May 17, 2017

38: Millions of monsters hiding in plain sight

38: Millions of monsters hiding in plain sight

The Astronomy and Space Science News Podcast

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* Millions of monsters hiding in plain sight Astronomers have found evidence of a black hole hiding in a cloud of gas in a dark corner of the Milky Way. The study is thought to be just the tip of the iceberg with millions of these monstrous gravity wells expected to be floating around unseen throughout the galaxy. 

*Earth’s mantle is far hotter than previously thought A new study claims the Earth’s mantle may be hotter than previously thought. The findings could change the way researchers think about many geological processes within the plant -- including how ocean basins form. 

*Australian astronomy joins the Very Large Telescope consortium The Australian Federal budget handed down last week in Canberra included some good news for astronomers with the announcement of a new strategic partnership providing access to one of the world’s best astronomical facilities -- the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope – the VLT. The ten year $26.1 million deal provides Australian researchers telescope time on the four 8.2 metre telescopes at the Chilean observatory. 

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The Astronomy, Space, Technology & Science News Podcast.