then you do something, and then I babysit your your visit mine, and then we can I can do my things. So those are that's now where, you know, it's being in a relationship, having that support and understanding what your needs are as an individual and your wants. And then also, if that relationship partnership, it's not there, then how can we utilize our community, friends, siblings, something like that, in order to allow that to happen as well, and not forgetting about ourselves? Because I know as moms, we have the tendency to forget about the world. And forget about us, sorry, because we're taking care of the world. And it is a very nurturing role that we all take in many, many moments in our lives. And sometimes it goes for a long, extended period of times. And we're seeing that more often now with that as well. Right? So it's not moms as being nurturing and caring of their family, we're starting to see how that are stepping in, and start taking on that role as well, however, but they still forgetting about themselves, because they see it, you see the beer belly and all that kind of stuff, right?
Jenny Ryce:Oh, yeah, it's definitely it's definitely a two sided it's not just a female problem, or, you know, it's happening to us all in society. So you know, what's what I am excited about is, when, when people are given the opportunity to see the truth of their situation, and they're willing to look at it. You were gonna have somebody right now who's listening in this very moment going, Yeah, I need to change it might be that they want to start sleeping better, it might be that one start walking, they might, you know, whatever their scenario is, when you work with somebody, or maybe you've experienced in these in your own life, when you've got somebody who's like, I just don't know where to start. Do you have any recommendations on how to start their own health movement?
Dee Mago:But before before I say that, I would like to clarify, right? That there is a lot of shame. Okay, which and shame, it is what, uh, stop us from asking for help. Because we have shame about our choices. You know, I have been given different examples that we all go through at some point in our life. And, and because of shame, we think that other people is judging us. Right, which is what is stopping us from asking for help. And ultimately, as far as I can tell, very little people judge us we're the only ones that are judging ourselves because of that chain. And so that is one thing it is like, you know, when move on shake it off, right? Nobody's judging you. Nobody's looking right.
Jenny Ryce:Like you busy worrying about what they're doing.
Dee Mago:Know Exactly. So definitely, that is one step where you're like, look at yourself and say, You know what, yes, this is all been me. It's all this shame and guilt, because of the choices that I has been made over the 514 years because this is not a two year thing. Normally, it is a result of between five to 10 years, that is what we are today. You know, all those five to 10 years that we have been working on and health here they send you an invoice right and say, Oh, you have not been taking care of yourself now. problem here. If your receipt diabetes, this is the other receipt, high blood pressure, this is the other one. Well, in worst case, cancer boom, right? It is what it is a sadly. And so those, you know, remove that self judgment thinking that everybody's judging you. And, um, the other thing is definitely walking going out, it is very, very important. Depends on where you are in your life. Going back to that person that is 300 pounds, yes, walking, it's probably the way to start. You know, somebody like you and me, that tells me, I go for a walk that makes her say yesterday, I said, No, it's not it. Right? As simple as that. But that's not what they want to tell themselves, right? Because they're constable in that position of going out for a walk for 30 minutes a day. Yes, it is healthy, it is good, it's good for your, for your mind, definitely go get some fresh air, when we're looking to get to, like, when we're looking at longevity, vitality, and energy. And right, we need to challenge our body. And that's kind of where that's the other aspect to it is what is the individual when you ask for help, which will, that individual is going to be able to help you and provide support and help and advice within your lifestyle. Because that's another thing, right? Someone
Dee Mago:and I will speak about the people within my age and older, we don't have two hours a day, like when we were 20 right to go to the gym, and exercise every single day. That is not a reality. If we have people in our audience that are business owners, that is mostly the people that I work with, as you know, we don't have that time, we don't have the time to dedicate that much. So then the other part is we got to be efficient and intentional with our exercise, even if going out for a walk is the only thing that is available, because it's the best thing that you know, nine, then you get to do it with the intention is not just go you know, one day, you just kind of just go for fresh air. But there is another time that you can say you know what I want to elevate my heart rate, I want to feel that challenge, I want to go faster, I'm going to just do some push ups in a bench, or just go and do some lunges, five launches, work, five lunges, work, something like that. So I add that challenge into what you're doing. So they're different, they're different points, because we're all in different places in life, okay. And we're all willing to do different things to create a change or a transformation, because that's ultimately what happens. We transform, we start with a body, right? And then it's, and that creates, you know, involve nutrition, evolve, that your emotions get, you know, more balanced, it means that your hormones are more balanced, it means that there's less brain fog, all those things. Or it can be something like you mentioned sleep, right, just changing the sleep parents immediately you have more energy, and you're like, oh my god, I have more energy. What do I do with this? And then, of course, the first thought that comes to your mind is I want to work more night because that's what we do in North America. And I'm gonna give you an example. I was talking to one of my uncles, who recently moved to Spain. He was in Venezuela, Venezuela, it's horrible economic politics, everything, you name it. And there was no future for my young cousin. So my cousin is 18 or 19, something like that. So he never experienced freedom period. Then my uncle who is in his early 60s, decided to, you know, endure and this new adventure of being an immigrant and he was sharing with me two days ago. It's like it's so different. And they take time, they take four to six weeks of vacation. So they credible. Yep. And they take two hour lunch, which includes napping, okay. At the end of the day he was saying you walk and a whole street there are coffee shops. There are bars is full of people just sitting, relaxing, and talking to others because there's no that they're alone, because that's what will happen in North America, they will be alone just now like just or going home drinking wine. So it is the social aspect is unfinished. So here, we live to work. They're, they're working to leave. And that makes a big difference. Fine. Because when going back to the energy, which is why I'm sharing this example, it's like, Oh, my God, I have more energy, I'm gonna work more. What about if Oh, my God, you have more energy, enjoy life more? Because it's not about working more, which is what what happens in North America? And this is it and it doesn't really matter whether you're an employee, or, or business owner, it doesn't really matter. Because employees, they're being exploited right now, as well. Nine, because they're afraid that if they don't work overtime, they're going to lose their jobs. That kind of a situation where in the world right now, which is quite messed up, and how that's affecting our mental health, that how is that affecting our emotions? The how is that affecting the choices that we make for food? Mine? And of course, the choices that we make when it comes to exercise as well, because it comes with I don't have time to exercise? Well, what if I told you that all you have to do is five minutes a day, or 30 minutes a week? Everybody can do that. And it's possible, there's science that tells us that we can do that, and it's gonna give you results? Fine,
Jenny Ryce:it's incredible. And you know, I guess we're ending our time here, I really want to just reiterate what you said, Do you want to live to work or work to live? That is such a powerful frame. And when you're comfortable, you need to level up? Yeah, when it's easy, maybe we need to look at, you know, those tips that you gave about. I you know, I know a girlfriend that when her babies are in the bath, she does Pilates on the bathroom. Right? Because she's like they're contained. And she can't leave them alone. So, so just sitting there, but what I love and you share that too, so beautifully. Your children might not see it or understand it right now. But you're they're learning your habits through your actions, and they too will develop those. So you know, for my girlfriend that's doing the pilates and while their babies are in the tub, their children are realizing that there if there's a will there's a way and yes, many beautiful points. I know that you've offered for our amazing listeners to connect with you for a complimentary call to talk about how to work efficiently at home. And will the best way what's the best way for them to connect with you? And I'll share it in the show notes as well.
Dee Mago:Um, well, definitely going to my website naked fit that online. It can be a good way. However, you can find me at what I always say if you look for me, you're going to find me. So you can you know it is on Instagram, Dee Margo, underscore happy naked. I'm on Facebook as well under, you know, myself Dee Margo naked fed. Happy naked as well. There are two different pages for the book and for the fitness part on LinkedIn as well. Amanda Dee Margo, as well, I think, yes, I'm looking at my
Jenny Ryce:notes. For those of you that don't have a pen handy, we are going to have show notes. So not at work, they'll be able to find you.
Dee Mago:You know, I'm sure if they search for the Margot, they're gonna find me Your papa.
Jenny Ryce:Hopefully, I know my husband's like, I Googled you the other day. I was like, oh, and he's like, I was kind of surprised how much stuff you're involved in. I was like, yeah, do you? Yeah.
Dee Mago:Yeah, too. Doing my best that, you know, providing information and all that kind of stuff. Right? Definitely.
Jenny Ryce:Well, and do you thank you so much for being on the show. And we hope that this has inspired people to move into that wellness warrior position in their lives. We cannot thank you enough for being on the show. Thanks for being here.
Dee Mago:Thank you very much. And you know, I'm always happy to share my view. Since I think it's not always the most political accepted. And you know what, I don't mind.
Jenny Ryce:I love that though. You know, authentically you living in your truth. Right? You're, you're an example of what you're showing and and hoping to inspire others. So thank you for being on the show. And those of you that Alyson, thank you so much for tuning in today it has meant the world to us to be able to share this these thought provoking, hopefully action inducing concepts with you. Do not hesitate to dig in and become a wellness warrior. You can find more information and resources at your holistic Earth to help support your journey. Come check us out over there. But always thank you so much for sharing your time and space with us. Thanks again.