July 1, 2024

S03E88: Starliner Hurdles & Europe’s Rocket Shift

S03E88: Starliner Hurdles & Europe’s Rocket Shift
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Space News Today

Welcome to Astronomy Daily, the Podcast that brings you the latest updates from around the universe. I'm your host, Anna. Today we have a lineup of fascinating stories that highlight the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of space exploration. We'll delve into NASA's ongoing efforts to bring the Boeing Starliner crew back home safely amid technical challenges and discuss Europe's weather satellite operators' notable decision to switch from the delayed Ariane 6 rocket to the more reliable SpaceX Falcon 9 for satellite launches. We'll also cover other intriguing updates, including a postponed spacewalk on the ISS due to a spacesuit leak, new insights on meteoroid impacts on Mars from NASA's InSight mission, and groundbreaking experiments aimed at uncovering the mysteries of dark energy. So let's dive into today's headlines.

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