Aug. 3, 2019

The Wrap-Up Show For 8/3/2019

The Wrap-Up Show For 8/3/2019

Headlines on the Dallas Cowboys being accused of a police cover-up to keep Ezekiel Elliott eligible to play, Hong Kong protesters disrupt rush hour trains and commuters not seeming to mind, and a jury finding Katy Perry copied a gospel rap song for...

Headlines on the Dallas Cowboys being accused of a police cover-up to keep Ezekiel Elliott eligible to play, Hong Kong protesters disrupt rush hour trains and commuters not seeming to mind, and a jury finding Katy Perry copied a gospel rap song for 'Darl Horse' hook did not make the top ten this week per your interaction with our social media. Find out what stories did make the list for The Wrap-Up Show for the week ending 8/3/2019.