The Narrative:
I|I am essential.
I pledge fidelity to the destruction of my former self.
I am not my corporately mandated persona.
I am not my material possessions.
I am not reliant on authority to tell me what is right and what is wrong.
I will not let my value be based on comments, likes, or followers.
I will not seek affirmation from toxic group think.
I will not filter my authenticity of self.
I|I am essential.
I will speak my truth, through words and actions.
I will wear betrayal as a wound of battle.
I will pursue vengeance with a primitive and relentless force.
I vow to find freedom.
I vow to find purpose.
I vow to create something that will last.
I|I am essential.
I control my narrative.
Free (insert your name here)
You have been warned.