Oct. 4, 2021

SUFB 1218: Can environmental documentaries be successful for marine conservation?

SUFB 1218: Can environmental documentaries be successful for marine conservation?

Did you hear the Brittany Spears may not be under conservatorship anymore and her father was removed as the head of said conservatorship? Wait...what? You are probably wondering what Brittany Spears has to do with marine conservation. You are right,...

Did you hear the Brittany Spears may not be under conservatorship anymore and her father was removed as the head of said conservatorship? Wait...what? You are probably wondering what Brittany Spears has to do with marine conservation. You are right, it really doesn't, but the reason I know what is happening with Brittany Spears is because of a documentary on her that was centred around her conservatorship. 

Documentaries can inspire audiences to support a pop star that is going through something personal or can help shut down orca shows at SeaWorld.  They are powerful tools for storytelling that can turn the tide on many aspects of environmental conservation issues. 

In this episode, I discuss three documentaries that invoked different behavior changes, in good and not-so-good ways.

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