A Momma Who Is Fighting Hard For Her Babies/ Interview with Alexa Beachler

This episode is like nothing I have ever recorded before. I talk to an incredible momma Alexis. She is literally fighting for her two boys' lives. Both of her sons Taylor & Jax have a rare genetic disease called PKU. Their body cannot process protein...
This episode is like nothing I have ever recorded before. I talk to an incredible momma Alexis. She is literally fighting for her two boys' lives. Both of her sons Taylor & Jax have a rare genetic disease called PKU. Their body cannot process protein normally. They will have to eat medical food and drink medical formula for their entire life. The formula crisis has impacted Taylor's formula and now we only have less than a two week supply until we are out. With little answers from the formula makers, we are trying to navigate these choppy waters as best they can!