Bone Valley

Waiting for more!

This was a good listen. The system is still in need of a lot of work. It is truly broken! I can’t even think about how many more innocent men are paying for someone else crime. Why can’t we fix how the court views new evidence!? Why is it so hard for them to grasp, a mistake was made and it needs to be corrected! What can be done to change how new evidence is processed? I don’t even understand how any of those men were convicted in the first place. AND… why is the county destroying evidence after that many years…. because someone requested it!? why aren’t they charged with obstruction? It clearly didn’t just happen randomly. I believe evidence should NEVER be destroyed. And no good attorney will wait to meet with you until your day in court. If they are truly helping you, they will meet with you, they will call you and they will give you the best option available and let you decide. It’s your life that’s on the line.

Oct. 13, 2022 by alone in the woods:) on Apple Podcasts

Bone Valley

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