Feb. 28, 2023

New Horizons: A Look at Changes in Beyond the Pen

New Horizons: A Look at Changes in Beyond the Pen
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Beyond the Pen

Join us for a special episode of Beyond the Pen, where we update you on some exciting changes happening on the show. Our new format will include reading a page or two of a book and analyzing its plot, characters, and exposition, followed by some fun and creative improv.

But that's not all! We'll also have some amazing guest authors joining us, including Tom Fowler, Tonya Eberhart, and Lee Schneider, who will share their insights and experiences with writing and publishing. We'll also be joined by industry experts like Judy Baker and Jean-Paul Garnier, who will share their expertise in the publishing industry and offer some helpful tips for aspiring writers.

In addition to all this, we'll discuss some exciting writing projects we're involved in with MediaCasters, LLC., including some of the books we've been proofreading and editing. And to top it all off, we'll be attending a LIVE book fair where we'll be interviewing some of the best local authors in the area. So don't miss out on this jam-packed episode of Beyond the Pen! Join us as we delve deep into the world of writing and publishing and gain valuable insights and inspiration from our guests and industry experts.