Larry Anderson

Larry Anderson is the author of the definitive biography of Benton MacKaye: Benton MacKaye: Conservationist, Planner, and Creator of the Appalachian Trail (2002). He also wrote a collection of essays, Peculiar Work: Writing about Benton MacKaye, Conservation, Community (2012). In his interview, Anderson described spending 18 years researching the life of MacKaye, mostly in the MacKaye papers at the Dartmouth College Library, and of the complexities of writing about a man who lived more than 90 years and worked in so many varied agencies and with so many different organizations.

Oct. 6, 2021

Founding the Trail

Benton MacKaye dreamed up the Appalachian Trail, and Myron Avery turned that dream into a 2,000-mile trail. Their competing visions of what kind of trail the AT should be continue to be at the heart of discussions about the trail today.