Dec. 11, 2023

Building A Brand That Matters Through Networking and Your Online Reputation

Building A Brand That Matters Through Networking and Your Online Reputation
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Creative Entrepreneur Podcast


 I want to do is talk about networking these days. I know the power of networking. I think so many people get confused these days in terms of building their brand, building their business, building their podcast, selling their book by thinking that, you know what? Social media is the end all be all of all things.

I have to just say, you have to start thinking a little bit differently. I wish I knew these things now, 10 years ago, and networking looks so different right now in terms of AI. In terms of doing things on social media, social audio, how can we be authentic and create that know, like, and trust, know, like, and trust by all means is marketing one on one people have to know you like you and trust you.

And that just tells me that I need to create a space that is safe where people know me, they understand my messaging, they understand my brand. And it. All begins with our value propositions. So let's get going. Let's understand how to network in 2024. Where does this begin? Where does networking begin? Do you have to have an elevator pitch?

Elevator pitches are so cachet. They're a buzzword. You have to know exactly what you're saying so you can sell your brand, your product in three sentences. You know what I'm saying? That's all phooey. That is not how I build my empire. I build my empire by Understanding the needs of my audience, understanding their pain points, knowing how to help them and creating relationships by really listening.

Why don't people listen anymore? Why don't you listen to your audience? You can do this also through podcasting, which obviously I'm doing right now. You can share your message in so many different ways. Someone just recommended to me that I should get on Nextdoor. Next door. I was like, next door. That's the neighborhood app where we all get together and talk about suspicious characters going on in the neighborhood.

Neighborhood watch gone viral. But to be honest, next door is was an interesting proposition to build my I don't necessarily like the word pitch, but to build my online reputation with my neighbors, especially since I'm holding an event in February in the Chicago area live event. I thought, why not do this?

Why not try to build my reputation online on next door? Another amazing tip, which I have to shout out John J. Wiley is listening. Build out your brand right now. Networking your credibility on Newsbreak. Newsbreak. com. Become a contributor. It is seriously easiest thing I've ever done that gained me more visibility.

Now this isn't exactly networking. It's not networking. At the very least, but it is about building out your brand, listening to what people are saying in the comments, listening to what they're saying and understand the pulse of your audience and take that to the streets. How can you do that?

Take this to the streets. So I've already given you two amazing gems next door and news break. That's really more about publicity and building out your Online presence because, without an online presence, I was going to say. Unless you have a brick and mortar, which could be, a clothing store, it could be a sports store, it could be a restaurant, a bakery, a cafe, you still have to have an online presence because people are going to be Googling you and want to know where is that service near me.