March 29, 2021

Mon. 03/29 – Ok, Will Digital Vaccine Passports Work?

New York, Japan, China and the EU are all gonna try out digital vaccine passports. Visa is gonna try out a stablecoin to settle transactions. The official PHP Git repository was hacked. Boston Dynamics has a new robot that isn’t as scary… unless you’re a warehouse worker. And what is Amazon’s aggressive PR recently all about?

Links:New York launches nation's first 'vaccine passports.' Others are working on similar ideas, but many details must be worked out. (USAToday)Exclusive: Visa moves to allow payment settlements using cryptocurrency (Reuters)PHP's Git server hacked to add backdoors to PHP source code (BleepingComputer)Boston Dynamics unveils Stretch: a new robot designed to move boxes in warehouses (The Verge)OpenAI’s text-generating system GPT-3 is now spewing out 4.5 billion words a day (The Verge)Amazon keeps trying to troll US Congress members in perplexing new PR strategy (The Verge)Amazon Union Vote Ends as Both Sides Brace for Contentious Count (Bloomberg)Amazon started a Twitter war because Jeff Bezos was pissed (Recode)

New York, Japan, China and the EU are all gonna try out digital vaccine passports. Visa is gonna try out a stablecoin to settle transactions. The official PHP Git repository was hacked. Boston Dynamics has a new robot that isn’t as scary… unless you’re a warehouse worker. And what is Amazon’s aggressive PR recently all about?



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