July 16, 2022

Deb Mille' (Infinity)

Deb Mille' (Infinity)

Jester's Class of 2022 Section Hikers

After listening this week to Jester's newest member of her Class of 2022 Section Hikers you are going to be inspired to start planning your next section hike A.S.A.P. Deb Mille' has survived Lung Cancer, only has 80% of her lung capacity, and if that's not enough she just recently had her big toes on both feet fused. Deb also lives in the reality that we are not guaranteed tomorrow, so start hiking!

Thanks for listening and Happy Section Hiking!

Jester's Class of 2022 Section Hikers - Playlist:

Connect with Deb Mille':
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infinityhiking/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ6m8EPDVtrqJI0j5LiMJYw

Trail Journals: https://trailjournals.com/infinity2022

Connect with Julie "Jester" Gayheart:
Email: jester@jestersectionhiker.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jestersectionhiker/

Gear Lists & More: https://solo.to/jestersectionhiker

Music for the Podcast provided by:
The Okee Dokee Brothers - "Through The Woods"