May 10, 2019

Fri. 05/10 - The Uber IPO

Uber’s big IPO had some issues, smartphone shipments are at a 5 year low, do you need an app for unsubscribing to things and of course, the weekend longreads suggestions. Sponsors: Links: Uber Jackpot: Inside One of the Greatest Startup Investments of All Time (WSJ) Americans Have So Many Subscriptions They Need Apps to Track and Cancel Them (Bloomberg) Blue Origin: Bezos company aims to take people to moon by 2024 (The Guardian) Weekend Longreads Suggestions: How Much Is an Idea Worth? In Uber’s Case, $3.7 Billion (Bloomberg) The VC Who Engineered the 2017 Uber CEO Coup Just Got Very Rich (Bloomberg) The dangers of in-game data collection (Polygon) How Unions Are Pushing Back Against the Rise of Workplace Technology (Fortune) Three years in, Google’s hardware honcho is just getting started (FastCompany)

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