The key to success is... relationships! Whether it is business or love, relationships will define how well you do at either. London Reber understands relationships and shares her personal journey with addiction, starting with a childhood sugar addiction that later led to alcohol abuse. She realized she was an alcoholic at age 27 and sought recovery, which led her to become a relationship coach.
She also failed at dating... until she didn't. She discusses the importance of leading with a relationship rather than just physical intimacy when dating, and developing emotional, intellectual, and spiritual connections before getting it on. And after you've tied the knot? You need to maintain the habits and behaviors that attracted your partner in the first place, rather than sacrificing your authenticity to maintain the relationship.
London has provides tips and tricks to those who need to have a break up; offering advice on healthy ways to end relationships, including having a support system and prioritizing self-care during the breakup process.
London also knows parenting! She shared her experience of being named "Supermom 2023", which was inspired by her late sister who had Down syndrome and a heart defect, and she emphasized the importance of attachment science and attuning to each child's unique needs as a parent, rather than just following parenting "shoulds".
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