July 5, 2021

National Intelligence UFO Report Inconclusive

The Astronomy, Technology and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 76
*National Intelligence UFO Report inconclusive
Those American military UFO sightings are no closer to resolution with the official congressional intelligence...

The Astronomy, Technology and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 76
*National Intelligence UFO Report inconclusive
Those American military UFO sightings are no closer to resolution with the official congressional intelligence report by the Pentagon failing to provide an explanation for most of the sightings.
View Full Report: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6t0t7fk7d6qsfw/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf?dl=0
*Discovery of a new type of supernovae
Astronomers have discovered a new third type of supernova known as an electron-capture supernova.
*Searching for the hum of neutron stars
Scientists believe they can detect neutron stars through the gravitational waves they generate as they spin.
*A setback for Iran’s nuclear missile program
Iran is preparing for another missile test flight following a launch failure on June 12th. The June launch from the Imam Khomeini missile test center in Semnan province was detected by US space command satellites.
*The Science Report
Studies confirm link between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and rare instances of heart inflammation.
Common artificial sweeteners found to cause previously healthy gut bacteria to become diseased.
New study says dinosaurs were already in decline for at least ten 10 million years before the asteroid.
Record-breaking heat waves cook western Canada.
Skeptic's guide to the psychic’s using google

For more SpaceTime and show links: https://linktr.ee/biteszHQ

The Astronomy, Space, Technology & Science News Podcast.


SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 76 AI Transcript

[00:00:00] Stuart: [00:00:00] This is time series 24, episode 76 for broadcasts on the 5th of July, 2021. Coming up on space time. The national intelligence UFO report proves to be inconclusive discovery of a new type of supernova and searching for the hum of neutron stars, all that, and more coming up. Um, space time.

VO Guy: [00:00:27] Welcome to space time with Stuart Gary

Stuart: [00:00:46] Well, it would appear those American military UFO sightings are no closer to resolution with the official congressional intelligence report by the Pentagon failing to provide any explanation for most of the sightings. The highly awaited [00:01:00] report by the office of the director of national intelligence was ordered after UFO sightings by military pilots and Navy warship.

Cruz became, yeah, there's a whole

Guest: [00:01:10] fleet of them. Look on

Stuart: [00:01:11] man.

Guest: [00:01:12] Like going against the wind, the winds, the hunts and the west. Oh, Hey dude. That's not how that's though. Is it.

It's rotated.


Stuart: [00:01:45] Salmon, dozens of mysterious unexplained, aerial phenomena. Most of which were actually filmed during military training exercises. The nine page public version of a more detailed classified report did not discuss any specific [00:02:00] incidents that said there was no evidence of any extra terrestrial involvement.

Sorry. Folks looks like flying sources. You can find that report on our website and found that just one out of 140 for your first sightings by you as government personnel, between 2004 and 2021 could be explained. And that was a large deflating weather balloon. The report found that many sightings were probably natural atmospheric phenomena, things like ice crystals, moisture, or hate fluctuations, things that could register as flying objects to cameras and sensors on aircraft or aboard ships at sea.

Most of the rest were probably birds, plastic bags, or more balloons floating in the wind. Then there's glitches in optical and electronic equipment, or just tricks of light, shade, and water. The report ruled out on classified American drones, but it couldn't rule out classified or black projects. The authors say their report simply lacks the [00:03:00] data to indicate that unidentified aerial phenomena, a part of any foreign intelligence program or indicative of any major technological advancement by any potential adversary.

The chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, Democrat, Mark Warner says the frequency of UFO reports appears to be increasing since 2018. So that's that at least for now,

this is space time, still the com discovery of a new type of supernova and searching for the hum of neutron stars, all that a more still to. On space time,

Animas have discovered a [00:04:00] new third type of supernova known as an electronic capture supernova. The discovery reported in the journal nature. Astronomy confirms a prediction made four decades ago and could lead to new insights into the life and death of stars. It also sheds new light on the thousand year old mystery of the supernova, which would eventually become known as the crab Nebula supernova, a massive explosions marking the death of stars.

And these cataclysmic events are bright enough to outshine their house galaxy. Historically astronomers have classified supernova into one of two main types. Firstly, there are core collapse, supernovae. These occur in the explosive death of stars, far more massive than the sun. When the stars ran out of the nuclear fuel that keeps them shining the balancing act between gravity crashing a star down towards its center and nuclear energy pushing things, outwards ends and gravity wins causing the star to collapse [00:05:00] catastrophically onto itself.

Or is that into itself either way? It's what astronomers call a core collapse. Supernova. What's left behind is either a super dense core known as a neutron star or an even denser object known as a black hole by gravity. So strong, nothing, not even light can escape. The second type of supernova explosion we normally hear about, uh, what a term Thermo nuclear supernova.

These are caused by the catastrophic explosive distraction of a Stella corpse known as a white dwarf. Why dwarves are the solely cooling exposed because of sunlight stars after they've stopped nuclear fusion and lost their outer envelopes. Now, if one of these work towards is in a close binary system with a companion star, its gravitational pool can drag material off that companion slowly and gradually increasing its own mat.

F enough mass falls under the surface of a white dwarf that can trigger a sudden explosion [00:06:00] on the surface causing the white to off the bright and dramatically in an event called Nova or new star. Once the material is burned off, the white dwarf continues to drag more material off its companion star, and the process repeats itself.

However, if enough mass falls on the white two off to increase its overall master around 1.4 times out of the side, it'll trigger a far more massive explosion when powerful enough to completely do destroy the white dwarf, a Thermo nuclear supernova. It's the merging of two white doors with the right masses will also trigger a thermonuclear supernova event.

In 1980 in Eugene, the motor from the university of Tokyo predicted a third type of supernova. One. He called an electron capture supernova event. What keeps stars from collapsing under their own gravity is the enormous amounts of energy produced in their core through nuclear fusion, in an electron capture supernova.

As the core runs out of fuel gravity forces, [00:07:00] electrons in the core into their atomic nuclei, causing the static collapse in on itself. Astronomist predict an electron capture supernova could occur. If the progenitor is a super asymptomatic giant brand star around eight to 10 solar masses with an oxygen neon, a magnesium core pressure supported by electrons.

When the core becomes dense enough gravity forces the electrons into the neon, a magnesium ions, reducing the core pressure and inducing a core collapse. Supernova explosion. The supernova explosion itself appears to be weaker than usual with little radioactivity and resulting in a neutron rich core in March, 2018.

Astronomists detected a supernova. Now cataloged is S in 2018 ZD about 31 million light years away in the galaxy NGC 2146 archival images from the Hubble space telescope and from Spitzer showed a fate object that was likely the progenitor stopped before the explosion. A spectral [00:08:00] analysis of the supernova two years after the explosion using the giant 10 meter Keck telescope of Monica in Hawaii, suggest that SN 2018, Z D was the first confirmed example of an electron capture supernova.

But the spectra was only one piece of the puzzle. The authors looked through all the published data on supernova and found that well, a few had some of the indications predicted for an electron capture supernova only S in 2018, ZD all six and surely it couldn't be that unique. The discovery does, however, aluminate the mystery surrounding one of history's most famous supernova, which was observed by Chinese and Japanese astronomers in the 8, 10 50.

It was bright enough to be seen in the daytime for 23 days and at night for nearly two years after the explosion, the resulting supernova remnant today known as the crab as been studied in detail for years, years, it was [00:09:00] previously the best candidate for an electron capture supernova, but this was uncertain partially because the explosion happened nearly a thousand years ago.

The new results increase. The confidence that the historic SN 10 54 was indeed an electron capture supernova. This is spaced out. Still the cam searching for the ham of neutron stars and major setback in a ranch nuclear missile program. All that had more store to come on. Space time.

Scientists believe they can detect neutron stars through the gravitational waves they generate as they spin gravitational waves that ripples in the fabric of space time caused by moving mass. Until now they've only been [00:10:00] detected by massive collisions involving some of the dentists objects in the universe.

Things like black holes and neutron stars. However nearest research by scientists with the Australian national university center for gravitational astrophysics, as well as the LIGO and Virgo laser interferometer, gravitational wave observatories suggest that slightly regularities on the surface of fare, spinning neutron stars though only millimeters high could still be enough to generate a faint hum, which could be picked up by a gravitational wave observatory.

If successful, it would be the first detection of gravitational wave event that did involve the collision of massive objects like black holes or neutron stars. Neutron stars are the densest objects in the universe other than black holes. In fact, just a sugar cube sized piece of neutron star material would weigh more than a hundred million tons.

As we mentioned earlier in the show they created in the explosive debts of status, far more massive than the sun. When the stars ran [00:11:00] out of the nuclear fuel that keeps them shining the balancing act between gravity crushing the star down towards its center and nuclear energy pushing outwards ends and gravity wins causing the static collapse in on itself in a core collapse supernova as the mass of the entire star crushes down onto the stellar core.

The immense gravitational collapse is enough to break through. What's known as electron degeneracy. That's a quantum mechanical effect arising from the poly exclusion principle. And it prevents more than one for me on such as an electron from being in the same minimum energy level quantum state at the same time.

Instead, it allows even further collapse, crushing the negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons together to form neutrons. Hence the stars name. You can almost imagine there's little quacks changing inside Canada. Neutron stars are thought to be just a few dozen or so kilometers wide with masses containing between 1.4 and somewhere around 2.2 to 2.4 times [00:12:00] that some scientists don't really know much about it.

They are publicized to be composed of maybe a quack glue and plasma core, surrounded by a neutron proton, Fermi fluid, and electron Fermi gas, all encased in a rigid outer shell or composed of ions and electrons and the fluid in a crust of electrons, neutrons, and atomic nuclei. The magnetic poles of neutron stars generate powerful energy beams, which are thought to emanate from near their surface.

Yeah. If were rotating neutron star spin axes, isn't lined up precisely with its magnetic poles. The star produces in energy beam, which will sweep across the cosmos like a lighthouse beacon, and that neutron stars then refer to us a Pulser neutron stars with unusually strong magnetic fields are called magnetometers, and they could be the source of fast radio burst.

When they collide you try and stuff, send incredible bursts of gravitational waves across the universe. In contrast the gentle hum of a spinning neutron [00:13:00] star would be very faint, almost impossible to detect the nearest search targets. Young recently formed neutron stars, which haven't yet compacted into a perfect sphere.

And so retain some slight deformities, which should emit a strongest stream of gravitational waves. As these searches become more and more sensitive, they're providing more and more details about the possible shape and composition of neutron star. For example, are they the roundest objects in the universe?

Being able to detect a signature ham could allow scientists to pay deep into the heart of neutron stars, unlocking their secrets. Oz grav chief investigator, professor Susan Scott from the arc center of excellence for gravitational wave discovery at the Australian national university says astronomers are still trying to understand you stars, what they're made of and how many different types there are.

She says, searching for their gravitational waves and the last science, the probe nuclear matter states. It's simply can't be produced in [00:14:00] laboratories on earth.

Guest: [00:14:01] We want to go after neutron stars because they're one of the most unexplained stars in the universe at the dentist stars. And we can hope to probe a form of matter that we just can't probe either on earth in the bar trees or in any other system.

So, how are we going to do it? Well, one of the ways we want to do it is with gravitational waves, because he said it was some kind of asymmetry in a neutron star. Then that symmetry as the star rotates would produce continuous stream of gravitational waves, albeit very, very weak ones. And the way we imagine that.

I cemeteries could be produced, uh, for example, by the incredibly strong magnetic fields that new drone styles had, they're like a million billion times, the strength of the magnetic field on earth. And for instance, if they're in a binary system, then the magnetic field of the neutron star can channel methods [00:15:00] that it feels from the companion to its magnetic tolls, creating a kind of mini mouse.

At each pole and these mini mountains, because of the incredible density, the neutron stars are sufficient to cause and not have an asymmetry for us to have a crack at detecting the continuous wide from

Stuart: [00:15:20] them can only be a few millimeters high they're they're incredibly small, but.

Guest: [00:15:27] That's right, because of the phenomenal density in neutron stars, small mouth.

And even we don't know exactly the size yet, but maybe a few millimeters or up to centimeters would be enough if we can get enough data of that particular song to eventually. A gravitational wave stream caused by that little mini mountains.

Stuart: [00:15:51] So the idea is you're gonna start listening out for this background.

Hum. I guess, because it will be happening all the time. Woodland, because there are lots of neutron stars and they're constantly [00:16:00] spinning and some of them are gonna be spinning in a way that points they're signaled towards them.

Guest: [00:16:04] That's right. And of course, with gravitational waves, we can detect them.

They'd given out sort of in a reasonably, even fashion. And then we can detect those in any case. And in fact, we go off the neutron stars that we don't know about. So we do blind searches of the sky for neutron stars. Yeah, no existing. In fact, most we believe that most of the neutron star population is not observable by electromagnetic names.

So that means we've only seen quite a small fraction of neutron stars that we believe are out there. And so gravitational waves are a very powerful tool to unlock that population because as long as they have some kind of asymmetry, then we can go up to the continuous wide.

Stuart: [00:16:49] What would it sound like? It wouldn't be the chirp, I guess

Guest: [00:16:52] like a, uh, like a hum, if anything.

And of course the difficulty here is that the strength of these waves is like, [00:17:00] uh, several orders of magnitude weaker than we get from our collisions of black holes and neutron stars, which are massive events and waves are much stronger. So obviously we haven't detected. Um, this background, hummus gravitational waves from the neutron stars in the universe as yes.

Uh, but we're inching closer and closer. And as we go, we're putting further constraints on the amount of gravitational wave emission that a neutral and stock and have them, and also on its shape. This

Stuart: [00:17:30] is really fine physics you moving into here. This is how do you tell the difference between a hum and just the normal quantum fluctuations of matter popping into and out of existence?


Guest: [00:17:45] we have, uh, we have models of the stochastic background of gravitational waves as well. And that's another target that we're going off to. So we have different ways of searching for them. Different types [00:18:00] of welding background, because I mean the neutral and style ones we resolved in the sense that we have the record searches for say supernova, remnant that we hope to stablish a signal from, you know, from a new label.

Neutron star that has a kind of asymmetry frozen into it. So we, we do go after particular targets as well. But as I said before, we also go after the, we have blind searches for particular neutron styles throughout the, the universe that we haven't

Stuart: [00:18:32] observed us yet, there are what set profiles. You, you sort of think this is what it should be like.

So let's look for this.

Guest: [00:18:39] Yes. We have certain search methods with use templates. Yeah, and we can cover the whole sky effectively. We need to search particular frequency and what we call spin down, which is the rate at which the spin of the neutron star is slowing. We need to put those into. To [00:19:00] capture the possible behavior of any given neutron stars that are

Stuart: [00:19:04] out there.

So like you'd probably be able to pick up the glitch in the neutron star as well, if a word, a glitch and cool. Yes.

Guest: [00:19:10] And that is something that we do go after, because a glitchy is something that's going to tell us a lot about the makeup of a neutron star. You know, how the super fluid interior interacts with the crop.

Sort of crux to the neutral and star and the immense food off of strain and the very strong magnetic field. This is eventually going to cause things to happen quite on the, on the star and called bitches. And by observing these in both electromagnetic and gravitational waves, initially, it's going to tell us a lot more about the makeup of these neutral installs.

Stuart: [00:19:43] That's really the thing, isn't it. We know, certainly we sort of know where they come from. We know how neutron stars are made, but what we don't understand. Is what they actually form into what the structure of a neutron stories, what happens with quacks at those [00:20:00] sort of pressures and timbers? Yes,

Guest: [00:20:01] that's right.

Well, this is all about finding out about the equation of. Of neutron stars, the relationship between the energy pressure and temperature within those stars. And that will tell us a lot of information about what's possible at these very screams sites of Matha. And tell us about this from forth. And we need to understand a lot more about their composition to unlock many of these big questions that we still

Stuart: [00:20:30] have.

Defining line between where a neutron star ends and we're a black hole begins like there is with the change of sake, our limit, for example, between a normal star and a neutron star, or do you think it's more fuzzy than that? Well,

Guest: [00:20:45] it is a little bit fuzzy. I think what's going to become clearer with time is that there's a defined.

Range from neutron star. And that we're really trying to probe with our gravitational wave observations. And we are doing that. We are finding some logos through [00:21:00] solar methods. I think what's a lot more fuzzy. You want masses of black holes are going to be permissible in that we have observations of black holes down to about five solar masses, but we're starting to find things without gravitational wave observations, using no LIGO and Virgo, which are putting objects in this.

Range between two and five solar masses. And of course, you know, there are ideas about producing. Uh, black poles, it's much smaller masses, you know, as sort of primordial black holes and things like that, but this is still something very much to be explored. So I think the actual mass range of black holes is a lot more fuzzy that, uh, eventually what's going to be the case for neutron stars,

Stuart: [00:21:44] fascinating area.

Isn't it. The more we learn, the more we realize that we don't. That's

Guest: [00:21:49] exactly right. And at the moment in astronomy, generally, it's a ton of explosion in that we are opening up possibilities to answer so many [00:22:00] questions that have been very long standing to detection of gravitational waves, just in the last five or six years.

It's opened a whole new window, but there are also other for me, experiments out there studying neutral and solace and other phenomena that we want to know. More about like dark matter and dark energy

Stuart: [00:22:16] and so on. We're all interconnected because we that's still not covered in standard cosmology. That's right.

Guest: [00:22:23] And that's another very open question that a lot of work is going on at the moment and things like how rapidly is. Banding and things like that, but we are really making progress on a lot of these fronts. And so I think it's one of the most exciting periods in astronomy. In modern

Stuart: [00:22:40] times. It's professor Susan Scott from the Australian research council center of excellence for gravitational wave discovery at the Australian national university.

And this is space time, still the come a major setback for Iran's nuclear missile program. And later in the science report, confirmation of a link [00:23:00] between and vaccines and rare instances of heart inflammation, or that are more store to card. Um, space time,

use satellite imagery suggests Iran's preparing for another missile test following a launch failure back on June the 12th. The June 12th launch from the eman Khamenei missile test center in SIM Nan province was detected by us space, command satellites, Pentagon spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Uriah Orlin says US-based command doesn't yet know why the launch was unsuccessful or at what stage the missile failed.

Satellite images taken by planet labs in the 19th and 20th of June. Show new fuel tanks and support vehicles appearing to be ready for another missile launch at 10. The top [00:24:00] secret company lawn site is located 320 kilometers east of Tehran. The failed launch attempt was the fourth consecutive failure of the CMO ballistic missile.

The pedagogue views, the similar as a key element in the Islamic Republic's efforts to build a long range, nuclear capable, ballistic missile, Tay rants announced three so-called space launches this year using it similar launch vehicle. With so many scientists and engineers defecting from Tehran, the west is learning more and more about Iran's missile program every day.

The Simoa meaning Felix in Persian is based on the earliest Safier or ambassador missile. Also known as a fair to the s'more is 26 and a half meters tall with a launch massive 87 times. It uses a 2.4 meter diameter, north Korean Tabert arm to ballistic missile as its first day. This combines for synchronized Soviet union eras, Scott SS, one [00:25:00] Egyptian scarred B or Chinese Scud, C missile, rocket motors fed by four separate turbo pumps delivering around 82,000 pounds of thrust.

These are supported by a set of four Vernier engines, sharing a single turbo pump, which are used for attitude control and provide an additional 31,000 pounds of thrust. The north Korean horror song seven or nerd on one muscle is used as a similar second stage. It is a diameter of one and a half meters and uses for converted Servia at union R 27.

Ballistic massage Vernier engines producing 50,000 pounds of thrust all locally built engines based on a Gypson scarred B or Chinese Scud, sea rocket murder part. Both the first and second stage engines are powered by unsymmetrical die. Methyl, hydrazine, fuel, and nitrogen tetroxide oxidized. Tehran also uses the same note on one missile for ichihashi three medium range ballistic missile, which is [00:26:00] designed to hit targets in Eastern Europe, Israel, and Egypt, and which can be fitted with other a single 1200 kilogram conventional or theoretically nuclear warhead, or alternatively, a cluster of five marble, independently, targeted warheads or murders.

The international atomic energy agency says the Islamic Republic has also been exploring various fusing, arming and firing systems to make its missiles more capable of readily delivering nuclear warheads, Taran and Pyongyang have been running parallel nuclear weapons delivery system programs, both under the cover of being space program.

North Korea ended its pretensive a space program. As soon as it's long range Intercontinental ballistic missile program was capable of carrying an atomic warhead. Iran's expected to do exactly the same thing. Once it achieves paradise. These latest developments come after the Islamic Republic suspended inspections by the United nations nuclear weapons [00:27:00] inspectors at several key sites and accelerated its nuclear enrichment program.

Both in violation of Tehran 2015, Vienna nuclear non-proliferation. The international atomic energy agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog is a special interest that in three sites where recent undeclared nuclear activity was being undertaken and a fourth site where a uranium metal disk designed for use in a nuclear weapon to being stored producing or acquiring plutonium or uranium metals, or their alloys is another violation of the 2015 Vienna nuclear deal agreed to buy Tehran.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic, stockpile of enriched uranium now stands at well over 3,241 kilograms. It's more than 16 times the limit laid down under the 2015 deal. Iran's also continuing to accelerate its nuclear activities. Starting up new cascades of advanced  centrifuges. That's allowing Tehran to [00:28:00] dramatically increase its production rate of enriched uranium.

The centrifuges enriched uranium by rapidly spinning uranium hexafluoride gas separating out the fissile uranium 2 35 from the non-fossil uranium, 2 38 earlier this year, both German and Swedish intelligence agencies issued warnings about growing efforts by Tehran to obtain nuclear weapons technology.

The German intelligence agency also warned that over a thousand known members of the Uranian sponsored Hezbollah terrorist group. We're now operating in Germany. Meanwhile, as for Tehran itself, the oil rich nation insists its nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful power generation purposes. Only this space time.

[00:29:00] And Tom to take a brief look at some of the other stories, making, using science this way with the science report and you study firmed, a link between MRI and a COVID-19 vaccines and rare instances of heart inflammation. The findings by the centers for disease control and prevention advisory committee on immunization practices are reported in the journal of the American medical association.

The first reports of myocarditis and pericarditis from MRMA vaccines emerged in Israel in January and were quickly followed by similar reports from the United States. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, or pericarditis is an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart muscle. In both cases, the condition up until now has usually been mild and responds well to a course of treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.

Interestingly most cases so far have involved males under the age of 30, the CDC immunization safety office as reported [00:30:00] 1,226 cases of myocarditus with 827 or 67.5% reported a week or two after the second dose of either the Medina or Pfizer vaccine with chest pain, shortness of breath and difficulty sleeping, being the most common symptom.

Of those identified after a second dose 563 followed the Pfizer vaccine series in turtle that's approximately 12.6 heart inflammation cases per million doses administered in the United States among the 1,226 patients 484 were under the age of 29. And roughly two thirds were made. The CDC says, patients who do develop heart inflammation after the first dose of MRI and a vaccine should wait until the inflammation heals before getting a second dose.

And of course they should be consulting their doctors, the world health organization, estimates more than 8 million people have been killed by the COVID-19 Corona virus [00:31:00] with over 4 million confirmed fatalities at over 184 million people infected since the deadly disease spread out a hand, China. And you study has found that common artificial sweeteners in caused previously healthy gut bacteria to become diseased and invade the gut wall, potentially leading to serious health issues.

The findings reported in the international journal of molecular sciences, looked at the effects of some of the most widely used artificial sweeteners on two types of gut bacteria. Previous studies had shown that artificial sweeteners can change the number and type of bacteria in the gut. But this new research shows that sweeteners can also make bacteria pathogenic and that these pathogenic bacteria can attach themselves to invade and kill epithelial cells, which lie in the intestinal wall.

Science has found that a concentration equivalent to just two cans of diet soda significantly increase the adhesion of bacteria to intestinal cells and [00:32:00] differentially increase. The formation of biofilms and new study says dinosaurs were already in the client for at least 10 million years before the asteroid impact, which caused the KT boundary mass extinction event 66 million years ago.

A report in the journal nature, communications claims paleontologist analyze 1600 dinosaur fossils from six different dinosaur families, including in Kyla sores, Sarah tope, scions hadrosaurs Drummy sores, TruDenta Donta, sows, and tyrannosaurs. The research suggests that non avian dinosaurs started to decline around 76 million years ago by failing to adapt to changing conditions.

As the global climate began cooling in the late Cretaceous. They also suggest that many species of herbivorous dinosaurs were being out competed by hadrosaurs further contributing to that a Cline. Well, if you're listening to us from Western Canada, you probably already know that it's been hot [00:33:00] out there.

Western Canada has been undergoing record breaking heat waves with some of the highest temperatures ever recorded in that part of the world. The village of Linton and British Columbia has made world headlines repeatedly breaking Canada's record for an old time. High temperature eventually picking at 49.6 degrees Celsius.

That's 121 degrees Fahrenheit on the old scale recorded on June the 29th and rhyming Canada issued alerts for British Columbia, Alberta, and parts of Saskatchewan, Manitoba Yukon, and the Northwest territories. Warning of prolonged, dangerous and historic heatwave wave conditions. And Canada wasn't alone with temperatures soaring across Oregon, where Portland hit 44.4 degrees Celsius.

That's 112 Fahrenheit on the old scale. And in Washington state where Seattle hit temperatures, afforded degrees Celsius, 104 degrees Fahrenheit. The scorching heat dam was blamed on a high pressure Ridge trapping, warm air in the region. [00:34:00] Meteorologists say because of climate change, these records setting temperatures are becoming more and more frequent.

Globally the decade of 2019 was the hottest on record with the five hottest years on record. All having occurred within the last five years, a well known psychic is one of the modern day secrets of clairvoyancy out of the bag. It seems if they can, fortune tellers will Google you first before giving you a reader.

Hey, men, them from Australian skeptic says, if you want to have a bit of fun, then you're going to psychical fortune teller. Don't let them know who you are. Absolutely.

Tim Mendham: [00:34:36] Yeah. They, they Google you. They Facebook, you, they do all sorts of things. It's a story that came out of him in the news website with a suggestion that the things you've gotta be careful of when visiting a psychic.

And, but this is written by a psychic. Um, so yeah. It's interesting that one psychic dubbing in other psychics, in a way, if you find out for an appointment and you give you a real name or especially if you are [00:35:00] recommended by an existing client of the psychic, the psychic is quite possibly, certainly as the opportunity to do some internet research on you and find out your personal preferences and things that have happened in your life, et cetera.

Right? If you don't make an appointment with a psyche, give a different name for a start and then they'll have trouble. But I was involved on the peripheral level with a case recently of a woman who was really upset and convinced that a psychic knew all about her and knew all these intimate information that she couldn't possibly have known otherwise.

And he had this information with seven fountains, Allentown silence, and I went onto their Facebook page and found that a minute  was claiming

Stuart: [00:35:39] it was all there. It was all

Tim Mendham: [00:35:41] day on their own Facebook. He didn't even have to go further than that. And I pointed this out. I said, oh, how did they know? You know, he had an interest in you and bikes and he died in this particular way.

And I said, look, all these monkeys

Guest: [00:35:53] funeral,

Tim Mendham: [00:35:53] right? You think you'd have an interest in bikes, a whole range of things like that. That was so easily found. Who were talking [00:36:00] about it, the concern hadn't even bothered, but the psychic would, and I would sort of suggest that if you go see a psychic and you don't want to be Googled to

Stuart: [00:36:07] give a different name, I would actually see just, you don't waste your money on a psychic for fun.

Tim Mendham: [00:36:11] It's not a big issue. You're probably paying twice the amount of money you would go see a movie and, you know, and you could easily say, yeah, thank I see a heavy approximately because it's full of. Yeah, it's supposed to be, it's either see the psychics in the same way. That's a bit of fun, but don't take their prognostications seriously.

And certainly don't trust them to say I saw this in the spirits when they could easily have found that on Google or, or what the big issue is when one customer recommends the psychic to another person who then phones up and the psychic often pumps the first customer for information on there. And that happens quite a lot.

Oh yeah. Tell them about them. What's the problem, you know, like actually give all the information,

Stuart: [00:36:50] look at them with your one and go when guardian levy,

Tim Mendham: [00:36:55] I think it would be just as

Stuart: [00:36:56] effective. From Australian [00:37:00] skeptics.

And that's the show for now? Space-time is available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through apple podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, Google podcast, pocket casts, Spotify, a cast, Amazon music bites.com SoundCloud YouTube favorite podcasts download provider and from space-time with Stewart, gary.com space times also broadcast through the national science foundation on science own radio and on both iHeart, radio and tune in.

And you can help to support our show by visiting the space time store for a range of promotional merchandising goodies, or by becoming a space-time patron, which gives you access to the triple episode, commercial free versions of the show, as well as lots of Burness audio [00:38:00] content, which doesn't go to where access to our exclusive Facebook group and other rewards.

Just go to space time with Stuart, gary.com for full details. And if you want more space time, please check out our blog where you'll find all the stuff we couldn't fit in the show, as well as heaps of images, new stories, loads, videos, and things on the web. I find interesting or amusing, just go to space-time with Stuart, gary.tumbler.com.

That's all one word and that's tumbler without the. You can also follow us through at Stuart Gary on Twitter at space-time with steward Gary on Instagram, through us space-time YouTube channel and on Facebook, just go to facebook.com forward slash space time with Stewart. And space-time is brought to you in collaboration with Australian sky and telescope magazine.

Your window on the universe. You've been listening to space-time with Stuart Gary. This has been another quality podcast production from bitesz.com

Tim Mendham Profile Photo

Tim Mendham


Editor with Australian Skeptics