April 1, 2021

Thu. 04/01 - Slamilton: A Basketball Musical

Could humans evolve to be venomous? The man currently walking from Washington D.C. to New York City and tweeting all the way. The Hamilton/Space Jam mashup you never knew you needed. A brief roundup of corporate April Fools’ Day pranks we definitely didn’t need. And Chipotle is running a burritos and bitcoin contest that is miraculously not an April Fools’ Day prank. I think.

Could humans evolve to be venomous? The man currently walking from Washington D.C. to New York City and tweeting all the way. The Hamilton/Space Jam mashup you never knew you needed. A brief roundup of corporate April Fools’ Day pranks we definitely didn’t need. And Chipotle is running a burritos and bitcoin contest that is miraculously not an April Fools’ Day prank. I think.

