Beau Robbins

Beau Robbins Profile Photo

Historical Interpreter

Beau Robbins is an historical interpreter, speaker, consultant and model for historical artists. He is also an historical tailor and mantua maker, bringing to life fashions of the past for other interpreters and museums, specializing in the 18-19th centuries. He has performed at historical sites and events throughout the US including national and state parks, as well as private venues and film. Through specialized programming, valuable and informative content can be brought to your classroom, event, symposium or meeting.

Dec. 18, 2024

Episode 12: The Conspiracy

In the wake of the Stamp Act Crisis, the British chart a new course for empire in North America by imposing taxes on paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea, pitting British Americans against Parliament…and each other.
Sept. 13, 2024

Episode 10: The Stamp

In the mid-1760s, British fears that a new war with France was only a matter of time leads King George III and his ministers to draw up plans for a permanent army in North America, and a Stamp Tax on the colonies to pay for it, sparking massive...
July 27, 2024

Episode 9: The Sugar

In the 1760s, Jamaica and the islands of the British Caribbean were the crown jewels of Britain's American Empire. And as King George III's ministers searched for solutions to a vexing imperial puzzle and moved to a counter pernicious threat in the...
May 2, 2024

Episode 7: The Divide

With a blueprint in place for transforming British America into an empire of order, George III's government begins sending an army of cartographers to map North America, while diplomats in the colonies open negotiations with native nations to draw a...
March 23, 2024

Episode 6: The Proclamation

Against the backdrop of Pontiac's War in North America, George III's ministers in London draw on lessons learned in colonial Nova Scotia to begin drafting a blueprint for transforming British America into an empire of order. Featuring: Fred Anderson,...