
March 24, 2023

Why I've Been Gone (This Time) - TMLL 147

After another unexpected and seemingly unforced hiatus, I'm back. This week, I will detail how my current bout with severe depression took me off my game months ago and how I had to evaluate the situation to improve. I'm on the path to doing 'better'...
Feb. 10, 2023

Why Your Favorite Self Help Book Sucks (And What To Do About It) TMLL 146

Inspired by a recent video produced by Mark Manson (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck), I explain why personal and development is flush with books on the subject that are all recycled ideas, why we worship these books, and what you need to start...
Feb. 3, 2023

How To Gauge Who You Should Spend Time (And Why Some May Be Avoiding You) (TMLL 145)

There is a universal belief in personal development that you should limit your time spent with the 'wrong' people. This episode will help you gauge who those people are and if you could be one of those people.
Dec. 30, 2022

The Last Goal-Setting Solution You Will Ever Need To Learn (TMLL 144)

I have used this five-point plan to set goals for over a decade, and I want to take this week's podcast time to share it with you: -Take a calendar, and make a realistic sketch of your available free time and when it exists. -Download all your hopes...
Dec. 23, 2022

A Christmas Message You Are Not Going To Believer (But Will Love & Follow) (TMLL143)

There is pressure for good tidings and cheer to be the familiar feeling for all during the Christmas season. The reality is many are not feeling all that jolly. Some, in fact, are feeling a good level of pain right now. Guess what? That is valid, but...
Dec. 16, 2022

You May Be One Book Away From A Breakthrough (TMLL 142)

It is cliché in the world of personal develop that books are important to growth. This episode will go over some of the benefits of reading and offers some suggestions to where you can find your books. If you are interested in the Blinkist app,...
Dec. 9, 2022

The More You Want To Do A Thing, The Less Time You Can Spend Doing Other Things (TMLL 141)

This message is another way to state, ‘guard your free time wisely.’ It sounds like simple advice you’ve heard far too often, but give it a listen anyway.
Dec. 2, 2022

Most Of The Feedback You Will Receive Is Bad (TMLL 140)

Getting feedback is excellent. But the feedback you are getting is probably not very. Here is what you do to manage all the feedback you receive, for good or for ill.
Nov. 24, 2022

Not Knowing “The Right Way” Is An Asset (TMLL 139)

Learning skills when you are unsure of the ‘proper’ steps to follow is an asset since you don’t know what you don’t know, and you don’t fear doing the things that others have cast off as the wrong things to do.
Nov. 17, 2022

Money Is Not The Fix To Every Problem, But Money Will Fix A Lot Of Problems (TMLL 138)

We as humans deal with too many daily issues that can not be simply resolved by throwing wads of cash at them. And then there are issues when throwing cash at them is the exact fix needed.
Oct. 6, 2022

Start With An Open Mind, Be Willing To Close It Shut If Necessary (TMLL 137)

Every new person you meet is has lived a story they probably would like to tell, so be open at the beginning of the new possible relationship. But just like a terrible book or a boring streaming TV series, you are free to walk away if it is not working.
Sept. 25, 2022

How To Keep Motivated When The Motivation Is Just Not There (TMLL 135)

You will spend more hours in your lifetime not wanting to complete tasks then you will energized to get things done. What do you do to will yourself to a motivated state when you just don't have the energy to be motivated.
Dec. 3, 2021

Personal Development Is Looking To The Future (TMLL 134)

The point of personal development is to bulid yourself for a possible future. That means looking towards a possible future you and asking the right questions to get you as close to there as possible.
Nov. 26, 2021

Five Tips For Managing Family Gathering (TMLL 133)

Just in time for all the gatherings of families and friends for the holiday season, here are five tips for managing yourself to help survive those gatherings.
Nov. 20, 2021

Taking The Path Of Least Resistance On Purpose (TMLL 132)

There will be plenty of hard choices to make and hard times to live through that will need you to be a hard charger. But if not, you don’t always have to be.
Nov. 13, 2021

On Will Smith & Working To Many Projects (TMLL 131)

Will Smith is a very entertaining person becoming more polarizing as he shares more personal life details. It was two competing personal projects that led to a public proclamation, a very profound one that you may have heard before but may get a boost...
Aug. 27, 2021

Being Boring On Purpose (TMLL 130)

I describe myself as ‘boring on purpose.’ I do not believe I am a boring person, and I am rarely in a situation where I am bored. But I will choose a dull and eventful day that ends in peace over a day of excitement that comes with unnecessary drama.
Aug. 20, 2021

Fundamentals Of Quitting (TMLL 129)

You come to the point where you are asking yourself, “Is it time to quit?” You probably already know the answer t that question, but this episode will help you come to terms with whatever the ultimate answer turns out to be.
Aug. 13, 2021

We Can All Be Coaches (TMLL 128)

All you need is a little knowledge, a person to coach, and a synced schedule, and you have as much right to call yourself a coach as anyone else, including me.
Aug. 6, 2021

‘Six Degrees Of Separation’ Is Real, And You Can Use The Concept To Your Advantage (TMLL 127)

Per Wikipedia, ‘Six Degrees of Separation’ is the idea that all people on average are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. It seems impossible but real (mostly), and you can and should use this to your advantage.
July 30, 2021

Clear The Clutter (TMLL 126)

It is great to revisit the best advice you receive, and some of the best advice I have ever received has dealt with clutter, sometimes physical, sometimes mental, and more often than not, a combination of both. And the advice? Clear the clutter.
July 22, 2021

Beef Up Your Reading Habits (TMLL 125)

Leader are readers. Readers are leaders. How ever you have heard it, those three words ring true. If you want to prove your agility to lead, you have to be read up. And not just with traditionally bound books.
July 16, 2021

Know Who Are You Going To Take It From (TMLL 124)

If you claim to want to reach some elite goal, you have to be ready to take out someone who is already in range to achieve the same goal.