We are going in deep today because I want every single one of you to be completely freed of any kind of stress, struggle, and pain. Money and men are the two of the biggest stories on the planet, but they’re not meant to be. As Queens, we’re not meant to dedicate our time, let alone spiritual energy, to either money or men. There isn't any spiritual scripture out there that says you are supposed to struggle chronically about finances or relationships. That’s not what you’re destiny is about!
We are going in deep today because I want every single one of you to be completely freed of any kind of stress, struggle, and pain. Money and men are the two of the biggest stories on the planet, but they’re not meant to be. As Queens, we’re not meant to dedicate our time, let alone spiritual energy, to either money or men. There isn't any spiritual scripture out there that says you are supposed to struggle chronically about finances or relationships. That’s not what you’re destiny is about!
As modern women, we get to eradicate these old ways of thinking and establish new patterns that serve our divine purpose. We are ALL God’s children and we are all meant to receive his abundance. We’re meant to receive and share all His blessings, so Queen, STOP blocking the blessings He so generously gives you.
Today I share the tactics and spiritual guidance that helped me understand that money and men won’t bring the blessings I thought they would. God is the only one who we should turn to elevate our lives and His truth should be our only source!