S27E24: The Milky Way's Rugby Ball: Sagittarius A* Spins SpaceTime

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 24
*Warping SpaceTime: The Fast-Spinning Black Hole at the Milky Way's Heart
NASA's Chandra X-ray Space Telescope and the Very Large Array have observed the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* at our galaxy's center, spinning at a velocity that distorts the fabric of space itself. This fascinating discovery offers new insights into the behavior of these cosmic giants and the potential future dynamics of our Milky Way.
*Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough: A Step Closer to Unlimited Clean Energy
The Joint European Torus (JET) has set a new world record for nuclear fusion power output, achieving a significant milestone in the quest for a clean and inexhaustible energy source. This success marks a pivotal moment in the development of fusion as a practical alternative to fossil fuels.
*Australia's Arnhem Space Centre Unveils New Assembly Building Designs
Equatorial Launch Australia reveals the final designs for the horizontal vehicle integration facility at the Arnhemland Space Centre. Tailored to accommodate a variety of rockets, the state-of-the-art buildings will play a pivotal role in the nation's burgeoning space industry.
*NASA's Lunar Navigation Breakthrough
The upcoming Odysseus lunar lander mission will test a revolutionary autonomous navigation system, potentially transforming how we explore the Moon's surface and beyond. This new technology promises to enhance the precision of lunar missions and support a sustainable presence on the Moon.
Join us on SpaceTime as we delve into these cosmic developments and more, navigating the vast expanse of our universe's mysteries.
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