Oct. 5, 2019

(Bonus) Waymo's Head of Hardware, Satish Jeyachandran

Satish Jeyachandran is the Head of Hardware at Waymo. Before that he lead the self-driving team at Tesla, so he was in charge of the Autopilot team, and his job change lead to headlines at the time. Today Satish gives us a history lesson on Waymo, tells us what the future holds for self-driving tech generally, and most importantly for me, answers a question I’ve always wondered. Why go for full autonomy? If you can give me the ability to let the car drive itself on highways, why not give me that now? Why try to solve the full 99.99% of the problem? It turns out, that Waymo learned you can’t do half measures. You have to do full autonomy or you do nothing. Very interesting conversation.

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Satish Jeyachandran


Satish Jeyachandran is the Head of Hardware at Waymo. Satish was previously Director of Hardware Engineering at Tesla.