Nov. 21, 2016

SUFB 241: More MPAs Declared In The World

SUFB 241: More MPAs Declared In The World

Two more Marine Protected Areas were designated in the Philippines and in Canada.

Marine Protected Areas are a big tool in the Ocean Conservation toolbox because they work. It has taken some time for them to catch on, but if they are created in the right way where they bring in stakeholders at the beginning of the process and it is science based, then they can do well. These types of protected areas have been documented well in the scientific literature. 

It seems as though more and more protected areas are being designated every month. Since September, one US Marine Monument in Hawaii was expanded to 4 times its original size, another has been created in the Atlantic Ocean (the size of Connecticut), the Ross Sea has been declared an MPA, and now the Philippines and Canada declared MPAs. 

I talk about how these last 2 MPAs got designated and where each country is going with Marine Conservation in the future. 

Enjoy the podcast!