Dec. 17, 2018

Mon. 12/17 - Actually, It's Instagram That's The Problem?

Facebook got all the press but the Russians really loved Instagram to spread misinformation, more tech real estate moves, the CEO of HQ Trivia passes away, and how to break into somebody’s phone with a 3D-printed head.Sponsors:Techmeme.Robinhood.comMetalab.coLinks:Instagram Was Bigger Russian Election Tool Than Facebook, Senate Report Says (Bloomberg)Google Details Major New York Expansion (WSJ)Colin Kroll, 34, HQ Trivia and Vine Co-Founder, Is Found Dead (NYTimes)We Broke Into A Bunch Of Android Phones With A 3D-Printed Head (Forbes)Robinhood Will Retool Checking Product Following Scrutiny (Bloomberg)Apple hires designer Andrew Kim away from Tesla (The Verge)My Talk at Google (Me)

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