April 11, 2020

(Bonus) Tech Giant Psychoanalysis With Alex Kantrowitz

I couldn’t tell you the amount of times, over the last two years, I’ve quoted pieces from Alex Kantrowitz on this show. Hundreds of times? Easy? Alex is the senior tech reporter at Buzzfeed News, and, while I don’t have favorite people to quote from on this show (I shouldn’t anyway) the sheer number of times I quote from someone should tell you something about the amount of news they break. The insights they have. Alex has an amazing new book out called Always Day One- How the Tech Titans Plan to Stay On Top Forever. And as I said yesterday, it’s an amazing breakdown of not only the cultural DNA of each of the tech giants, but also a useful playbook to their success… a way to understand how they do what they do and why they win more often than not. Amazing book. Anyone who listens to this show every day will find it useful in informing the competitive analysis we always engage in.



Buy the book here! Always Day One - How the Tech Titans Plan to Stay On Top Forever

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Alex Kantrowitz Profile Photo

Alex Kantrowitz


Alex Kantrowitz is the founder of Big Technology, a newsletter and podcast about Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

His first book ALWAYS DAY ONE: How The Tech Titans Plan To Stay On Top Forever debuted in April 2020. His work has been referenced by dozens of major publications, from The New Yorker to The Wall Street Journal to Sports Illustrated.

Kantrowitz is a graduate of Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations.