Oct. 9, 2024

Why You set Boundaries

Why You set Boundaries

In this episode we engaged in” Why you set boundaries for


Boundaries are just limits.

It’s a line you draw that you feel protects you: emotionally,

physically, socially, and or spatially. All through life we are faced with boundaries.

From the time we were children, when our parents said, “No hitting your

siblings,” to adults now having social distancing boundaries enforced.

How often do you think about boundaries in your


If you want a healthy relationship, you must be able to set

and keep boundaries. Without them, you’re likely to have unnecessary conflict.

You can set boundaries while you are dating or once you’ve actually made a

commitment to a long-term relationship.

Conflict can arise even with boundaries, but more conflict

will come without them. For example, during the dating stage, men and women may

not talk a great deal about each other having friends of the opposite sex (Or

same sex, depending on where your preferences lay.).


committed to a long-term relationship and one or both of partners may want to

hang out with someone who could seem competitive to them, it could cause an




males don't like their partner to hang out with other guys - even if they say

they are just friends. Some women are the same way. If their partner wants to

go have dinner with a female friend, it is often times difficult for their

partner to feel good about it. The same is true with same sex relations or any




some couples are completely fine with such arrangements, but the important key

to note is to have a discussion about it. State what you are comfortable with

and set boundaries if necessary.



standards are a no-no as well. If your partner tells you they are allowed to

hang out with someone, but you are not allowed in the same way, that's a double

standard. There have been incidents where one partner may restrict their

partner of going out seeing their family or friends. This an abusive

relationship of power and is not healthy for the one who is powerless. They

need to get out of the situation immediately as there may be no room for their

need for boundaries.



optimal growth in a relationship, healthy boundaries ought to be discussed and

agreed upon. Each person needs to take responsibility for their role in the

relationship and draw lines when it comes to what is acceptable and what is




alright for you to say no to things that you are uncomfortable with in a

relationship. If he / she is flirting with the waitress bothers you, tell them.

If she’s texting her ex and it bothers you, let her know.



expression may or may not result in your partner changing their behavior, but

at least you can discuss how it makes you feel and not end up with resentments

down the road. You’ll also find out, if this is the type of relationship you

want long-term.



our body energy system, the belief and values we grow up will may need to

change as they are not health. Often change in our boundaries will not be

except by others as the are use to the old system. In my own family there was

no clear boundaries in thinking differently, in behaviour, and rescuing system

to keep you in the same system as before.



example of this could be in a cult, where having no boundaries around sexual

intimacy, only one way of thinking, not being allow to explore knowledge in

throughout the universe. You are told the world is flat than you have to

believe it is flat. Religious organizations can have a set of beliefs and

values that can separate you from the rest of society.



addition to boundaries that have already been mentioned, here are some other boundaries

that are common in relationships:






an honest discussion around sexual intimacy.


you and your partner should be able to express your:

•  thoughts

•  beliefs

•  and boundaries regarding sexual expression in

the relationship.


might feel awkward, but press through. Understanding each other’s preferences,

beliefs, and expectations can help your relationship thrive and leave less room

for resentment, confusion, or other negative emotions.





about finances are important in a relationship. Those that ignore this topic

tend to run into problems down the road.


your thoughts, expectations, and boundaries around money. If you don’t see eye

to eye, work at a compromise that suits both of you.



Past relationships


anyone is badgering the other with questions of past relationships, that’s overstepping

a boundary.


have every right to let your past stay in the past and so does your partner. Course,

you’re free to share what you want, but when you feel assaulted with questions,

it’s time to draw your line in the sand and say, “That’s not something I’m

comfortable sharing with you.”




Loved ones


helps to set some boundaries around those outsides of your relationship, such as

friends and family.


a discussion about what you both want in terms of visiting hours, family

interaction time, and how friendships come into play. Outside influences, such

as in-laws or adult children can be a blessing or a curse depending on various

factors. Determine what you’ll allow in your relationship in a way where you

and your partner are respected.


Social media & technology


you’re the kind of person that doesn’t care if your partner gets on your social

media, that’s great.


if you like your privacy, you have every right to say, “hands off”. Talk about what

you desire and see what your partner desires when it comes to social media and technology.


you want your mobile phone, iPad, computer off limits to your partner, it’s alright

for you to say so. This doesn’t mean you are hiding something. It means you

enjoy your freedom when it comes to your things. And, vice versa if your partner

tells you this.


Respect –


6 Most Common Boundaries You Should Know & Set in Your Relationships...


relationship ought to draw the boundary line of respect. This means not

allowing name calling or any type of abuse. You deserve respect and so does

your partner. If you’re not getting it, shore up your boundary line with a

serious conversation.


5 Love Languages & How They Can Help You Have a Healthier Relationship


Enhance Relationships


take shady areas out of the grey into clear and transparency. If boundaries are

lacking, there may be confusion, anger, jealousy, or a host of other negative emotions.

 So, think more about what boundaries you

have in your relationship, and ones you’d like to set. Then, have a warm

discussion around them with your partner. Your relationship will be better for




and Energy


we have no boundaries or they are weak, it is very easy for us to become

entangled in other peoples’ issues. We find ourselves emotionally, mentally,

and physically drained. We may feel we are in a brain fog, tired, not sleeping

very well at night, playing scenarios over and over in our brain, we could even

become more frustrated with the situation and wondering why the person will not

change. The solution(s) is right in front of them.



couple of years ago my sister wanted to go to an Alon meeting and asked me if I

would go with her. I said, “I would be there to support her.” Unfortunately,

she was not ready to recognize she had issues with her husband’s drinking. For

a couple years she would phone me and talk about her husband’s drinking.

Sometimes she would come over for the weekend with her three daughters. My own

boundaries were weak at the time, and I got caught up in her issues. I would

give her solutions to solve her issues. It became emotionally and mentally

draining on my energy.



realized the only problems that I could solve were my own. As for my sister and

her husband, I realized they were the only ones that could solve their

problems. This is not a happy ever after ending for them or me.



understanding energy medicine, I always make sure I have an energy bubble

around me.



is an energy bubble? An energy bubble helps to shield your energy from people

in your life who may be draining your energy or sending negative vibrations

your way, consciously or subconsciously.


have an energy bubble around me everyday as you never know when you are around

come across people energy who try to take your energy.



this visualization:


Call the Universe light send healing energy and protection. Allow this white light

surround you.  Visualize that the

bubble’s boundary only allows love, positivity, and healing energy to enter.

Visualize any negative and unwanted energy bouncing off of the bubble.

Next, Call the Universe light to enfold you with

unconditional love.

Finally, call the Universe Light to infuse you with

strength, understanding, forgiveness, and trust.\


keep us safe and healthy. It assists us to become our authentic self.