Nov. 19, 2018

Mon. 11/19 - Are iPhone Sales Really Underwhelming (This Time)?

Skype calls on Amazon Echos, Tumblr disappears from iOS, Facebook on a war footing, iPhone sales storm clouds, and the Bitcoin Cash hard fork explained. Links: Skype calling now available on Alexa (The Verge) Tweet Storm on Where Tumblr's Gone (@bluechoochoo) With Facebook at ‘War,’ Zuckerberg Adopts More Aggressive Style (WSJ) Tim Cook defends multibillion-dollar Google search deal despite Apple’s privacy focus (The Verge) Apple Suppliers Suffer With Uncertainty Around iPhone Demand (WSJ) With Facebook at ‘War,’ Zuckerberg Adopts More Aggressive Style (WSJ) Bitcoin Cash Declares War: Why Coming Hard Fork Could Mean Another Split (CoinDesk) One Day After the Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork: Takeaways and Latest Developments (Bitcoin Magazine)

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