April 5, 2018

106 Fierce C-Suite Competitors Now Collaborate: Paula Brown Stafford and Lisa T Grimes Lift Other Women In Business

106 Fierce C-Suite Competitors Now Collaborate: Paula Brown Stafford and Lisa T Grimes Lift Other Women In Business

Paula Brown Stafford and Lisa T Grimes spent their 25+ years in the C-Suite as wary competitors innovating in biotech. Now they are partners, paying it forward for women in business coming up, with a new management consultancy called Habergeon and as...

Paula Brown Stafford and Lisa T Grimes spent their 25+ years in the C-Suite as wary competitors innovating in biotech. Now they are partners, paying it forward for women in business coming up, with a new management consultancy called Habergeon and as co-authors of the new book, Remember who YOU are: Achieve Success, Create Balance, Experience Fulfillment.