“Relentless means to be determined, to do something and refuse to give up.
Even if what you are doing is unpleasant.
Even if what you are doing is hard.
Even if what you are doing feels cruel.
To be relentless means to be simply built different
To be relentless means to be me,
Because you see, it's big fight feels every time I am in the ring.
How? You may ask.
Well, that's because I've been fighting my whole life.
Everything that I have gotten, everything that I have achieved, I had to fight for.
I didn't have coattails to ride.
I didn't have cliques that I rolled with.
I didn't have friends in high places.
Everything I have achieved has been from the ground up.
And that’s, Controlling Your Narrative.
So what's understood ain’t gotta be explained my boy, because it ain't about how long it takes you to get where you're supposed to be going.
What matters most is what you do when that opportunity presents itself and you get there.
When I shoot… I don’t miss!
See soon Cleveland, Detroit, and Milwaukee!
You’ve been warned.”

- Dontae Smiley