April 18, 2022

Cultural Chameleon Episode 15 - Are We In Sri Lanka Yet?

Cultural Chameleon Episode 15 - Are We In Sri Lanka Yet?
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Cultural Chameleon Travel Podcast with Rod Desch

Travel can be vital to our ability to grow as a culture and as individuals. Rod and his guest on this episode Ian Pilbeam, a gentleman who has the profound belief that the world is our classroom, discuss his leisure travel and professional journeys, which seem to have now merged with one another. He is the author of a booked titled "Are We There Yet" which reflects on the wild ride of resigning from his corporate job and preparing for a year long journey with his wife and 2 pre-teen children around the world.

This episode focuses on Sri Lanka, a group of several island in the Indian Ocean. This country has a history of British colonization, civil war and unique landscapes. Ian touches on his round the world journeys and what sparked him to return to Sri Lanka several times.

Ian's book "Are We There Yet" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Are-There-Yet-year-long-adventure/dp/1838388206

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HereToUncertainty

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/originalfamilytrippers/

Join Rod Desch on amazing adventures bi-weekly. Travel like a #culturalchameleon.

Get in touch with Rod. Suggest a destination or pitch Rod to be his next guest on The Cultural Chameleon Podcast.


Travel Podcast | Cultural Chameleon With Rod Desch (lifeofaculturalchameleon.com)