Oct. 3, 2018

Wed. 10/03 - Presidential Alert - No Action Is Needed

Highlights from the Microsoft Surface event, Uber launches its scooter play, streaming service fatigue might be pushing consumers back toward piracy, did you get your smartphone alert from the president, and the new app startup from a young entrepreneur by the name of Bill Gates.  Links: Microsoft has unveiled the $3,499 Surface Studio 2, its super-powerful and gorgeous new competitor to the Apple iMac (Business Insider) Facebook Hack Puts Thousands of Other Sites at Risk (NYTimes) Facebook Login Update (Facebook Newsroom) Facebook Briefs Lawmakers on Breach in Effort to Guard Against Backlash (WSJ) GM and Honda will team up to build an autonomous car (Quartz) First presidential wireless test alert will come to your phone today (Axios) The Rise of Netflix Competitors Has Pushed Consumers Back Toward Piracy (Motherboard) Recommendations startup Likewise emerges from Bill Gates’ private office, letting friends track and share their favorite things (GeekWire)

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