May 24, 2017

40; Magnetic bridge linking galaxies

40; Magnetic bridge linking galaxies

The Astronomy and Space Science News Podcast

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* Magnetic bridge linking galaxies Astronomers have detected a magnetic field associated with the Magellanic Bridge, the filament of gas stretching 75,000 light-years between the Milky Way Galaxy’s nearest galactic neighbours -- the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The findings provide the first ever detection of a magnetic field in the bridge and may provide clues to how it’s formed. 

*New clues about the origins of brown dwarfs Astronomers have discovered a spectacular extended jet blasting almost a lightyear out from a young brown dwarf. The discovery provides new insights into the origins of brown dwarfs, supporting the emerging picture that these sub stellar objects form in the same way stars do. 

*Astronomers produce the largest map of the Universe ever made Astronomers with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey have created the first map of the large-scale structure of the universe based entirely on the positions of quasars. The new findings are consistent with Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. 

*India launches locally built satellite India has launched a new locally built telecommunications satellite. The successful flight shows India’s growing space capabilities -- both building and launching its own spacecraft.  

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