April 6, 2018

Friday, Apr. 6, 2018 - Facebook Labels Political Ads

Facebook labels political ads, cryptocurrencies might run afoul of GDPR, SpaceX can’t post videos from space, bots help you beat parking tickets, the weekend longreads and what’s the story behind Fortnite? Stories and Longreads:Lawyer bots take the hassle out of fighting parking tickets and property taxes — and could cost local governments real revenue (Recode)How Europe’s new privacy rule is reshaping the internet (The Verge)Checking in with the Facebook fact-checking partnership (Columbia Journalism Review)A 200-Year-Old Idea Offers A New Way to Trace Stolen Bitcoins (Wired)South Korean millennials are reeling from the Bitcoin bust (The Verge) Credits: Produced by @brianmcc and the @techmeme staff Music by @jpschwinghamer

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