June 27, 2023

Bridging the Gap: Modern Thinking and Historical Accuracy in Fiction with Maccabee and Chelsea

Bridging the Gap: Modern Thinking and Historical Accuracy in Fiction with Maccabee and Chelsea
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Beyond the Pen

In This Episode...

Join Maccabee and Chelsea as they delve into the captivating world of historical fiction. Discover the significance of modern thinking and historical accuracy in crafting compelling novels that shed light on forgotten aspects of history. From the enduring presence of slavery to the confined roles of women in society, they explore how authors like Deirdre Sinnott in "The Third Mrs. Galway" strike a delicate balance between storytelling and incorporating factual elements. Learn how historical fiction serves as a gateway to understanding the past while encouraging curiosity and introspection. Tune in for an engaging discussion on the challenges and rewards of researching and writing historical fiction.

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