Sports Episodes

Aug. 7, 2021

Molson Coors Kicked Us All In The Nuts

Molson Coors announced the discontinuation of eleven of their beer products, some of which are classics and American favorites. We do not approve...
July 29, 2021

Around The Sports 7/28/21 - Joey Gallo Trade |Olympics | Simone Biles | Psychedelic Mushrooms | NFL Postseason Award Predictions

Colby and Timm discuss the 'Joey Gallo to the Yankees' trade and the current state of the Olympics. Are they outdated? Old-fashioned? They also discuss the current Simone Biles situation; is she a quitter? Where can you...
July 26, 2021

Around The Sports | Testing Timm's Gag Reflex | Laugh Like Griggs

Texas and Oklahoma want to leave the Big 12 for the SEC, NBA Finals talk, including is Chris Paul really that great? Eli Manning and Peyton Manning agree to be on an alternate Monday Night Football broadcast on ESPN2, YOU can learn to laugh...
July 9, 2021

Show Open and Around The Sports - NHL/NBA Playoff Talk | ESPN Chick Drama!

Colby, Lance, & Timm discuss the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, the NBA Finals, and some CHICK DRAMA that's happening over at the four-letter network, ESPN. Make sure to check out more content at! Brought...
July 1, 2021

Around The Sports and Show Open 6/30/21

NBA Playoff talk - Is Kawhi Leonard a legit No. 1 for any team? | Why does Timm love the Habs? | Will JKidd and the new Mavs regime work? | Is the WNBA real basketball? Presented by - America's Favorite Nighttime...
June 27, 2021

Colby Sapp's World Famous News & Notes Of The Weird!

Colby Sapp's World Famous News & Notes Of The Weird!
June 25, 2021

Would You Rather? - Drunk Sports Hypotheticals

Would You Rather? - Drunk Sports Hypotheticals
June 25, 2021

Show Intro And Around The Sports - NBA Playoffs Argument! 6/23/21

Show Intro And Around The Sports - NBA Playoffs Argument! 6/23/21
June 18, 2021

Around The Sports 6/16/21

Colby, Lance, and Timm discuss the current sports happenings, including NHL and NBA playoffs, changes within the Dallas Mavericks organization, and Charles Barkley leaving TNT. Lance has an EPIC rant about Barkley and "cancel...
June 13, 2021

Which Four Jerseys Would You Have?

Your spouse or significant other allows you only four. To display. In your home. Which four athletes would you choose to represent your sports fandom in your home? Autographed and tastefully framed for prominent display.
June 4, 2021

An Amazing Inheritance Story

The story of how a man secretly planned for his family's future after his death.